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Take The Quiz at The End!. Works Cited:. Automobiles of the 1950’s. Korean War Gazette. Shane Singer. Automobiles of the 1950’s. Pd. 3 American Cultures. Design and Safety of Automobiles in the 1950’s. Impact of Cars on Americans in the 1950’s.
Take The Quiz at The End! Works Cited: Automobiles of the 1950’s Korean War Gazette Shane Singer Automobiles of the 1950’s Pd. 3 American Cultures Design and Safety of Automobiles in the 1950’s Impact of Cars on Americans in the 1950’s Groundbreaking Auto-Body Developments in the 50’s Loremipsum dolor sit amettotamaspernatur fugit beataeaspernaturLoremipsum dolor sit ametundeaspernatur sit quasi magni sit sedexplicabodoloresdolores, sunt vitae voluptatemconsequunturutipsam quasi sedinventorequiaveritatisutvoluptatemdolores Loremipsum dolor sit ametdolores et aspernaturvoluptas dicta dicta, ipsamipsanemoperspiciatisunde error sedvoluptatemratione quae eaque quae quae, magnienimenimnatusperspiciatis quasi quiaquiaisteperspiciatisipsammagnivoluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo voluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo voluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo Loremipsum dolor sit amet quae quae, magnienimenimnatusperspiciatis quasi quiaquiaisteperspiciatisipsammagnivoluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo voluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo Loremipsum dolor sit amet quae quae, magnienimenimnatusperspiciatis quasi quiaquiaisteperspiciatisipsammagnivoluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo voluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo Affordability of 1950’s Automobiles Loremipsum dolor sit amettotamaspernatur fugit beataeaspernaturoditeosistenemo et et, dicta accusantiumquiadoloremquequia quae laudantiumquia error vitae qui Loremipsum dolor sit ametundeaspernatur sit quasi magni sit sedexplicabodoloresdolores, sunt vitae voluptatemconsequunturutipsam quasi sedinventorequiaveritatisutvoluptatemdolores Loremipsum dolor sit ametdolores et aspernaturvoluptas dicta dicta, ipsamipsanemoperspiciatisunde error sedvoluptatemratione quae eaque quae quae, magnienimenimnatusperspiciatis quasi quiaquiaisteperspiciatisipsammagnivoluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo
Groundbreaking Body Developments • Dramatic evolution from round and boring designs of the 40’s. • CHROME! • Disgustingly large fins. • Powerful engines. • Crappy gas mileage. • Futuristic designs (modeled after space shuttles). • Fiberglass body, light frame. • Huge tail lights. • The flashier, the better. • Oh yeah, and automatics were a thing of the future. • For more info, check out http://www.1950sautomobiles.com/
Design and Safety • 1950, first seatbelt. • 1959, seatbelt improved nearly to perfection. • Mass produced in most major cars. • What the !@#$ is an airbag? • Some safety features were in the research phase, including: • Collapsible steering columns (collapsed like a telescope in the event of a collision). • Wrap around windshields (Eliminated center dividers that created blind spots).
Impact on Americans • You are what you drive. • 4 out of 5 houses were mobile. • Pandemic of auto fever. • This was the beginning of the drive-thru. • On average, Americans traded in every two years for a new car.
Affordability • $$$, People could now easily afford to own a car. • High credit and rising incomes. • Manufactures competed to make affordable cars. • Average new car = $2,000.00 • Gallon of gas = 22 cents (HOLY $#!+). • Other stuff from the 50’s is found at http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1950s.htm
Just Some Pictures… 1959 Chevrolet Impala (below) 1958 Cadillac Series 62 Convertible (above) Video with a whole bunch of 50’s cars at : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SLiJu1sFx4&feature=related
Pop Quiz! • What were 2 of the body developments mentioned in the first slide? • What were the futuristic designs modeled after? • In what year was the first seatbelt invented? • In what year was the seat belt mass produced and installed in major car companies. • Who was the inventor who designed the new and improved seat belt? • What was one of the safety features being researched at the time? • What percentage of families owned a car by the end of the 50’s? • How often did the average family trade in for a new car? • What industry was born as a result of the automobile? • What made cars so affordable? • How much did the average car cost? • How much did a gallon of gas cost?
Works Cited • "1950s Automobiles." 1950s Automobiles. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.1950sautomobiles.com/>. • "America on the Move." National History Museum. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://americanhistory.si.edu/ONTHEMOVE/collection/object_615.html>. • http://ultimateperformancecar.com/BlogImages/57Chevy2.jpg • http://uk2.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/mooooney.jpg • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3256/3104732349_c75e234468.jpg • http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gbZ6Oe6SVvQ/SuSMBEd2oXI/AAAAAAAAAIU/8KC03_KNixo/s400/13impala.jpg • "The 1950's Dream Machines - Automobiles in the 50's -." Associated Content - associatedcontent.com. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/450571/the_1950s_dream_machines_automobiles.html?cat=27>. • "Car Safety History: Air Bags To ABS." The Car Guy. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.thecarguy.com/articles/airbags.htm>. • Google Images. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3069/2931908144_65e7ee487d.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickr.com/photos/trancefield/2931908144/&usg=__SZ5S6cHhV->. • "Seat Belt History." HubPages. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://hubpages.com/hub/Seat-Belt-History>. • "YouTube - Back to the 50's Car Show 2008. St. Paul, Minnesota." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SLiJu1sFx4&feature=related>.