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In The Event of War. Korean War Gazette. Final Edition. January 14, 1951. Volume 5, Number 1. Where to Hide. Duck and Cover. Defending Our Nation.
In The Event of War Korean War Gazette Final Edition January 14, 1951 Volume 5, Number 1 Where to Hide Duck and Cover Defending Our Nation Loremipsum dolor sit amettotamaspernatur fugit beataeaspernaturoditeosistenemo et et, dicta accusantiumquiadoloremquequia quae laudantiumquia error vitae qui Loremipsum dolor sit ametundeaspernatur sit quasi magni sit sedexplicabodoloresdolores, sunt vitae voluptatemconsequunturutipsam quasi sedinventorequiaveritatisutvoluptatemdolores Loremipsum dolor sit ametdolores et aspernaturvoluptas dicta dicta Loremipsum dolor sit amettotamaspernatur fugit beataeaspernaturoditeosistenemo et et, dicta accusantiumquiadoloremquequia quae laudantiumquia error vitae qui Loremipsum dolor sit ametundeaspernatur sit quasi magni sit sedexplicabodoloresdolores, sunt vitae voluptatemconsequunturutipsam quasi sedinventorequiaveritatisutvoluptatemdolores Loremipsum dolor sit ametdolores et aspernaturvoluptas dicta dicta, ipsamipsanemoperspiciatisunde error sedvoluptatemratione quae eaque quae quae, magnienimenimnatusperspiciatis quasi quiaquiaisteperspiciatisipsammagnivoluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo Weapons of Mass Destruction Loremipsum dolor sit amettotamaspernatur fugit beataeaspernaturoditeosistenemo et et, dicta accusantiumquiadoloremquequia quae laudantiumquia error vitae qui Loremipsum dolor sit ametundeaspernatur sit quasi magni sit sedexplicabodoloresdolores, sunt vitae voluptatemconsequunturutipsam quasi sedinventorequiaveritatisutvoluptatemdolores Loremipsum dolor sit ametdolores et aspernaturvoluptas dicta dicta, ipsamipsanemoperspiciatisunde error sedvoluptatemratione quae eaque quae quae, magnienimenimnatusperspiciatis quasi quiaquiaisteperspiciatisipsammagnivoluptatemvoluptatem, enimipsaiste et sedquiadoloremquevoluptatemutmagnilaudantiumlaudantium vitae vitae, illomagnimagnieosaccusantiumaccusantiumperspiciatis quasi nemo Click Here for Works Cited Page
Propaganda Used by USSR and USA during Cold War Broadcasted over radio, TV, and videos US government felt that citizens needed to be aware of the dangers of nuclear war
Bert the Turtle • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixy5FBLnh7o&feature=related • Very popular Cold War propaganda • Educate school children what to do incase of nuclear attack • Released 1952 • Created by Raymond J. Mauer
Civil Defense Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) • Created by President Truman Jan. 1951 • FCDA reports directly to president • 1949 Soviets began detonating their own nuclear bombs • Came up with idea for shelters and evacuation • Main goal was to prepare citizens for nuclear attack • Introduced idea of fallout shelters • 1958 FCDA was broken up • Now known as FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Fallout Shelters • Protect people from nuclear explosion • Commonly made of concrete • Basement, underground, backyard • Ventilation • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz3t4LcXwtE&feature=related
Nuclear Weapons • Hydrogen Bomb (H-bomb) 1952 • Fears of causing US to be involved in nuclear war with USSR • US created their first during the Manhattan Project • Trinity was the first bomb created by the US followed by Little Boy and Fat Man • Little Boy used in bombing Hiroshima • Fat Man used in bombing Nagasaki • First bomb tested by USSR was RDS-1 In 1945 Fat Man 1945
Works Cited Page • "CONELRAD: DUCK AND COVER | The Citizen Kane of Civil Defense - Part I." CONELRAD: All Things Atomic | The Golden Age of Homeland Security. Conelrad, 1999. Web. 24 Feb. 2010. <http://www.conelrad.com/duckandcover/cover.php?turtle=01>. • YouTube. Antogrimes85, 11 Mar. 2008. Web. 22 Feb. 2010. <e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz3t4LcXwtE&feature=related>. • "YouTube - Duck And Cover - Original 1950 Airing." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 8 Jan. 2008. Web. 24 Feb. 2010. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixy5FBLnh7o&feature=related>. • "Fallout Shelters." United States History. Online Highways. Web. 24 Feb. 2010. <http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h3706.html>. • "American Experience . Race for the Superbomb . Laura McEnaney on: The Federal Civil Defense Administration |." PBS. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/bomb/filmmore/reference/interview/mcenaney01.html>. • About the Federal Civil Defense Administration | eHow.com." EHow | How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Articles. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.ehow.com/about_4566938_federal-civil-defense-administration.html>. • Nuclear Age Timeline : The 1950's." RADIOCHEMISTRY SOCIETY - Specialized Courses in Radiochemistry. Radiochemistry society. Web. 25 Feb. 2010. <http://www.radiochemistry.org/history/nuclear_timeline/50s.html>.