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Change Programme

Change Programme. To build the church of tomorrow…. …..starting today. Why Change?. 2025 Reality – externally driven not policy Creaking Structure Changing s ocial c ontext Buildings legacy Congregation viability Income sustainability

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Change Programme

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Change Programme To build the church of tomorrow…. …..starting today

  2. Why Change? • 2025 Reality – externally driven not policy • Creaking Structure • Changing social context • Buildings legacy • Congregation viability • Income sustainability • Intentionality expectations from Central Institutions So if Diocese is to equip itself to deliver the Church of 2025 and mission objectives of growth, increased giving and increased service what needs to happen?

  3. Why Change?

  4. Current Governance Structure

  5. Diocesan Response • 2011, + Nigel asked BC to look at building and stipendiary deployment distributions which might have ongoing viability • BC decided this was a more complex issue and engaged in a sequence of participatory planning exercises • Identify 5 or 6 key issues facing the Diocese. • Indicate urgency - assumed to equal importance but prioritised according to time; short 0-3 years, medium 3-5, long 5 and upwards • identified certain clusters of issues

  6. BC - Priorities • Managing Change • Strategies for change • Cultural Acceptance • Leadership – lead the church towards the model of the future • At all levels – episcopal, strategic lay, local church, DBF • Mission Action Planning • Sustainable plans with a clear mission drive to inspire the local church

  7. BC - Priorities • Buildings • How many do we need? • Where should they be? • How do we sustain them? • Deployment • How many clergy? • How will they be dispersed? • What other ministries will be necessary? • Finance • Sustainable income streams to sustain the future church

  8. Kotter Change Process

  9. Governance Enabling Change Bishops Council Strategic Direction & Major Policy Decisions Strategic Implementation Team Policy Structures Statutory and Discretionary Mission Units Buildings Reimagining Ministry Policy and Decisions

  10. Task Groups & Strategic Areas               

  11. Change Programme Changing attitudes and behaviours Mission Changes Operational changes Technological changes Strategic changes Change Management Strategy (SIT &TGs)

  12. Change Streams Technological changes: IT Tools Data Acquisition Attitudes & behaviours IiP Performance Management Behavioural competencies • Operational changes: • Restructuring • Procedure Simplification • Deployment • Asset management • Strategic changes: • Governance Review • Ministry Models • Integrated Planning

  13. Appraisal Integrated Planning Officer objectives Officer objectives Officer objectives DBF Departmental Plans Diocesan Mission Growing Giving Serving Mission Action Plans Deanery Mission Action Plans Deanery Pastoral Plans Balanced Scorecard Baseline Assessment

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