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ENDANGERED SPECIES OF KOREA. 귀신고래. GRAY WHALE. GROUP 1 20707 박선영 20708 박효진 20710 심성희 20731 김태욱. Where does a gray whale live?. A gray whale lives in the Alaskan water at summer, and at winter, it goes to the Mexican coast. ALASKAN WATER. KOREA. MEXICAN COAST.
귀신고래 GRAY WHALE GROUP 1 20707 박선영 20708 박효진 20710 심성희 20731 김태욱
Where does a gray whale live? A gray whale lives in the Alaskan water at summer, and at winter, it goes to the Mexican coast. ALASKAN WATER KOREA MEXICAN COAST And the rest - Korean Gray Whale - lives in the seas near Korea.
What does a gray whale look like? A gray whale is as large as a bus. It is covered with parasites and other organisms like barnacles. Its back looks like a crusty ocean rock. ※ parasite: 기생충 ※ organism: 생물체 ※ barnacle: 따개비
What does a gray whale eat? A gray whale eats sea fleas and small fish flowing on the sea. ※ sea flea: 바다벼룩
Why is the name ‘귀신고래’? I am called ‘귀신고래’ in Korean because I appear from nowhere like a ghost and also disappears like a ghost.
Is a gray whale endangered/ vulnerable/ etc? I am an endangered species. I am the Natural Monument No.126. How many gray whales are there? ※ Natural Monument: 천연기념물 Only about 120 of my species remain in the world.
Why is the gray whale endangered? The two biggest reasons are poaching and pollution.
WANTED Looking for gray whales in the sea near Korea. W5,000,000 for pictures or videos of gray whale and W10,000,000 for reporting a gray whale
Why should we care? A hundred year ago, an explorer from America, Roy Andrews, named the gray whales living in the sea near Korea, Korea Gray Whales Now, we need to protect the name. It is the only whale name with ‘Korea’ in it.
How can we help the gray whale? I like quiet and clean ocean. ※ illegal sea dumping: 쓰레기 불법해양투기 ※ indiscriminate: 무분별한 ※ ocean development: 해양개발 ※ hideout: 은신처 ※ prey: 먹이 Stop illegal sea dumping. Stop pollutions from indiscriminate ocean development. Prepare a hideout with lots of prey.
How can we help all animals? ① Let many people know about endangered species and why we should protect them. ② Don’t use products made with animal fur or skin. ③ DO NOT POACH! ④ Protect the environment and protect the habitat.
9 endangered species in the world ⑤ Barbary Lion : 바바리 사자 ⑦ Irrawaddy Dolphin : 라와디 돌고래 ② Emu : 에뮤 ⑥ Black Swan : 블랙 스완 ① Pere David’s Deer : 사불상 (extinct in the wild) ⑨ Dingo : 딩고 ⑧ Bongo : 봉고 ③ Albatross : 알바트로스 ④ Megamouth Shark : 메가마우스