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This out-of-class activity is designed for a flipped classroom setting to teach students about water technology, specifically the hardness of water and the process of reverse osmosis. The activity includes video resources and guidelines for video creation.

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  2. ABOUT YOU 1078 Team member: Dr. Resmi C. B Ms. Nagadevi A Topic: Water Technology IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  3. 1078 3 Hardness of water B.E Chemistry I year B.E SSECT, Sankari IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  4. Resource Creation Think phase: Write the statement of Reverse Osmosis. When we apply Reverse Osmosis process. Pair phase: Three machines A,B and C produce identical items. Of their respective output 5%,4% of iterms are faulty. On a certain day, A has produced 25% of the total output, B has produced 30% and C the remainder. An item selected at random is found to be faulty. What are the chances that it was produced by the machine with the highest output?(Apply Reverse Osmosis ) Share phase: I ask them to “Compare your solution with example on Reverse Osmosis 1 minute for each pair to explain their answer. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  5. Resource Creation In Resource creation -1 assignment we discussed about how the purify the water by using Reverse Osmosis the resources are taken from others presentations in youtube/nptel urls. For this assignment we are taking the procedure for TPS activity from RC-1,but resource from our own screen casts video`s and our own uploaded works url`s. IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  6. Out-of-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity: Identify the impurities present in both Hard and Soft water (Recall level) Calculate the Hardness of water(Apply level). Purify the Impurity of Hard water(Apply level). Key Concept(s) to be covered: • Definition Hard water, Soft water, Hardness of water • Troubles of Boiler feed water • Method of Internal& External treatment • Some Purification technology IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  7. Guidelines for Video Creation - 1 • Keep the length of video short (not more than10 minutes). This is because it has been found that shorter videos are more engaging[1]. • If the topic is too big for a single 10 min video, split the topic into multiple videos. • Ensure during screen casting that there is both text and audio narration. This will make assimilation of content easier.[2] IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  8. Guidelines for Video Creation - 2 • Use appropriate screencast software to create your screencast. • Watch this to get an idea of what the screencasts should contain. Note that each screencast has the following elements: • Audio Narration explaining the topic • Video of ppt slides/application and writing on slides/ focusing on application features (Either through writing, highlighting or mouse pointers) IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  9. Out-of-class Activity Design - 2 Uploaded Video URL https://youtu.be/ajC8f2eoGpI License of Video Youtube* 14 minuites Duration of Screencast * Ensure that you give a Creative-Commons License to the uploaded video IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  10. Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  11. Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  12. Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Expected activity duration 15 minuites ** It is recommended thattotal duration of activity and video should not be greater than one lecture duration IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

  13. END OF CONSTRUCTOR IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay

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