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Mike Holden FRPharmS CEO NPA

Mike Holden FRPharmS CEO NPA. Why?. Perfect Storm. Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. Change is an attitude. What?. What distinguishes a Healthy Living Pharmacy?. Consistently delivers broad range of high quality commissioned services Quality, innovation and productivity

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Mike Holden FRPharmS CEO NPA

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  1. Mike HoldenFRPharmSCEO NPA

  2. Why?

  3. Perfect Storm

  4. Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

  5. Change is an attitude

  6. What?

  7. What distinguishes a Healthy Living Pharmacy? • Consistently delivers broad range of high quality commissioned services • Quality, innovation and productivity • Proactive team ethos • Health Champion • Identifiable

  8. Self care & Healthy Lifestyle advice and support PATIENT and PUBLIC Medicines Optimisation

  9. How?

  10. The Enablers Quality Criteria

  11. Workforce development • Leadership - engage, enable and inspire • Ownership • Develop capability • Capacity • Skill mix • Health Champion • Remove accreditation barriers

  12. Effective engagement • GP practices • Other providers • Existing and new commissioners • The community we serve

  13. The environment Health promotion zone Promote privacy Remove barriers IT capability

  14. Making a difference

  15. Outcomes: Smoking • 102% increase

  16. Outcomes: Alcohol World cup month (pilot) • 3649 adults took part • 50% took brief advice • 23% had more in depth consultation Alcohol IBA Service • 4800 interventions • 40% increasing or higher risk • 21% scoring 10 or more! • 22% accepted higher level intervention

  17. Outcomes: Men’s Health 1100 interventions 21% not seen GP in last year 30% smokers; 36% active intervention 45% drinking at increasing risk 30% with BMI above 25

  18. Medicines Optimisation

  19. Outcomes: Respiratory • 1123 patients seen first intervention • 35% not seen by another HCP in previous 12 months • 70% uncontrolled • 48% seen second time have improved • 27% smokers • 75% recruited for stop smoking • 42% smokers have quit

  20. IOW Outcomes: Respiratory MURs • Emergency admissions due to asthma fell by >50% • Total hospital bed days due to asthma fell by >50% • Deaths due to asthma fell by 75% (16 vs 4) • Related hospital savings >£600k in first year (66%)

  21. Other services • Sexual health • Diet and activity • Supervised consumption • Harm reduction • Minor ailments • Health checks • Flu vaccination • Cancer awareness and early detection

  22. Taking it National

  23. Taking it National • Pharmacy and Public Health Forum • Support from national bodies • Pathfinder sites • HLP Network • Research -> evidence • Health improvement skills • Leadership skills • Influencing policy • NHS Plan 2010-2015 • Public Health White Paper • Respiratory Strategy • NHS Future Forum report • Public Health Workforce Development

  24. National roll-out • 600+ qualified Health Champions • 500+ leadership development • 232 plus Healthy Living Pharmacies! • 202 Pathfinder areas • 30 non-pathfinder areas • Pharmacy and Public Health Forum • Generate evidence and further develop the concept

  25. What can you do now? Decide is it right for you Involve the whole team Work towards meeting Quality Criteria Identify who will be Health Champions Engage with GPs and their teams Deliver commissioned services excellently Gather evidence

  26. In summary, Healthy Living Pharmacy… • Provides a commissioning framework • Is an organisational development tool • Is a Quality mark • Is about the pharmacy team • Has a common vision & goal • Has a brand the public and others can recognise • Is a means to the end

  27. The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. John Schaar, Sociologist & Professor Emeritus University of California Santa Cruz

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