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Using a simulator of the human body (HBI ). Its impact on learning anatomy in high school students . Stratification by sex and learning style. Using a simulator of the human body (HBI ). Its impact on learning anatomy in high school students.
Using a simulator of the human body (HBI). Its impact on learning anatomy in high school students. Stratification by sex and learning style.
Using a simulator of the human body (HBI). Its impact on learning anatomy in high school students. Stratification by sex and learning style. Margarita Dolores E. Rosas-Munive 1 VerónicaHoyos Aguilar 2 Ignacio Mora-Magaña3 1-UNAM / GDF; 2 UPN; 3Inst. Nacional de Pediatría.
The information technology and communication is not panacea, does not make magic, and it can improve the life of all inhabitants on the planet. Kofi Annan - 2003
Digital technology in classroom has made changes in the school. Tools based in Web encourage experimentation, reflection and knowledge generation, favors the formation of a cyberspace, which creativity helps to create an environment that can give, in a natural way, collaborative learning
When teacher is in the classroom many things can happen. Many variables fit together at the same time to make education from teacher, through classroom, chalk, blackboard and then, web, computer, software learning occurs in students
Variables of Individuals Contextual and Environmental Variables Instrumental and Methodology Variables Learning Variables
Software Mindware Hardware
In order to make an efficient process of teaching-learning, some issues are needed: (Nº 1) 1.- Previous knowledge, is neededfor develop new knowledge 2.- There are different styles, and there is different learning 3.- Technology and education
In order to make an efficient process of teaching-learning, some issues are needed: (Nº 2) 4.- Learning with digital technology 5.- Game and Learning, somewhat relevant 6.- HBI simulator in Human Anatomy teaching
Page of the site from BBC dedicated to Sciences, body and human mind
Observe: It is in spanish! (Our students are Spanish speakers)
Options in BBC Science’s site. Many in game or challenge mode
User can choose one of this options Human Shape in Anatomic Position Put organ in its right place At the end of the challenge, organs appear where they were placed and the score obtained.
Anatomy and Physiology for Health Education Group: 5040 Anatomy and Physiology for Health Education Group: 5030 FirstScreen in MoodlePlatform
Research Question 1.- How much learning improves in High School students using HBI simulator VS. HBI simulator plus teacher VS. teacher alone? 2.- Which learning style has a better performance with HBI simulator VS. HBI simulator plus teacher in High School students VS. teacher alone?
It was an experimental design, with a randomized allocation of intervention. It was reviewed and approved by an Ethics and Research Committee
Only those who met inclusion criteria were enrolled. From 5 groups, 3 were selected. It was made as follows: In a cup, there were placed slips of paper with the number of each group: “5010” “5020” “5030” “5040” “5050” In other cup, were placed 5 slips of paper with this: “control” “simulator” “simulator+teacher” “blank” “blank” there were chosen the 3 that took a slip of paper with intervention or control, or no participate.
Methodology: In all groups it was the same teacher. Female Physician. 20 years in High School teaching and Teacher of Anatomy in School of Medicine in UNAM (National Autonomous University of México) Classes were as follows: Conference with .ppt show, anatomic models, summaries made by students, crosswords, puzzles, etc. plus intervention
Methodology: Basal Test (Pre-test) Anatomy Knowledge Test (Post-test) Anatomy Knowledge Learning Styles Intervention: Teacher alone HBI Simulator HBI Simulator+Teacher Analysis
Age by Sex and by Groups. There is no difference between Groups.
Between Groups, there was a difference in Pre-test as in Post-test
Students improve from Pre-test to Post-test. Related t-test, shows significative difference. In thelast row it is possible to see how the students improve their performance, in all arms of this trial.
Worse students in Pre-test, improve more than those who have better results in pre-test. Whatch “heavy” lines
MediansPostest MediansPretest
LearningStylesbyGroup. Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Men Women
Resultspretest/postestbygroup and sex. Hombres Mujeres Medias Pretest/Postest
Group 5010 Sex Men Women Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active
Group 5030 Sex Men Women Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active
Group 5040 Sex Men Women Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active Pragmatic Theoric Reflexive Active
Learning Styles by Group Group 5010 Global Group 5030 Group 5040
Students’ survey: How relevant is use of technologies in classroom? (just a sample from all participants) Is for: Learning more 10 Get more information 7 Improve communication 3 Easy, effective 2 Equitable 1 Useful for understanding 1 Funny 2 Not necessary 1 Not all is true 1
Students’ survey: How useful is technologies in classroom? (just a sample from all participants) Is for: Research 12 Learn 11 Solve homework 10 Solve questions 4 Socialize 4
Graph from Mora et al 2014 (in press): Learning Styles from research in medical students, dental students, nurses, informatic, bussines, etc. Health is related to Reflexive and Theoric Learning Style.
Observations: Gender and Learning Styles are close related In our sample men performance wasas reported, but women does not. Teacher, in this kind of subject, has a relevant role building knowledge in students.
There are many variables in teaching-learning process. Sometimes one alone, does not explain results. In our study, two unexpected variables affect results of intervention: Gender and Learning Styles Digital technologies are useful as a teaching tool, but alone, does not function as well as guided by teacher.
In future we need to work on this research lines: technologies and learning styles technologies and gender technologies and new gadgets in classroom technologies and web other software (not HBI) other enviroments