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Progress Report on National Centre for Learning Welsh

Reviewing achievements and developments of the National Centre for Learning Welsh and its influence on the Welsh for Adults sector post-reorganization.

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Progress Report on National Centre for Learning Welsh

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  1. Title Welsh point 45 Adolygiad o waith y GanolfanDysguCymraegGenedlaethol A review of the work of the National Centre for Learning Welsh

  2. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Cefndir Background • Mae’radroddiadhwnynadolygugwaithcychwynnol a chynnydd y GanolfanDysguCymraegGenedlaethol (Y GanolfanGenedlaethol) o ran cyflawni’rnodau a amlinellwydyneichynllunstrategol (Gyda’nGilydd: Y GanolfanDysguCymraeg, 2016), ac ynseiliedigaryrargymhellion a wnaedyn ‘Codi Golygon: adolygiad o GymraegiOedolion’ (LlywodraethCymru, 2013). • Trosglwyddwydcyfrifoldebllawn am y sector CymraegiOedolioni’rGanolfanGenedlaetholar 1 Awst 2016. • This report reviews the initial work and progress of the National Centre for Learning Welsh (National Centre) in achieving the aims set out in its strategic plan (Gyda’n Gilydd: Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg – National Centre for Learning Welsh, 2016) and based on the recommendations made in ‘Raising Your Sights: review of Welsh for Adults’ (Welsh Government, 2013). • Full responsibility for the Welsh for Adults sector was transferred to the National Centre on 1 August 2016.

  3. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Cefndir Background • Mae’radroddiadyncanolbwyntioarsutmae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholynarwain, ynrheoli ac yndylanwaduar y datblygiadauyn y sector CymraegiOedolionyndilyn ad-drefnu’rddarpariaethyngenedlaetholynddiweddar. • Mae’radroddiadyndefnyddioholiaduron a lenwydgan y GanolfanGenedlaethol ac 11 o ddarparwyrCymraegiOedolion, ac ardystiolaethddogfennolarall. Mae’rsamplyncynrychioligwasgariaddaearyddolledledCymru, yncynnwysardaloeddgwledig a threfol, ac mae’ncynnwyscynganolfannaurhanbarthol a darparwyrnewydd. • The report focuses on how the National Centre is influencing, leading and managing the developments in the Welsh for Adults sector following the recent national re-organisation of provision. • The report draws on questionnaires completed by the National Centre and the 11 Welsh for Adults providers and on other documentary evidence. The sample represents a geographic spread across Wales, including rural and urban area , and includes former regional centres and new providers.

  4. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • The National Centre is developing its role well as a national voice for the Welsh for Adults sector. It is providing clear strategic direction for the sector and has made progress in improving and harmonising approaches to curriculum development, data collection, professional development and assessment across the sector. • The National Centre has effectively re-organised the sector, moving from 6 regional centres and their 20+ sub-contractors to 11 providers. Providers are responsible for Welsh for Adults provision in their geographical areas and accountable to the National Centre for improving provision and outcomes for Welsh adult learners. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholyndatblygueirôlynddafelllaiscenedlaetholi’r sector CymraegiOedolion. Mae’ndarparucyfeiriadstrategolcliri’r sector ac wedigwneudcynnydd o ran gwella a chysonidulliau o ddatblygu’rcwricwlwm, casglu data, datblygiadproffesiynol ac asesuar draws y sector. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholwediad-drefnu’r sector yneffeithiol, gansymud o 6 chanolfanranbarthola’u 20+ o isgontractwyr, i 11 o ddarparwyr. Darparwyrsy’ngyfrifol am ddarpariaethCymraegiOedolionyneuhardaloedddaearyddol, ac maentynateboli’rGanolfanGenedlaethol am welladarpariaeth a deilliannauargyferoedolionsy’nddysgwyryngNghymru.

  5. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholwedidiffinio’i nodau ac amcanion strategol yn glir. Mae’n mynd i’r afael â’r prif heriau sy’n wynebu’r sector, gan gynnwys y diffyg mesurau safonol sy’n arfarnu cynnydd a wneir gan oedolion sy’n ddysgwyr yng Nghymru, a’r amrywiaeth eang o ddulliau a ddefnyddir i gyflwyno’r cwricwlwm Cymraeg i Oedolion ledled Cymru. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholwedillwyddo’ngyffredinoligyfleueistrategaethaua’idulliauiddarparwyrnewydd. Mae darparwyrynteimlo bod staff y GanolfanGenedlaetholynhawddmyndatynt ac yngynhwysol, ac maentyngwybodpwyallantgysylltu â nhwosoesangencyngorarnynt. • The National Centre has clearly defined its strategic aims and objectives. It is addressing the key challenges facing the sector, including the lack of standard measures that evaluate progress made by adult Welsh learners, and the wide variation in approaches taken to Welsh for Adults curriculum across Wales. • The National Centre has generally been successful in communicating its strategies and approaches to new providers. Providers feel that the National Centre staff are approachable and inclusive and they know who they can contact if they require advice.

  6. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • However, only a few providers are fully aware of the National Centre’s governance arrangements. • In a few instances, providers are reluctant to embrace fully the direction provided by the National Centre and are slow to take on board the changes it promotes. • The National Centre has established a network of committees and groups to discuss national approaches to important issues within the sector, for example, opportunities for learners to use their Welsh language skills outside of formal lessons, marketing, curriculum and training. This is increasing consistency of approach within the sector. • Foddbynnag, dim ondychydig o ddarparwyrsy’ngwblymwybodol o drefniadaullywodraethu’rGanolfanGenedlaethol. • Mewnychydig o achosion, maedarparwyrynamharodigroesawu’nllawn y cyfarwyddyd a ddarperirgan y GanolfanGenedlaethol, ac maentynarafidderbyn y newidiadau y mae’neuhyrwyddo. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholwedisefydlurhwydwaith o bwyllgorau a grwpiauidrafoddulliaucenedlaetholifyndi’rafael â materionpwysigyn y sector, erenghraifftcyfleoeddiddysgwyrddefnyddio’umedrauCymraeg y tuallaniwersiffurfiol, marchnata, y cwricwlwm a hyfforddiant. Mae hynyncynydducysondeb o ran dulliauyn y sector.

  7. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • The National Centre conducts formal monitoring meetings termly with each provider to discuss their performance and to identify any action needed. This process is at an early stage and at present a minority of providers are unsure as to the consequences of not achieving their targets. • The National Centre is developing a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy to promote the benefits of learning Welsh and to encourage more adults to learn the language. The National Centre’s evaluation of this strategy, and feedback from providers, indicates that the current marketing approach needs refining in order to reach more potential learners. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholyncynnalcyfarfodyddmonitroffurfiol bob tymorgydaphobdarparwridrafodeuperfformiad ac inodiunrhywgamausyddeuhangen. Megisdechrau y mae’r broses hon, ac arhyn o brydmaelleiafrif o ddarparwyrynansicrynglŷn â chanlyniadaupeidio â chyflawni’utargedau. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholyndatblygustrategaethfarchnata a chyfathrebugynhwysfawrihyrwyddobuddiondysguCymraeg ac iannogmwy o oedolioniddysgu’riaith. Mae arfarniad y GanolfanGenedlaetholo’rstrategaeth hon, ac adborthganddarparwyr, yndynodi bod angenmireinio’r dull marchnatapresennolermwyncyrraeddmwy o ddysgwyrposibl.

  8. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • The National Centre has introduced rigorous systems to ensure that providers target a greater proportion of their funding on teaching and learning activities. Its contracts with providers stipulate that spending on activities other than teaching and learning is limited to no more than 15% of the funding allocated. The average figure at present is 7%. • The National Centre is developing a new range of courses at entry, foundation and advanced levels in order to achieve greater consistency in the provision for learners across Wales. The outcome levels of the new curriculum align with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholwedicyflwynosystemautrylwyrisicrhau bod darparwyryntargeducyfranfwyo’ucyllidarweithgareddauaddysgu a dysgu. Mae eichontractaugydadarparwyrynpennu bod gwariantarweithgareddauheblaw am addysgu a dysguwedi’igyfynguiddimmwyna 15% o’rcyllid a ddyrannwyd. Y ffigurcyfartalogarhyn o brydyw 7%. • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholyndatblyguystodnewydd o gyrsiauarlefelmynediad, sylfaen a lefeluwchermwyncaelmwy o gysondebyn y ddarpariaethiddysgwyrledledCymru. Mae lefelaudeilliannau’rcwricwlwmnewyddyngysonâ’rFframwaithCyfeirioCyffredinEwropargyferIeithoedd.

  9. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholyndatblyguofferynasesudefnyddiolar-leinargyferdysgwyr. • Foddbynnag, nifyddyrofferynasesuyngwblweithredolhydnes bod y cwricwlwmnewyddwedi’igwblhau, ac nidyw’nglirsutmae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholynbwriadueiddefnyddioifesurcynnydd. • Arhyn o bryd, maedarparwyryndefnyddio’usystemaueuhunainiwrandoarfarnaudysgwyrermwyngwellaeuprofiadaudysgu. Mae’rGanolfanGenedlaetholyncyflwyno dull cysonar draws pobdarparwr. • The National Centre is developing a useful online assessment tool for learners. • However, the assessment tool will not be fully operational until the new curriculum is completed and it is unclear how the National Centre intends to use it to measure progress. • Providers currently use their own systems for listening to learners’ views in order to improve their learning experiences. The National Centre is introducing a consistent approach across all providers.

  10. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Prifganfyddiadau Main findings • Mae LlywodraethCymruwedidyrannucyllidychwanegoli’rGanolfanGenedlaetholermwyndatblygucyrsiauiaddysguCymraegyn y gweithle. Mae hynynatgyfnerthurôlallweddol y GanolfanGenedlaetholmewncynllunio’rGymraeg, er bod hynynrhoigalwadauychwanegolar y Ganolfan. • The Welsh Government has allocated additional funding to the National Centre to develop courses to teach Welsh in the workplace. This reinforces the National Centre’s key role in Welsh language planning, although placing additional demands on the Centre.

  11. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Argymhellion Recommendations • Dylai’rGanolfanGenedlaethol: • Ddatblygueigweithdrefnauargyferdwyndarparwyrigyfrif am euperfformiada’ucydymffurfiaethâ’rpolisïaucenedlaethol. • Mireinioeistrategaethaumarchnatamewncydweithrediad â darparwyrermwyntargedumwy o ddysgwyrposiblledledcymunedauamrywiolCymru. • Dylaidarparwyr: • Weithredu’nllawn y polisïaua’rarferion a gyflwynwydgan y GanolfanGenedlaethol. • Gwellaeudealltwriaeth o drefniadaullywodraethu a pholisïau’rGanolfanGenedlaethol. • The National Centre should: • Develop its procedures for holding providers to account for their performance and their compliance with the national policies. • Refine its marketing strategies in co-operation with providers to target more potential learners across the various communities of Wales. • Providers should: • Fully implement policies and practices introduced by the National Centre. • Improve their understanding of the governance arrangements and policies of the National Centre.

  12. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales 10 cwestiwniddarparwyr 10 questons for providers • Sutbyddmwy o gysondebwrthfesur a chasglu data yneffeithioarsafonau? • Pa morymwybodolydymni o drefniadaullywodraethu’rGanolfanGenedlaethol? • A ydymni’ncroesawu’nllawn y cyfeiriada’rnewidiadausy’ncaeleuhyrwyddogan y GanolfanGenedlaethol? • Sutmae’rrhwydwaithcenedlaethol o bwyllgorau a grwpiauyncynydducysondebyn y sector? • Beth ywcanlyniadaupeidio â chyrraeddeintargedau? • How will greater consistency in measuring and collecting data impact upon standards? • How aware are we of the National Centre’s governance arrangements? • Do we embrace fully the direction and changes promoted by the National Centre? • How is the national network of committees and groups increasing consistency within the sector? • What are the consequences of not reaching our targets?

  13. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales 10 cwestiwniddarparwyr 10 questons for providers • Pa moreffeithiolyw’rstrategaethfarchnatagenedlaethol a bethyweinrôlniynlleol? • A ywcyfranddigonolo’ncyllidyncaeleigwarioarweithgareddauaddysgu a dysgu? • Sutbyddyrofferynasesuar-leinyncaeleiddefnyddioifesur ac arfarnucynnydddysgwyr? • Sut gall y sector wneud y defnyddgorau o farnaudysgwyriwellaeuprofiadaudysgu? • Beth ywgoblygiadau ‘Cymraeg Gwaith’ i’rsector? • How effective is the national marketing strategy and what is our role locally? • Is a sufficient amount of our funding spent on teaching and learning activities? • How will the online assessment tool be used to measure and evaluate learners’ progress? • How can the sector make best use of learners’ views to improve their learning experiences? • What are the implications of ‘Cymraeg Gwaith/Work Welsh’ for the sector?

  14. estyn.llyw.cymru estyn.gov.wales Cwestiynau… Questions…

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