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Welcome to 5 th Grade Navarrete Parents. Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it. ~Harold Hulbert. Jennifer Fox fox.jennifer@chandler.k12.az.us (480) 883-4832. Welcome Introduction Schedules Academics Homework Behavior Expectations Child’s Progress Communication
Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it. ~Harold Hulbert
Jennifer Foxfox.jennifer@chandler.k12.az.us(480) 883-4832 Welcome Introduction Schedules Academics Homework Behavior Expectations Child’s Progress Communication Other Information
Schedule 8:35-9:00 Morning work (review exercises) 9:00-10:15 Math lesson and practice 10:15-10:30 Recess 10:30-11:10 Language/Writing 11:10-11:55 Reading/Literacy Groups 11:55-12:35 Lunch 12:35-1:05 Lit. Study/Read Aloud (MWF) Math Skills Groups (T,TH) 1:05-2:00 Social Studies/Science 2:00-2:30 Library Computers (days 1 and 4) AR/Writing Conference w/Ms. Fox 2:35-3:05 Block
Reading Harcourt Series (textbook, leveled readers, intervention, advanced materials) Literature Study (whole class and small group) Reading Roles Reading Response Journals Comprehension Activities Reading Strategies Vocabulary (across content areas) Variety of Literary Genres Independent Reading (AR)
Accelerated Reader • Students are tested quarterly and assigned a reading range and goal each quarter • There are many research studies that correlate the amount of time students read independently to success in school • A log requiring parent signature will be sent home weekly • Please provide the structure and support to encourage your child to read, read and read! • Students may only test in the classroom
Math Scott Foresman Math Textbook Daily Review Skills Based Groups Math for Today Computation Review Hands-on Exploration of Concepts Problem Solving Math Games and Challenge Work It is very important students have their basic facts mastered Decimals/fractions/percents Geometry Probability Algebra Measurement Integration of the above topics
Language Weekly Spelling Vocabulary The Writing Process 6 Traits Grammar Daily Language Practice Different Genres (personal narratives, persuasive, expository, informative, etc.) Journals Essays, reports, poetry, letters, etc.
Social Studies Geography/Mapping Skills Early Explorers Colonization Revolutionary War Civil War Government State Reports/State Fair Economics (BIZTOWN) Current Events
Field Trip Opportunities May include some or all: American Heritage Festival Your tax credit donations provide these opportunities and more!
Tax Credit Donation What is it? • An opportunity to direct your tax money directly to your child’s classroom • The contribution amount offsets your Arizona tax obligation Example: when calculating your taxes you find that you owe the state $200. Make a $200 tax credit donation to CUSD/Navarrete/5th grade and pay zero in state taxes. • If you do not owe any money in taxes, make a donation and get it back later as a refund • Donate online, follow the link on the class website
Biztown • Parent volunteers needed! • Hands-on learning where students hold jobs, manage money, learn economic principles and even do a little shopping • Funding: tax credit donations needed • To learn more about Biztown: http://www.jaaz.org/programs/biztown/
Science Scientific Process Solar System Human Body Physical Earth Inquiry Skills Contributions in the field of science Science Fair
Homework Homework sent home on Fridays Homework due the following Friday morning Assignments will be written on front cover of packet Occasionally packets will not go home, students will have weekly homework log they fill in daily Unfinished classwork will become homework All assignments need to be made up, even if they are not submitted on time Students who do not have homework done will receive a study hall period (recess) to work on homework/unfinished classwork Parents should sign the cover of the homework packet and reading logs each week
If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home. ~Anonymous Teacher
Behavior Expectations Navarrete Discipline Plan Classroom Management Plan (3 levels) Verbal Warning Conference with teacher/think about it slip to be sent home (parent contact) *Referral to office * If students are engaging in repeated bullying behaviors, office referral and parent contact is mandatory Classroom Rules Mutual Respect (people and property) Attentive Listening Be Prepared Everyone has the right to learn
OLWEUS Bully Prevention Program • Highest honors by the Violence Prevention Model Program • Researched based program with proven effectiveness • Focus is on the individual, classroom, school and community as a whole • Established school anti-bullying rules, interventions and classroom meetings
Progress Weekly reflection/self-evaluation Progress reports (sent home mid-quarter, more if needed) Gradespeed online gradebook Report cards (quarterly) Conferences (fall- all students, as needed, student-led) Weekly Quizzes/Tests (usually on Fridays) Class Assignments/Projects Call me! See Mrs. Kester tonight in the computer lab to learn how to access your child’s grades online!
Communication Classroom website Weekly newsletter Notices sent home (will try to avoid and send electronically) Email: quickest response Phone calls
Help Wanted! • Classroom volunteers • Biztown (we will need approximately 6-8 parents to help make this event a success) • Field trips (to be determined) • Guest visitors (any special skill you would like to share???) • PTO • Art Masterpiece
Miscellaneous ClassWebsite! Navarrete Website:http://ww2.chandler.k12.az.us/navarrete%2Delementary/ Tax Credit Donations https://chandler.mytechsupport.com/eca/ Math Book Onlinehttp://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/snpapp/login/login.jsp Login: Navrt5/ Password Nhawk5 Lunch Accounts https://www.mylunchmoney.com/ Accelerated Reader Book Lists (AR) www.arbookfind.com