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SUNBED USER’S MOTIVATIONS, KNOWLEDGE AND HABITS IN BUDAPEST, HUNGARY József Bakos, Judit Szabó, György Thuróczy Department of Non-ionizing Radiations, National "Frédéric Joliot-Curie” Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, H-1221. Budapest, Anna u. 5., Hungary.
SUNBED USER’S MOTIVATIONS, KNOWLEDGE AND HABITS IN BUDAPEST, HUNGARYJózsef Bakos, Judit Szabó, György ThuróczyDepartment of Non-ionizing Radiations, National "Frédéric Joliot-Curie” Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, H-1221. Budapest, Anna u. 5., Hungary.
Actuality of the topic Recently issued international documents: • WHO Recommendation, 17 March 2005 • EU Commission Opinion (2004/C275/03) • Nordic advice, March 2005
WHO Recommendation17 March 2005 • The World Health Organization recommends that no person under 18 should use a sunbed. • Growth in the use of sun beds, combined with the desire and fashion to have a tan, are considered to be the prime reasons behind the fast increase of skin cancers. • WHO counsels, that sun bed use should be considered only in very rare and specific cases.
EU COMMISSION OPINIONof 27 October 2004(2004/C275/03) The current version of EN standard 60335-2-27:1997 does not adequately address the risks related to exposure to UV radiation because it does not provide specific limit values of effective irradiance levels needed for different tanning devices. The European standards body CENELEC has been requested by the European Commission to revise this standard to ensure that the above mentioned risks are adequately addressed. Member States' Authorities shall take account of this opinion in the context of market surveillance.
UV-Radiation of Sun bedsCommon public health advice from Nordic radiation protection and health authoritiesMarch 2005 • Since the exposure to UV-radiation in general should be restricted, the use of sun beds for tanning or other non-medical purposes is not advisable. • Young persons below 18 years and UV sensitive people (skin type I – II) are strongly advised not to use sun beds.
Background and indication of the study Trends can be observed world-wide in the population : • the incidence of skin cancers is steadily increasing • increase of natural UVB exposure and • increased use of artificial UV sources (sun beds) Lack of regulation(EU and national)
Aim of the study To gain information about sun bed user’s • motivations of sun bed use • habit of excessive use of sun bed • knowledge of UV risk. On the base of the collected data, to be able to give advice to authorities to achieve: • more UV risk awareness of the public by better education, and by this way • the reduction of intended, excessive UV exposure of public.
Methods • Participants were recruited in 10 tanning salons in Budapest between 24/03/2004 and 31/05/2005. • Sun bed users were asked to complete a questionnaire containing 59 questions • 780 questionnaires were completed • The data were stored on computer and statistically analyzed.
Results In the last year 9,5 % of the adult population (>18 years) have used sun bed. It represents above 800 000 people in Hungary (above 200 000 people in Budapest). Gender: 63,3 % woman; 36,7 % man Education: > 65 % finished high school; > 27 % graduated. 50 % started to use sun bed under 19 years of age. Skin type: > 22 % belongs to Fitzpatrick skin type I. - II. (tans poorly, burns easily)).
Habits • 86 % was regular user (> 9 years of use in average) • 76 % used sun bed more than 30 times per year • average exposure time was 11 minutes • 74 % never used protective goggles • 48 % rarely, 6 % frequently burn from sun bed
Knowledge <> risk perception Although sun bed user’s • 85 % is informed about health effects • 85 % know that skin is aged by UV • 61 % know that UV exposure and • 50 % know that sun bed use increases the risk of skin cancer, only 4 - 8 % understand that sun bed use is dangerous for health!
ConclusionsNeeds to be done: • Improvement of education mainly in schools and at clinics • To draw public attention on to the long term health effects. • To fight against the fashion of tanned skin • To introduce regulation on sun bed salons operation
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