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Inflected Endings: –ed and -ing

Inflected Endings: –ed and -ing. Vowel , Consonant and Silent e. wave. How does the word end?. w a v e. Vowel , consonant , silent e !. This is the way the end must be. Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e , add –ed. wav ed. rake. How does the word end?. r a k e.

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Inflected Endings: –ed and -ing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Inflected Endings: –ed and -ing Vowel, Consonant and Silent e

  2. wave How does the word end? wave Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. waved

  3. rake How does the word end? rake Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. raking

  4. skate How does the word end? skate Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. skating

  5. sneeze How does the word end? sneeze Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. sneezed

  6. vote How does the word end? vote Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. voting

  7. chase How does the word end? chase Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. chasing

  8. bake How does the word end? bake Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. baked

  9. race How does the word end? race Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. raced

  10. smile How does the word end? smile Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. smiled

  11. ride How does the word end? ride Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. riding

  12. move How does the word end? move Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. moved

  13. hide How does the word end? hide Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. hiding

  14. slide How does the word end? slide Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. sliding

  15. hope How does the word end? hope Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. hoped

  16. like How does the word end? like Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. liked

  17. make How does the word end? make Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. making

  18. hike How does the word end? hike Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ed. hiked

  19. taste How does the word end? taste Vowel, consonant, silent e! This is the way the end must be . . . Drop, drop, drop silent e, Drop the e, add –ing. tasting

  20. If the word has a vowel, consonant and silent e, drop the silent e. Then add –ed or –ing. Inflected Endings: –ed and -ing The End

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