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Mrs. George's Class Information and Expectations

Important class information, supplies needed, classroom procedures, and grading policies for Mrs. George's class. Stay updated and organized with the Remind app and access resources via My Teacher Page. Follow the classroom rules and be respectful to succeed.

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Mrs. George's Class Information and Expectations

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  1. Get out a sheet of paper and a pen/pencilMrs. George’s Expectations

  2. What is Mrs. George’s email address if parents need to discuss your grades?LGeorge@opsb.net

  3. I am using an app called “Remind.” It allows me to text the entire class without having their phone numbers. These texts will ONLY be used for reminders of homework, tests, assignments, etc. This cannot and will not be used for personal things. The students cannot text back. Parents can also be included if you would like. All you (or the student) have to do is text “@ophsgeo” to 81010. It will then ask your name. Reply back and you’re set up.

  4. I also upload all of the vocabulary to Quizlet.com. The app/website can be used on a computer, smart phone, laptop, or tablet. Create a username using your first and last name. Search “ophsgeorge” to find any vocabulary. You will be able to study by list or note cards. You can play games or even make tests for yourself. I will also offer 5 extra points each chapter for being the top 5 in the game “scatter.” I can only see scores if you sign in (not on the phone app).

  5. WORKI also upload all of my work, 1st 5s, notes, etc. to My Teacher Page. You can follow these steps to get to my page:- Go to www.opsb.net- Select a school (top left) – Ouachita Parish High School- Click Teacher Pages- Click “George, Leigh”- My documents will have notes, worksheets, etc.- Lesson Plans will show what we are doing for the week and 1st 5s in case the student misses

  6. Supplies I must always have in this class:

  7. - basic calculator - 3 ring binder or folder- loose leaf paper- at least 3 pens (blue or black) - 2 pencils-any notes, handouts that I have been given

  8. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: All student expectations are in accordance with the OPSB procedures.

  9. When I enter your room, the 3 things I must do are:

  10. I should enter the classroom quietly, sit in my assigned seat, and get my materials ready.

  11. I will not:

  12. I will not: get out of my desk, visit another students’ desk, or be at Mrs. George’s desk, without asking permission

  13. At the end of class, when am I dismissed?

  14. At the end of class, when am I dismissed? When Mrs. George says I can leave

  15. CLASSROOM RULES - Students will be required to follow all rules in the student handbook. 1. Be respectful of everyone - teachers, classmates, and yourself. No belittling or discriminating against anyone. NO BULLYING!!! Raise your hand to get my attention, do not talk out of turn. 2. Be prepared for class. Bring all materials every day. This includes least 3 pens/pencils, your binder, and all material from the chapter. You are expected to learn the material taught, so you need to be organized. Sleeping is not allowed in my class.

  16. CLASSROOM RULES– 3. Book bags, purses, and coats are placed under the table or on the back of your seat. If you have a Dr. excuse for a medical condition causing you to have to leave the room, get it to me ASAP!

  17. CLASSROOM RULES– 4. Cheating will not be tolerated! This includes giving and receiving information. If caught, you will receive a zero on your work. 5. NO cell phones. They will be taken up, turned in, and a written referral will be issued. 6. No food, gum, or drink (besides clear water w/no bubbles) – unless given permission such as special event days.

  18. GRADES:Six weeks grades may be determined by the following:1. Chapter/Unit tests- usually 2 to 3 per six weeks, 100 points

  19. GRADES:2. Scientific Quizzes- usually 3 to 4 per six weeks, most between 20 – 40 pts. Vocabulary quiz (matching) usually 1-2 days before the test.

  20. GRADES:3. Group Activities/Experiments– Student must provide their lab fee to participate in labs. If not, they will be given book assignments instead of the fun, hands on labs, to receive their lab points. (Lab safety and directions must be followed or the student will be required to do written work at desk for a grade. Deliberate misbehavior at the lab station will result in points deducted or a zero grade for that lab.)

  21. GRADES:4. Home Work Grade- Each assignment will vary in points possible, most are 10 points.

  22. GRADES:5. First Fives– Everyday at the beginning of class, there will be a first five that you need to write the question & answer, usually review. First five collections may be unannounced, but most will be on Fridays. (5 pts per day)Easiest grade in this class.

  23. What grade am I missing?

  24. There will no longer be a Work Habits Grade.Mrs. George will use the OPHS PBIS form if there are any disruptions in class or Mrs. George’s expectations are not met.After writing the above, highlight it.Then draw a line and get your parents to sign saying they read about the Work Habits grade.

  25. GRADES:Cheating or talking during a test, or any other form of dishonest/unethical work will result in a ZERO grade for that test or assignment.

  26. POLICY REGARDING MAKE-UP WORKTESTS/QUIZZES:Tests/Quizzes will be given on a makeup test day at the end of the 6 weeks.

  27. POLICY REGARDING MAKE-UP WORKNOTES: It is the responsibility of the individual student to acquire notes from other students and assignments missed during absences, NOT THE TEACHERS’.1ST FIVES: You will get it from the teacher page online. You will then look up the answer, not get it from someone else.Students who do not follow this policy will receive a ‘0’ for the assigned work missed.

  28. REWARDS:food/drinksPraise/pat on the back Positive phone calls/texts, emails, to parents (random)The joy of learning

  29. CONSEQUENCES – If You Choose To Break Classroom Rules:The 1st 2 times could be: Warning, conference, seat change, correction assignmentThe 3rd time: Phone call to parentsThe 4th time: referralSevere Disruptions: Student sent immediately to the office & parent/guardian called.

  30. Students are NEVER to call, text, email Mrs. George. This includes all social media.

  31. I, _______, understand that if I do not follow this contract, that there will be consequences.

  32. I, _______, understand that if my son/daughter does not follow this contract, that there will be consequences.

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