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How To Recover From A Knockout Punch?

How To Recover From A Knockout Punch?. James: 1:2-4. James: 1:2-4 v-2- “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, v-3- Knowing that the testing of your faith produce patience.

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How To Recover From A Knockout Punch?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How To Recover From A Knockout Punch? James: 1:2-4

  2. James: 1:2-4 v-2- “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, v-3- Knowing that the testing of your faith produce patience. v-4- But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.”

  3. Introduction - Does God have morally sufficient reasons for permitting senseless evil? - Could not God think of a better way?

  4. Introduction Why is God’s goodness misunderstood? Because of the finiteness of man- fallen, depraved Because of his’ finiteness, he has a problem to understand

  5. Introduction PROBLEM OF SIN: Logical problem- God is great, God is good Emotional problem- When bad things happen, how can man reconcile the bad things to the greatness and goodness of God.

  6. Introduction • FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM: • Both God and evil are realities • - they exist • If God were all powerful, • He could destroy evil • If God were all good, • He would destroy evil • Evil has not been destroyed, still exist, • THEREFORE, there is no good and powerful God.

  7. HOW CAN WE RECOVER FROM CALAMITY KNOCKOUT? • I. KNOW THE PERSON IN OUR TRIALS. • Trials- are not coming directly from • God • Temptations- are not from the Lord.

  8. HOW CAN WE RECOVER FROM CALAMITY KNOCKOUT? II. KNOW HOW TO HANDLE TRIALS “ Count it all Joy” - Count them aright - Believe them for our good.

  9. HOW CAN WE RECOVER FROM CALAMITY KNOCKOUT? III. KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO TRIALS “knowing” - is right and intelligent response. - it is realizing 2 realizations: a. The relationship of the subject (trials) to the object ( believers) b. The relationship of the object to the subject


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