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Ch. 3, Section 2: New England Colonies pg. 76

Explore the formation of New England colonies by dissenters seeking religious freedom from persecution. Follow the Pilgrims' journey on the Mayflower to Plymouth, Massachusetts, and the establishment of settlements like Massachusetts Bay Colony, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. Learn about key documents like the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut that shaped colonial governance. Discover how religious toleration and forms of representative government evolved in early American settlements.

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Ch. 3, Section 2: New England Colonies pg. 76

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  1. Ch. 3, Section 2: New England Colonies pg. 76 • Main Idea: Settlers begin to form the New England Colonies. • Key Terms: • Dissent • Persecute • Puritan • Separatist • Pilgrim • Mayflower Compact • Toleration

  2. Religious Freedom • King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church and formed a new church, the Anglican Church. • Dissented-they disagreed with the beliefs or practices of the Anglicans. • There were two groups of Protestants in England. • Puritans. Those who wanted to leave and set up their own church were • Separatists-Those who wanted to Separate from church.

  3. Virginia Company • Some Separatists fled to the Netherlands for religious freedom. • Other Separatists were given a guarantee by the Virginia Company to be able to practice their religion freely if they settled in Virginia. • In return they had to share their profits with the Virginia Company. These people called themselves Pilgrims.

  4. The Mayflower • The Mayflower carried Pilgrims to settle the Virginia colony. • They landed north at Plymouth, Massachusetts • Plymouth was not part of the Virginia Company territory and its laws did not apply. • Mayflower Compact - To provide laws to live by. It was the beginning of a representative government in America.

  5. Native Americans • The Pilgrims received help from the Native Americans in learning to plant crops and in hunting and fishing. Without them the Pilgrims may not have survived.

  6. New Settlements • In 1629 a group received a royal charter and formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony located north of Plymouth. • The group settled in Boston with John Winthrope as their governor. • During the Great Migration in the 1630’s, more than 15,000 Puritans came to Massachusetts to escape religious persecution and economic difficulties in England.

  7. Massachusetts Bay Colony • An elected group called the General Court ran the colony. • The Massachusetts Bay Colony created a colonial legislature when settlers wanted a larger role in government. Every adult male church member who also owned property could vote for their representatives to the General Court. • Although the Puritans left England for religious freedom in America, they criticized, or persecuted, people who held religious beliefs other than theirs. This led to the formation of new colonies in America.

  8. Connecticut • In 1636 Thomas Hooker founded Hartford. Three years later, Hartford and two neighboring towns adopted the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. This was the first written constitution in America.

  9. Rhode Island • Roger Williams, a minister, established Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, where religious toleration existed. People could worship as they pleased.

  10. New Hampshire • In 1638 John Wheelwright founded the colony of New Hampshire. It became independent of Massachusetts in 1679.

  11. Wrap Up Questions • Identify the reasons why the Separatists left Europe for the Americas. • What freedom did Rhode Island offer that other colonies did not? • What did the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut have in common?

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