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Fosa Séptica – Waste tank

Finca owners who are not connected to the public sewage system need a septic tank (Fosa Su00e9ptica). For new buildings and renovations, most municipalities now require modern three-chamber systems (invoice must be submitted with the building inspection) in conjunction with a contract with the disposal company for regular emptying.

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Fosa Séptica – Waste tank

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  1. New Fosa Séptica models have three chambers and are airtight. They are made of concrete, fibreglass, PVC or plastic and are designed for the storage and treatment of black and greywater. In such a modern three-chamber septic tank the wastewater is anaerobically decomposed. Therefore there are no excrement and toilet paper residues; these septic tanks can almost compete with small sewage treatment plants in their cleaning performance, apart from the nitrate content of the treated wastewater. Usually, the tanks are sunk into the ground. Carry out regular inspections. It is recommended to check the condition once a year. If it is an old septic tank, it is recommended that the inspection and cleaning be carried out at shorter intervals. Open the fuel filler cap slowly and carefully. The gases produced inside by the fermentation of the sludge and faeces are very poisonous, so you must release them gradually and renovation try not to inhale them. Do not smoke near the pit. The methane gas produced there is highly flammable. It could cause an explosion. Check if the content of solids that have accumulated in the tank is sufficient. Specialists in the maintenance of septic tanks recommend emptying the tank when it has reached about 1/3 of its total capacity. Have the tank emptied regularly. Normally the Fosa must be pumped out every three years to remove the accumulated solids. However, http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection&region=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/renovation you should check the condition of the tank once a year. In general, you can extend and improve the life and functioning of your Fosa Séptica by following these instructions: Avoid emptying chemicals and cooking oil into the drain. Do not throw any food leftovers in the toilet. Neither should you throw in wipes, nappies, hygiene products, cotton pads or the like? Use good quality toilet paper. You can do a simple experiment to find out if it decomposes. Place a piece of toilet paper in a sealable jar and shake it. If it decomposes completely in water, this means that the product is harmless to your septic tank. For a calculation of requirements and the installation of a Fosa Séptica, please contact System Concept Bau in Calpe.

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