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FIRST PRELIMINARY DRAFT 9 APRIL 2005 OSOL + CAP E LearningFrom Promotion to Adoption, From Socialization to Government Policy (Blue Print)APT HRD Program for Exchange of ICT Researcher and Engineers for Sustainable Development Program of e-Learning / supported by Computer Laboratory and Community Access Point (CAP) in Schools in Indonesia Project Manager :Aizirman DjusanHead of Data, Planning and International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Communications and ICT, Republic of IndonesiaResearcher :Researcher of Ministry of Communication and ICT, Republic of IndonesiaProf. Dr. Kenji SagaResearch fellow of National Institute of Information and Communication Technology Japan.
E-Learning: delivery of and access to a collection of learning materials over an electronic medium. Categories of E-Learning: electronic library, electronic publishing, computer-based learning, virtual laboratory, teleconference (Synchronous communication), e-mail discussion & newsgroup (Asynchronous communication) and website. The Computer Laboratory (OSOL/ One School One Computer Laboratory) and Community Access Point (CAP) as useful approach for e-Learning have been given higher political importance to assist better education in Indonesia.
Study and research desirable methods to evaluate effectiveness of e-Learning with a point of academic view, and advice guidelines for utilization of e-learning and what national policy for sustainable development support should be. The policy of the Indonesian Government regarding OSOL and CAP can be considered as one step before E-Learning or a kind of conducive environment for better quality of E-Learning. Policy and Direction of Research
Methods of evaluation and measurement of educational effectiveness of OSOL and CAP Guideline for utilization of e-learning for better education Expected national policy for promotional support for e-Learning Target Outcome
OSOL program cover computer, telecommunications infrastructure, application and educational content. Program of OSOL at the Ministry KOMINFO directed: • To solve low density of telecommunication infrastructure and ICT application system/ internet access to students in urban and rural area; • To enhance availability and ICT access for school student (junior and senior high schools) to utilize information for teaching learning process with ICT based; • To provide ICT skills in school environment.
The Rule of Community Access Point (CAP) or Multipurpose Community Center as a place for interactivity / dialogue. • A Tele-center often consist of a small room equipped with one or more computers and a long-distance telephone or wireless telephone. A single individual may staff the Tele-centers, and charge a modest fee per hour for use the computer (perhaps one dollar US for Internet Access), fax, photocopying, or long-distance telephone. A national ministry of telecommunication may provide this equipment and its use at a discounted rate to the operator, who often earns enough income to support his/her family. • Tele-centers telecommunications equipment may be privately owned and operated. These micro-businesses are commonly called “Cyber cafes” and may also sell coffee, tea, and snacks, along with Internet access and other telecommunications services.
Objectives • To formulate the model of enhancing e-literacy & e-learning and earlier familiarization of ICT for school age children. • To study the impact of the One School and One Computer’s Laboratory (OSOL) program. • To evaluate the effectiveness of learning teaching process of computer and internet to students and teachers in schools or universities as Community Access Point (CAP) • To study and select areas for community access point locations for pilot project Priorities for e-learning implementation.
Basic Concepts Output / outcome of Learning: • Cognitive (know): capable of being known, capable of being judicially heard and determined. • Affective (emotional, attitude): relating to, arising from, or influencing feelings or emotions. • Conative : act of attempting. The power or an act of striving that may appear as conscious volition or desire or behavior tendencies.
Basic Concept Multimedia Assisted e-Learning • There are 3 components available in Indonesian education i.e. face to face communication, mostly in the class room and special meeting, using mass media (old media) and “new media” such as ICT, Internet, and mobile technology. • The typical “new media” are interactivity, de-massified, a-synchronous and unlimited international information sources (Prof. Everett M. Rogers). We may say the essence of new media as “combination” of face to face “communication” (high touch) and mass media.
Basic Concept • The roles of new media (High Tech) gradually increase in Indonesia education after utilizing computer and Internet in the last 10 years. • Four combinations of “Tech” and “Touch” emerge and it can be an interesting exercise to place the media that we use in our own system in the matrix, with a view to determining whether the technology we are using is really providing that degree of “Touch” that we think our investment should yield. Some examples might clarify this form of categorization:
High 2 Low Tech High Touch 3 High Tech High Touch 1 Low Tech Low Touch 4 High Tech Low Touch TOUCH Low High TECH Education Need High Tech and High Touch Square 1 : Low Tech/Low Touch : textbooks, printed notes, tape – slide kits, home-study kits Square 2 : Low Tech/High Touch : audio cassette, audio vision, teleconference, teletutorial Square 3 : High Tech/High Touch : INTERNET Square 4 : High Tech/Low Touch : TV, Radio (one way)
The Layout of an ITU Community Access Point (CAP) Toilet Equipment & Storage room Toilet Training / Meeting Room Shared Shower Business Office business or Telemedicine Office Applications Room Room Manager ’ s Office Recreation Room Room Computers for public, email, fax, Other service Billing internet, printers and Support Administration Telephone Booths Source ITU
Experience in other countries indicates that this will be a mighty tool for education, supporting almost all activities, for study, work and play, but especially for learning. Interconnectivity among individuals and communities, even where they are geographically distributed, with worldwide coverage, across many disciplines, is a huge advantage. Our various education groups will explore Infocom (ICT) capabilities to create "distributed but coordinated activities" for educational purposes.
The learner will be able to choose: • - when he or she wants to learn, • - where he or she wants to learn, • - which sources of learning material around the world suites him or her, • - how he or she wants to learn. • - These choices imply that the future learner will become increasingly active leaner in the learning process.
Old media, such as books and printed matter, radio and television are still used in E-Learning activities. Gradually, High Level ICT, or New Media, as a result of convergence among Telecommunication modes, computer and Broadcasting, like internet, mobile technology and satellite technology, will merge and combine techniques to allow for easy, inexpensive exchanges of knowledge and instruction. Old media require direct contacts for their effectiveness. • Face to face interactions usually occur in class room meetings in real time. These are expensive and have a small audience, the class. They can be almost impossible to obtain for remote and isolated areas.
New media including OSOL and CAP have several immediate advantages: • Interactivity of instructors and students all helping each other • Availability to all users with internet access • Asynchronous so they can be used as needed by many learners • Unlimited information sources (globalization) • Therefore by using new media, face to face meetings in real time can be reduced cost substantially and the cost can also be applied to more ICT services.
Students who do not have telecommunication equipment at their home can go to Access Point Tele-centers, or Internet Cafes for both face to face meetings and for interactivity with other students and tutors. They also use new media or High Tech ICT to communicate to the rest of the world to get educational information. • Our efforts should be directed to serve rural and remote areas so that they can also get access to educational information. Government policies on USO (Universal Service Obligation) to eliminate the Digital Divide have been created via Ministerial Decrees. Telecommunication, Internet, mobile technology and other ICT operations have been regulated by the Indonesia government to give more opportunities for rural and remote users to get better access to educational information (Salatiga alternative school, Samarinda, Batam, Batusangkar, Garut, Etc)
Innovation : Experience of CAP and OSOL from abroad. Succes story : 1. PTC Honolulu Hawaii 2005 : 7 Intelligent Communities selected by ICT experts • Issy-les Moulineaux, France • Mitaka City, Tokyo, Japan • Pirai, Brazil • Singapore City, Singapore • Sounderland, UK • Tjianjien City, China • Toronto, Canda
2. Japan (Mitaka City) • Ghibli Museum of Animation. • Office of education • Elementary schools with complete ICT (OSOL and CAP) • Tokyo Development Learning Center of World Bank • United Nations University Tokyo • Distance Technical Cooperation System JICA-NET
3. Thailand • School Net Thailand ; Linking to 5000 schools • Mobile IT Training • Computer and Learning Center in NangRong • Community Telecenter • Virtual Class in Asian Institute Technology • IT for Poverty Reduction
4. Malaysia • Universal Service Provision Projects; Ministry of Energy, Water and Communication. Government support and 6% contribution from Operators participation from grass root level to support ICT in the school. • Rural Internet Program • School Net Project • Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission
Internal successful Story : 1. Salatiga : The successful education achievement / performance at Salatiga School alternatives. Will be followed by one day meeting April 27, 2005 in Salatiga The average score of the students in the poor village according to the standard of ministry of education higher than student from ordinary school in the city.
Internal successful Story : 2. Samarinda : Technological achievement of Internet mobile (bus services for rural area). This successful project coordinated by Mr. Gatot HP ; Director of Technical Middle School ; Ministry of National Education. There are 9 locations of mobile training unit in Indonesia.
Internal successful Story : 3. Batusangkar and Garut : Social and community cooperation achievement between local government and community leaders. Bupati donated Rp 300 Million to buy computer and allocate 51% of local government budget for education. (Republika : 9 April 2005). The cooperation between local KOMINFO office in Garut and schools are excellent.
Internal successful Story : 4. Jakarta : Jakarta Center of Excellent Innovation at SMUN 1 and SMUN 52 to give services and disseminates the CAP and OSOL innovation to other school. Support from the Alumni and Jakarta City Government are very significant
Internal successful Story : 5. Batam Island : The best model government official cooperatives (from different offices) to support education in Batam. The initiatives of technical school to serve Internet for neighborhood after school hours.
Communities Complementary Special Effort • Warnet : Very successful contribution of Warnet to application of ICT in the school; because small number of families having computer at home • Poskowanjati in Malang : Women association Jawa Timur contribute significantly to the innovation of using ICT in education
Universal Service Obligation • The key successful of the implementation OSOL and CAP in the school system theoretically can be supported by Government budget for school; USO program, contribution of telecommunication operator to educational sectors. • The initiatives of community leaders, educators, the owner of ISP together with local government and PT Telkom can contribute to the successful of education in the Rural.
KOMINFO can start with promotion; like OSOL and CAP; local communities will think cost effectives way to solve educational problems, ICT man will try out the new innovation of ICT. The local government should give support to educational institutions. • Educational achievements as product of the innovation of teaching learning process using ICT should be socialized to the public and mass media to weak up parliament members, high ranking officers to adopt these innovations to become the Blue Print of Educational activities or became national policy of Ministry of Educational to create civil society in Indonesia.
Coupling High Tech and High Touch Project : E after F By Dr. Naswil Idris (naswil@yahoo.com) ; April 11, 2005 Information Society (WSIS Dec 2003) : E - Learning, E - Health, E - Gov, E – Commerce. Etc. Delivery of : Access to : Radio, TV Education (one way, but huge access) INFORMATION A collection Of learning Material over Conventional Schools/ Universities (Class room meeting; Face to Face / F High Touch + Printed Material / Books) QUALITY OF LEARNING / EDUCATION High Quality of Education for All Conventional Delivery of : Access to : Complementary, Close Digital Divide (USO) • Interactivity of instructor and students all helping each other • Availability to all users with Internet Access • Asynchronous so they can be used as needed by many learners • Unlimited information sources (Globalization) • Learner able to choose when, where, what and how to learn; which sources of material around the world (Global / Interna • tional Content) 7 Intelligent Communities (PTC 2005) Delivery of : Access to : A collection of learning material over an Electronic Medium (ICT) • Email discussion • News group & Web site • Electronic Library • Computer based learning • Virtual Library, Teleconferencing OSOL (Computer Stand Alone), CAP / Telecenter within School / Univ. Problems : Penetration computer, access Internet very low, serious digital divide, inequitable, Internet connection very slow, cost very high, almost no budget from government, no clear policy from Ministry of Education, low quality of human resources. Sustainable Development Program of E – Learning / Computer Laboratory and Community Access Point (CAP) in Schools / Univ. in Indonesia