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FIRST DRAFT PROBLEMS. Getting it right…. DO NOT LOSE THIS DRAFT!. You are required to turn in this edited draft each time you turn in another draft. Please take care of it and do not lose it – it will cost you due date points. TITLE PAGE. Title was not centered
FIRST DRAFT PROBLEMS Getting it right…
DO NOT LOSE THIS DRAFT! • You are required to turn in this edited draft each time you turn in another draft. • Please take care of it and do not lose it – it will cost you due date points.
TITLE PAGE Title was not centered grade not spelled out: Tenth Grade Not lined up on the left
THE ENTIRE DRAFT not 12 pt Times New Roman. One inch margins were not prevalent Found I, me, you, we, us, etc. in paper. Found contractions (i.e. can’t, won’t, they’re) in paper. Should be PRESENT TENSE.
THE ENTIRE DRAFT • Had too many quotes. You should quote one or two times per paper not per page! • Need better transitions between ideas. • Every paragraph that did not start with your words (no citation) and ends with your words (not citation). • Citations go at the end of the sentence.
THE ENTIRE PAPER • Some of you are writing in informal, conversation writing. • Get rid of the words “thing”, “things” • Learn how to ask for permission to get a website approved.
FIRST PARAGRAPH No eye catching beginning Most thesis statements are non-existent – some are reworded hypotheses or purposes. Most purposes were evident. Some were too long to be considered introductory.
PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS (Pitts 5) – no commas or pg. or # symbol If there are two authors, all must be listed – (Arnold and White 206) If using et al.: (Davis et al. 335). NO COMMA – make the correction. When using a title because there is no author, list the first 3-4 words in quotes, (“Basic Structure of Hair” par. 12)
PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS • When citing more than one sentence in a paragraph, must introduce the works at the beginning. • Do not cite multiple citations for one fact. • Make sure you are citing the correct page number. Page # did not always match Works Cited.
FINAL PARAGRAPH Were not summaries of the research – some introduced new material. Hypotheses were includedfor the most part.
WORKS CITED PAGE cited in your paper. title was not centered Not in alphabetical order Hanging indent depth incorrect
WORKS CITED PAGE • Did not use hanging indent • Not all are double spaced – either the works was single spaced or there was a quadruple space between entries. • all of the works listed were not parenthetically cited in paper. • Some were website heavy (had more than half).
WORKS CITED PAGE • If you found a journal article on the web and printed it out for yourself, it is NOT a PRINT citation, it is a WEB citation. • I will be asking you to turn in your journal articles with your final paper to confirm that you are not fudging on your citations.
Incorrect because of punctuation Incorrect because we do not know who you are quoting
Website should be cited by the title. Not all these are in the correct MLA style
Paragraph is cited correctly since authors were introduced at beginning of sentence
First three citations are correct Last citation is wrong
Almost cited correctly – drop the Gardner in the parenthesis
Remove colon Too much space between entries
QUESTIONS? • You can set up a conference to go over your paper with me.