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Welcome 5/1/2011

Welcome 5/1/2011. What Will You Do Today? Acts 2:37-40. What Will You Do Today? Acts 2:37-40. The Reaction of the People v37 The Response of Peter v38 The Ramification of the Promise v39 The Resounding Plea v40 . The Reaction of the People v37.

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Welcome 5/1/2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome5/1/2011

  2. What Will You Do Today?Acts 2:37-40

  3. What Will You Do Today?Acts 2:37-40 • The Reaction of the People v37 • The Response of Peter v38 • The Ramification of the Promise v39 • The Resounding Plea v40

  4. The Reaction of the People v37 • Pricked: Now when they heardthis, they were pricked in their heart, • Petition: and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, whatshallwe do?

  5. The Response of Peter v38 • Repent: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, • Change of Attitude • Change of Action • Regeneration: and be baptizedeveryoneofyouinthenameofJesusChrist • Submersion • Submission • Sanction • Reason: for the remission of sins, • Reward: andyeshallreceivethegiftoftheHolyGhost.

  6. The Ramification of the Promise v39 • Present: Forthepromiseisuntoyou • Posterity: andtoyourchildren • People: andtoallthatareafaroffevenasmanyastheLordourGodshallcall

  7. The Resounding Plea v40 • Report: And with many otherwords did he testify and exhort, • Responsibility: saying, Saveyourselvesfromthisuntowardgeneration

  8. What Will You Do Today? • Will you obey to Lord’s commands • Will you reject the word of God • Is your decision based on the FACTS or on your FEELINGS

  9. What Will You Do Today?Acts 2:37-40

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