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Ultimate Hygiene Guide: Protect Yourself from Harmful Germs

Learn about different types of germs, the importance of hygiene practices, and tips for keeping yourself and your surroundings clean. Discover the impact of proper hygiene on your health and well-being.

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Ultimate Hygiene Guide: Protect Yourself from Harmful Germs

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  2. Foodhygiene

  3. Nail hygiene

  4. Foralhygiene

  5. Househygiene

  6. Bathroomhygiene

  7. Handhygiene

  8. Kitchenhygiene

  9. Body hygiene

  10. 1 2 3 5 6 4 8 7

  11. toothbrush moisturiser Toiletpaper deodorant papertowel soap shampoo Hygiene gel Wettowel comb Nail scissors Cleaning gel forface

  12. What GERMS are on yourhand? Stapholococcus Wouldyoulike a bigzitor a boil ? Hepatitis A I can causejaundiceanddiarrhoea Pseudomonas I can infectwounds. Streptococci I’mdelightedtogiveyou a sorethroat. Haemophilus I can causepinkeye. Shigella I causediarrhoea StreptococcusPnemoniae Amongotherthings,I lovetogiveyoupneumonia

  13. Healthyliving 1)Youshouldwashyourhandsafteryougotothetoilet. 2)Youshouldwashallkinds of fruitandvegetablesbeforeeating. 3)Youshouldtakeoffyourshoesbeforeyouenteryourhouse. 4)Youshouldusepapertowel. 5)……………………………………………………………. 6)……………………………………………………………. 7)…………………………………………………………….

  14. WASH YOUR HANDS! Beforeyouhandleoreatfruit Afteryouplaywith a pet Whenevertheyaredirty !!! Afteryougotothetoilet Alwayswashyourhands Soapfor 10-15 seconds Rubyourhands Together-frontandback Wrists,nails Rinseanddryyourhandswith a cleantowel Orairdrier

  15. FUN HAND FACTS: Half of allmanand a quarter of womendon’twashtheirhandsaftertheyusethebathroom Righthandedpeoplewashtheirlefthandbetterthantheirright,andvisaversa Wehavebetween 2 qnd 10 millionbacteriabetweenourfinger tip andelbow Damphands spread 1,000 timesmoregermsthandryhands. Thenumber of germs on yourfingertipsdoublesafteryouusethetoilet Germs can stayalive on handsforuptothreehours Millions of germshideunderwatches,braceletsandrings

  16. 1)Youshouldwashyourhandsbeforeyoueatfood. 2)Youshouldwashyourhandsafteryoucomehome. 3)Youshouldwashyourhandsbeforeyoucook. 4)Youshouldwashyourhandsbeforeyoucook 5)Youshouldwashyouhandsbeforeyoutouchyoureyes. 6)Youshouldwashyourhandsafteryougotothetoilet D A E B F C

  17. Washyourfruit Combyourhair Dryyourhands Drinkwarmmilk Brushyourteeth Cleanthebathroom Yougotobed Youtake a shower Youeat it Youwashthem Youhavedinner Yougotoschool Before after

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