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Nepal Earthquake Response 2015: Government's Effective Actions to Rebuild

Learn about the coordinated efforts undertaken by the Government of Nepal in response to the devastating 2015 earthquake, including disaster preparedness, emergency response, relief operations, and early recovery initiatives.

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Nepal Earthquake Response 2015: Government's Effective Actions to Rebuild

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  1. Gorkha Earthquake Response2015廓尔喀地震响应 Government of Nepal 尼泊尔政府 2016 October 25 स्वागतम्

  2. Gorkha Earthquake 2015 Nepal2015年尼泊尔廓尔喀地震 • An earthquake of 7.6 Ml, 7.8 Mw struck with epicentre around Barpak, Gorkha District (40 Second Strong Shaking) Nepal at 11:56 local time on April 25, 2015 Saturday • A heavy aftershock of 6.6 Ml at 12:30 hrs in the same area of Gorkha • Several aftershocks felt, including 6.9 Ml on 26 April and 6.8 Ml on 12 May; the total number of aftershocks of greater than 4.0 Ml has exceeded 400 • The tremor was felt all over Nepal, and in Tibet, Sikkim, Bihar, Utter Pradesh and Delhi • Created devastating impact in the Kathmandu Valley and other more than 30 districts in the country • After 1934 (after 82 yrs), this was the most devastating quake that the present generation has experienced

  3. Earthquake and After Shocks, more than 400 地震和余震多达400余次 April 25 EQ May 12 AS

  4. Death Tolls 死亡人数 - 8,970

  5. Injured 受伤人数- 22321

  6. House Fully Destroyed 房屋损毁773095

  7. What went right 成果介绍 Preparedness灾害预防 • National Disaster Response Framework • Provision of Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund & Central Natural Disaster Relief Fund • Network of Emergency Operation Centres (National Emergency Operation Centre, District Emergency Operation Centres and Health Emergency Operation Centre) • PEER program (MFR, CSSR, HoPE training for security and health personnel) • 83 open space in Kathmandu valley • Humanitarian Staging Area at Tribhuvan International Airport • Government led cluster system and cluster contingency plans • Dead body Management guidelines • Model Agreement on customs clearance • Disaster Management Section at various line Ministries • District Disaster Preparedness and Response Plans in place • Disaster Management Directorate, Battalion in three security Agencies • Disaster training centre in APF

  8. What went right 成果介绍 Response响应工作 • All higher authorities including Prime Minister presented in NEOC within 1 hour after earthquake despite strong ongoing aftershocks • Central Natural Disaster Relief Committee and Cabinet meeting was held within two hours; 14 most affected districts declared Catastrophe Area and called for international support • All security forces: Nepal Army, Armed Police Force and Nepal Police – were immediately mobilized for search and rescue operations • National disaster response framework and National Emergency Operation Centre were instrumental in handling such a mega disaster • MNMCC and OSOCC were more effective in coordinating civil and military assets for search and rescue • Cluster system was effectively functional on the leadership of government entity • Timely decision was made to demobilize international search and rescue team

  9. What went right 成果介绍 Response 响应工作 • 7000 out of 22,000injured (40%) rescued by Air Ambulance from the most difficult terrain of the country and, possibly, the world • Effective free treatment in both private and public hospitals; Emergency Rooms in major hospitals were made empty by treating all victims within 72 hrs • Overall situation of law and order was maintained in spite of 5 million people in 49 districts camping outside their houses for a month • Smooth supply of drinking water, restoration of communication, no long queue in banks and shops, holding of public goods (black marketing) effectively controlled • Informed people through multi pronged communication strategy i.e. Information Centre, Press Release and Press Conference, DRR portal, Twitter

  10. What went right 成果介绍 Response 响应工作 • Successfully managed a safe passage for the exodus of around one million affected people from Kathmandu within one week • Successfully managed to deliver immediate relief to all affected people within one month • Probable epidemic outbreak was fully controlled • Day to day life of the people came back to normalcy within one month • All dead bodies were properly managed

  11. What went right 成果介绍 Early Recovery早期恢复 • Government provided NPR 15000 to each family to build temporary shelter; within three months all affected families built temporary shelters in support of governmental and non governmental agencies • Schools reopened within two months after making temporary learning centers (TLC) • All governmental services were functional after one month despite their badly damaged structures • 6945 families were relocated temporarily from most vulnerable areas

  12. What went right 成果介绍 Recovery灾后恢复 • Post Disaster Need assessment (PDNA) was conducted within two months • International conference on Nepal’s Reconstruction was held after two months • Earthquake Reconstruction Bill was promulgated with the provision of Earthquake Reconstruction Authority (ERA) • Earthquake Reconstruction fund was established

  13. What were the shortcomings observed发现的缺陷和不足 Preparedness灾害预防 • Lack of prepositioning of relief materials • No dedicated urban search and rescue teams • Lack of search and rescue equipments • Lack of building dismantling and debris removal equipments • Non-compliance of building codes • Did not focus on rural housing practices • Standard Operating Procedure for National Emergency Operation Centre was yet not endorsed, and guidelines for accepting international relief were not available • No priority list for relief and standard for relief materials covering all the life saving components • Lack of enough air asset (helicopters) • Lack of political will and commitment for disaster preparedness • Lack of community preparedness for disaster response • Lack of awareness on earthquake risk of the country

  14. The shortcomings observed发现的缺陷和不足 Response响应工作 • Difficulties in reaching all affected remote areas due to mountain terrain and lack of transportation infrastructures • Challenges in coordinating all national security forces and multinational civil and military search and rescue teams • Difficulties in providing relief materials to all affected areas within same time • Challenges in maintaining one window policy to distribute relief materials • Challenges in distributing relief material in an equitable manner- people in accessible area got more relief than people at remote • Difficulties in controlling disaster politics • Challenges in controlling rumor in press and social media regarding the possibility of next big earthquake and aftershocks • Difficulties in identifying real victims of earthquake. Many fake people also got relief • Difficulties in controlling the inflow of non priority relief materials i.e. water, used clothes, cooked food, ready meat, other luxury goods and very expensive family tents etc. • Challenges in controlling disaster tourism

  15. What Needs to be done应对措施 • Approve new Disaster Management Act provisioned with dedicated Disaster Management Agency • Allocate enough budget for disaster response • Develop SOP for NEOC and common assessment tool • Develop Comprehensive Disaster Response Plan • Develop Dedicated SAR Team in security agencies with enough equipment • Enhance Air Asset capability among security forces • Preposition enough relief materials in regional warehouses with relief standard • Protect and develop all public open spaces • Develop special guidelines to receive international relief • Conduct simulation exercise to test guidelines and SOPs • Enhance inter organizational cooperation and coordination mechanism

  16. THANK YOU! 谢谢!

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