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Survey of Genesis. Patriarchal History. God’s Covenant with Abraham – Descendents in Egypt. Patriarchal History. Ziggurat of Ur. Abraham. Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History. Abraham (11:27 - 25:11 ) Approximate dates of Abraham - ~2166-1991 B.C. God's Promise to Abram (11:27-12:9)
Survey of Genesis Patriarchal History God’s Covenant with Abraham – Descendents in Egypt
Patriarchal History Ziggurat of Ur Abraham
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Approximate dates of Abraham - ~2166-1991 B.C. • God's Promise to Abram (11:27-12:9) • Abram's relatives and family (11:27-30) • Tereh= father of Abram (died in Ur of Chaldeans) • Haran = Abram's brother; father of Lot (Abram’s nephew) • Nahor= Abram's brother • Sarai= Abram's wife (barren – Why?) • Milcah= Nahor's wife daughter of Haran • Lived in Ur of the Chaldeans • District in south Babylonia.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Terahmoves from Ur of Chaldeans to Haran (11:31-32) • Moved with Abraham and Lot to go to the land of Canaan. • Settled in Haran. • Terehdied in Haran. • Haran- It was an important commercial city in Mesopotamia in Abram's time. It was on a main trade route between Babylon and Mediterranean. Small town there today.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Lord calls and Covenant with Abram (12:1-9) • Leaves his relations 75 years old when he leaves (12:4) • Covenant with Abram (1st) • Make you a great nation. • Bless you. • All families of the earth will be blessed (12:3). • Abram takes Lot with him to Canaan. • Shechem(Oak of Moreh) built and alter. • Between Bethel and Ai built an alter. • Bethel - town 12 miles north of Jerusalem. • Ai - east of Bethel. • Negev - south country.
Later Abram returned with Lot to the district around Hebron. The distance traveled, from Ur to Egypt and back to Hebron, was some 1,500 miles. • God called Abram to leave his native Ur and settled in Haran. • After Terah’s death Abram moved to Canaan, in response to God’s call (Gen. 12: 1–4). Abraham’s Journey to Canaan Stop at Shechem & Bethel, Abram moved on to the Negev (south country) Norris, D. T. (1997). Logos Deluxe Map Set. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc. • Because of famine, Abram visits Pharaoh in Egypt
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Abram and Sarai in Egypt (12:10-20) • Abram endangers God's plans by lying about Sarai being his sister (true but also his wife). • Did Abram do this for profit or protect himself (may have thought they would kill him for his goods and wife) • God sent plagues upon Pharaoh 's house so sent Abram away
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Separation of Abram and Lot (13:1-13) • Abram and Lot separate due to strife between their herdsmen • Both wealthy • Abram lets Lot choose his land near Sodom • God Reiterates His Promise to Abram (13:14-18) – 2nd • Descendants like the dust of the earth • All the land he could see would be theirs. • God moves Abram to the Oak of Mamre (in Hebron) • Hebron - 25 mi. SW of Jerusalem, Mamre the older name
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Abram and the War of the Kings (14:1-24) • Lot and his family gets carried off after the king of Sodom is defeated in war. • Abram with his allies, the Amorites, defeated Chedorlaomer north of Demascus at Hobah and rescued Lot (318 men Gen. 14:14). • Melchizedek king of Salem (Jerusalem) was a Priest of the most high God. • Blessed Abram. • God delivered Abram from his enemies. • God continues to bless Abram.
Invaders approach along the King’s Highway They defeate the five kings, returning with captives, including Lot A refugee reports to Abram about the attack Abram returns via Salem and is blessed by Melchizedek, the priest of the most high God. • Abram pursues invaders to Hobah, recovering all They attack the Amalekites and Amorites Horites are driven back below Kadesh Norris, D. T. (1997). Logos Deluxe Map Set. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • God's Covenant with Abram (15:1-21) • Divine covenant – An unchangible, divinely impose legal agreement between God and humanity that stipulates the conditions of their relationship. • First time the word “covenant” is used to describe the relationship between Abram and God.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • God's Covenant with Abram (15:1-21) 3rd • They will have an offspring of their own • God will make his descendants like the stars • God makes a covenant with Abram, Abraham believed and it was reckoned to him as righteousness (see also Rom. 4:9-13) • Cut the animals in half and passes between them (15:17) • Given the land between the Nile and the Euphrates • Given the land between Nile and Euphrates, God tells Abram about events that will take place as He fulfills His promise (15:18) • Abram's descendants will be "strangers in a land not their own" and enslaved for 400 years • God will deliver them and an in four generations will bring them to the land of Canaan
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • God's Covenant with Abram (15:1-21) • God promise of the land will not come for some 600 years • Abram's descendants will be "strangers in a land not their own" and enslaved for 400 years • God will deliver them and an in four generations will bring them to the land of Canaan • Why did God wait those 600 years to fulfill His promise? • Sins of the Amorites not yet complete
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Abram, Sarai, and Hagar (16:1-16) • Abram and Sarai could not wait for God to keep his promise so Sarai gave Abram her handmaid, Hagar (about 10 years had passed) • Hagar is a concubine = secondary wife (cultural practice) • Sarai treated Hagar harshly after she became pregnant so she fled • Angel of the Lord appears to Hagar and tells her to return (theophany) • Angel (referred to as Yahweh) promises the child will be blessed with many descendants. • His name shall be called Ishmael (God hears). (Muslims trace their line back to Ishmael)
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Reminders of the Covenant God Made with Abram (17:1-27) 4th • Abram was 86 at the birth of Ishmael (10 years after leaving Ur); was 99 when God confirmed his covenant with Abram • Was it a conditional covenant or unconditional (see 17:1 walk before me and be blameless) • Noah's covenant was unconditional
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Reminders of the Covenant God Made with Abram (17:1-27) • Three reminders that God will fulfill his covenant. It had been 25 years since they had left Haran so they were probably wondering if God really would keep his promise. • His name was changed from Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of a multitude) to signify God would fulfill his promise to make his descendants like stars in the sky or sand on the seashore • Circumcision of males on the 8th day as a sign of being people of God's covenant. • Sarai's name was change to Sarah (Princess) as she would be a mother of nations.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Reminders of the Covenant God Made with Abram (17:1-27) • Ishmael will also be blessed as God had promised • Abraham's and Sarah's son would be named Isaac (he laughs) because Abraham had laughed that they could have a son at their age • Abraham carries out the circumcision • Abraham 99 • Ishmael 13
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • The Promise of Isaac's Birth (18:1-15) • Three men arrive to tell Abraham that in a year he will have a son. It refers to two angels and the Lord (Gen. 19:1) • Sarah laughs • They think they are too old • The reply is "is anything too difficult for the Lord?“ (18:14)
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Sodom and Gomorrah (18:16-19:38) 5th • Lord's purpose for Abraham - Gen. 18:19 • All nations will be blessed - final outcome of the promise • Keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice • Abraham discusses fate of Sodom and Gomorrah with God (18:16-33) • Abraham pleads with the Lord while the two angels go down to Sodom • Abraham asks the Lord to spare the city if 50 righteous are found and then gets down to just ten • Shows Abrahams love and concern for people • God will not slay the righteous with the wicked
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (19:1-29) • God condemns the great wickedness (beating on the door for sex, Lot offers his daughters, struck blind by the angels) Morocco example • Lot tries to get his relatives to leave but only leaves at the urging of the angels with his wife and two daughters. • Flees to the mountains via Zoar but wife looks back and turned into a pillar of Salt. • Daughter are concerned about lack of family to marry and have children so get their father drunk. Older daughters son called Moab - father of the Moabites. Younger daughter named Ben-ammi - father of sons of Ammon (Ammonites). • God remembered Abraham and spared Lot.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Abraham and Abimelech (20:1-18) • Abraham travels to Gerar (southern border of Canaan) • Abraham and Sarah lie again about her being his wife because of afraid of being killed (she was 90 years old) • Possible idea: Get his wealth by killing him to get his wife and wealth or marrying into the family • God appears to Abimelech in a dream and warns him • Abimelech points out that Abraham lied to him so how was he to know, God tells him he kept him from sinning • Abimelech gives her back with gifts to right any wrongs • Abimelech offers them a place to stay in his land • Abraham called a prophet (20:7)
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Birth of Isaac (21:1-21) • Abraham was 100years old and Sarah was 91 (25 years after they left Haran) • Hagar and her son driven out (Ishmael is 15 years old) • God tells Abraham not to worry that he will become a great nation • God protected them in the wilderness by providing water in the north Sinai peninsula. • Lived in Paran and had a wife from Egypt.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Covenant Between Abraham and Abimelech(21:22-34) • Abimelech saw God was with Abraham so wanted a covenant with Abraham for himself and his descendants. • So Abraham would not deal falsely with him. • So Abraham would show kindness to him as he did by allowing Abraham to reside in his land. • Servants of Abimelech had seized a well dug by Abraham. • Abimelech did not know of the situation. • Abraham gave seven ewe lambs as "a witness”, he dug the well. • Abraham planted a Tamarisk tree there and called on the "name of the Lord, the Everlasting Father,” called Beersheba • Abraham stayed there for many days
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Faith of Abraham Manifested (22:1-19) • God put Abraham's faith to the test • There is a difference between tempting people to do wrong and testing one's faith • God told Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice in the land of Moriah • Mt. Moriah is where Jerusalem would be built; the temple mount • Three day trip to arrive from Beersheba • Isaac wonders about the sacrifice • Abraham says God will provide
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Faith of Abraham Manifested (22:1-19) • The sacrifice - Abraham's faith in God has grown over the years since doubting God could provide him with a child • God stops the sacrifice and provides a ram • God recognizes Abrahams reverence of Him • Abraham call the place God will provide – Yahweh Jireh (Mount of the Lord) • God reconfirms his blessing to Abraham because of his faith and obedience (22:15-19) 6th • Was the covenant conditional or unconditional? • Multiply his descendants. • Descendants will possess the gates of their enemies. • Descendants of all nations will be blessed.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Rebekah's Linage (22:20-24) • Traces the linage of Rebekah from Nahor, Abraham's brother, to Rebekah the daughter of Bethuel • Isaac would later marry Rebekah
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Sarah Dies and Abraham's Purchase of a Burial Cave (23:1-20) • Abraham negotiates the purchase of a field at Machpelah and cave in which to bury Sarah – near Hebron • Abraham does not own land in that country • He purchases the land from Ephron, the Hittite (remember the Hittites!) • Abraham purchase it for 400 shekels of silver • Purchase took place before all who went into the gate of the city • Early scholars thought that the Hittites did not exist but later finds revealed these people did exist • Sarah dies at age 127, thirty-four years after Isaac's birth (23:1)
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Abraham Sends for a Wife for Isaac (24:1-67) • Abraham sends his oldest faithful servant to his kinsmen to find a wife for Isaac • Servant swears an oath to Abraham not to take Isaac (hand under thigh) • Servant goes with 10 camels and many gifts to the city of Nahor (Haran) • Servant stops at a well, ask God to show him which daughter will be for Isaac (the one who gives him a drink & waters camels • Rebekah (shepherdess) comes out and gives him water and waters his camels • He gives thanks that God made his journey successful • Gives Rebekah gold ring and two bracelets
Eliezer could have taken the route along the plain of Sharon to Megiddo on to Damascus It is about a 500 mile trip from Beersheba to Haran that Eliezer made via Hebron, Jersalem, Jericho to the King’s Highway in Transjordan The King’s Highway would have taken him across the Anti–Lebanons, down the Orontes to Hama (Hamath), on to Aleppo, across the Euphrates river and northward to the home of Rebekah in the neighborhood of Haran • Norris, D. T. (1997). Logos Deluxe Map Set. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Abraham Sends for a Wife for Isaac (24:1-67) • The servant discuss the marriage with Rebekah's family • Laben, Rebekah's brother, and her father, Bethuel discuss the matter with the servant • They decide after consulting with Rebekah that she may go with them (at first they said she would follow after ten days). • Gifts given to Rebekah, her brother, and mother • Rebekah put the ring on her nose after accepting • Rebekah sent off with a blessing of many descendants • Rebekah arrives at Isaac's home in the Negev • Put a veil over her face • Taken to Isaac's mother's tent • Isaac married Rebekah at age 40 (Abraham is 140)
Survey of Genesis: Patriarchal History • Abraham (11:27 - 25:11) • Death of Abraham (25:1-11) • Abraham takes another wife and has children through her • Abraham gave all his possessions to Isaac • To the sons of his concubines he gave gifts while he was still alive and sent them away to the land of the East • Abraham died at 175 satisfied with life • Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave at Machpelah with Sarah • Isaac was 75 when Abraham died • God blessed Isaac who lived at Beer-lahai-roi