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Implementaci ó n efectiva de TICs en la Educaci ón Evaluar Opciones Tecnológicas para Educaci ón Herramienta: Costo Total de Pertenencia. Las TICs tienen impacto en la ense ñanza y el aprendizaje Las TICs no sirven con frecuencia por falta de dinero para reparaciones
Implementación efectiva de TICs en la Educación Evaluar Opciones Tecnológicas para Educación Herramienta: Costo Total de Pertenencia
Las TICs tienen impacto en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje • Las TICs no sirven con frecuencia por falta de dinero para reparaciones • Las TICs son muy costosas para escuelas Problemas principales cuando se afronta el uso de TICs en la Educación • Carencia de enfoque en objetivos educativos • TICs = Solo computadoras • No toman en consideración todos los elementos del sistema “end-to-end” (de punta a punta) (enfocar solamente las plataformas tecnológicas) • No toman en consideración el precio a corto plazo además del largo plazo, o el Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Tenemos que repensar el uso de TICs en la Educación • Pensar en un uso integral de TICs • Enfocar con un sistema “punta a punta” (end-to-end system) • Enfocar en los Objetivos Educativos • Las TICs son sólo un medio no un fin en si mismas • Tomar en consideración el precio a corto plazo además del largo plazo • - Herramienta: Costo Total de Pertenencia (Total Cost of Ownership)
Uso de la plataforma TIC Contenido y Aplicaciones Capacitación y Apoyo Mantenimiento y Apoyo Técnico Gestión, Seguimiento y monitoreo (reportes) Objetivos Educativos Participantes Fondos El Sistema “Punta a Punta” (end-to-end system)
Emparejar los objetivos/modelos con recursos y restricciones Un Enfoque Exhaustivo • Indentificar opciones de plataformas tecnológicas Evaluar beneficios, viabilidad y total cost of ownership (TCO) de las opciones Eligir una estrategia de tecnología e-schools Definir los objetivos educativos Diseñar apropiados modelos e-school Comprender condiciones y restricciones locales
Objectivos Descripción Aumentar productividad en la escuela • Liberar el tiempo de los docentes y administradores y mejorar el movimiento y almacenamiento de datos, a través del uso de TICs para tareas administrativos y de comunicaciones Administración Aumentar el movimiento de datos para el diseño de políticas • Recoger y manejar datos para planificaciones (monitorando resultados, evaluado necesidades, asignando recursos etc.) Desarrollar conocimientos y aptitudes del docente • Usar TICs para mejorar el conocimiento del docento sobre la asignatura, capacitar en nuevas practicas pedagogicas y motivar y unir docentes Formación Docente Planificacion efectiva de las clases • Ayudar docentes con objectivos de planificación, estructura y contenido de lecciones, especialmente quando el docente esta enseñando un asignatura desconocido Acceder a información (los estudiantes) • Estudiantes accediendo a contenido local, intranet o internet para información no accessible en los libros de texto o en la biblioteca Mejorar comprensión conceptual • Explicar conceptos y información a estudiantes atraves representaciones dimanicas audio-visual Recursos de aprendizaje Desarrollar aptitudes • Construir conocimientos a través de la búsqueda de información, relacionando con simulaciones, diseñando productos y presentando trabajo Facilitar la colaboración • Usar TICs para el trabajo de grupo y comunicación entre estudiantes para mejorar motivación y conocimiento Análisis y retroalimentación • Oportunidades para rapidamenteaplicar aprendizaje y obtener retroalimentación a través de examenes Aptitudes TICs Desarrollar aptitudes básicos TICs • Familiarizar los estudiantes con TICs y desarollar aptitudes básicos de uso Desarrollar aptitudes avazados TICs • Aprender aptitudes avazados TICs (por ejemplo la programación) con ayuda del docente PASO 1: DEFINIR LOS OBJECTIVOS EDUCATIVOS
PASO 2: DISEÑAR UN MODELO DE USO ADECUADO 1. Uso Docente / Administración 1. No-interactivo Ratios are required for each usage approach, e.g., • Numero de aparatos para docente / oficina de administración • Numero de aparatos por cada docente • Numero de aparatos por cada aula • Numero de computadoras por estudiante en los laboratorios • Numero de estudiantes por computadora con libre acceso • Sofware básico, • ` • Software especialista • Aplicaciones Educativos • Contenido Educativo 2. Computadora portátil asignada al docente 2. Interactivo sin conexión red 3. Una computadora en aula para el uso del docente Varias computadoras u otros aparatos digitales para el uso del docente y estudiantes 3. Interactivo con internet 5. Laboratorio con varias computadoras 6. Acceso abierto
Functionality Interactive un-networked Interactive w/ internet Non-interactive Teacher and admin office use Mobile device assigned to teacher In classroom single device mainly used by teacher Usage approach In classroom multiple devices used by teacher and students Computer lab multiple devices used by teacher and students Open access THERE ARE ONLY 14 KEY DEPLYMENT MODELS – OTHER 4 OPTIONS ARE NOT MEANINGFUL
Teacher development ICT skills Administration Learning development Enhancing school productivity Enhancing data flow for policy making Improving teaching practice Assisting effective lesson planning Accessing information (by students) Improving conceptual understand-ing Developing constructiv-ist skills Facilitating collaborat-ion Providing testing and feedback Developing basic ICT skills Developing advanced ICT skills Deployment models Interactive un-networked Teacher and admin office use 1 Interactive w/internet 2 Interactive un-networked 3 Mobile device assigned to teacher Interactive w/internet 4 5 Non-interactive In-classroom single device mainly used by teacher Interactive un-networked 6 Interactive w/internet 7 In-classroom multiple devices used by teacher and students Interactive un-networked 8 Interactive w/internet 9 Interactive un-networked Computer lab with multiple devices used by teacher and students 10 Interactive w/internet 11 12 Non-interactive Open access Interactive un-networked 13 Interactive w/internet 14 EACH DEPLOYMENT MODEL HELPS ACHIEVE DIFFERENT OBJECTIVES Most suitable Least suitable
PASO 3: IDENTIFICAR DIFERENTES PLATAFORMAS TECNOLÓGICAS • ICT platform • To-Institution connectivity • Peripheral Device • In-Institution connectivity • Physical and Power Infrastructure • Operating System • Display Device • Access device • High bandwidth/range 2-way • Wired network • WiFi • Low bandwidth/range 2-way • Bluetooth • Infra red • Off-line access • CD/DVD/VCD/VHS • Pen drives • On-line/ Internet Access • High bandwidth 2-way • VSAT • FWA/Wimax/WiFi • Wireline (DSL/cable) • Mobile (3G) • Low bandwidth 2-way • Dial up • Mobile (cellular) • 1-way access/broadcast • TV • Radio • Satellite • Off-line access • CD/DVD/VCD/VHS • Pen drives • Operating system • Proprietary • Windows • Apple • PDA OS (Palm, CE) • Unix • Open source • Linux • Display • Projector • Interactive whiteboard • TV/monitor • Physical infrastructure • New or renovated rooms • Air conditioning • Security grills/ guards • Electrical system modification • Power Backup • Generator • Solar • Wind • Furniture • Desk • Chair • Interactive • Full functionality PC • Desktop PC • Laptop PC • Tablet PC • Client/server • “Converged” PC (e.g., Ki-Yan) • Internet PC • PDA • Mobile Phone • Other limited functionality devices, e.g., • SIMputer • Smart Keyboard • Non-interactive • TV • Radio • DVD/VCD/VHS player • Peripheral • Printer • Scanner • Photo copier • Digital camera • Video camera • Selection of deployment model limits technology that is suitable/necessary (e.g., if choose un-networked option do not need to-school connectivity) • But there will still be 3-5 potential platforms for any 1 e-school model and each should be assessed
NUMBER/RATIO OF DEVICES DETERMINES FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY OF USER’S INTERACTION WITH ICTs • Usage approach • Key ratios • Impact • Teacher/office use • # of devices per teacher • Frequency with which each teacher can access ICTs for administrative or professional development purposes • Mobile device assigned to teacher • # of devices per teacher • Proportion of teachers who can use ICTs for administrative or professional development purposes • Proportion of classes where ICTs are used as learning resource • In classroom single device mainly used by teacher • # of devices per classroom • Proportion of classes where ICTs are used as learning resource • In classroom multiple devices used by students and teachers • # of classes where ICTs are deployed • # of devices per student in each class • Proportion of classes where ICTs are used as learning resource • Amount of time each student has to directly access ICTs (to build constructivist skills, basic ICT skills, etc.) • Computer lab multiple devices used by teacher and students • # of labs per school • # of devices in each lab • Number of hours of tuition per week for each student in computer lab • Amount of time each student has to directly access ICTs (to build constructivist skills, basic ICT skills, etc.) • Open access • # of devices per school • [hours per day that devices are accessible] • Number of hours/minutes that each student can access device per week
1. Teacher skills • Existing ICT infrastructure such as computer equipment and telecom connectivity Impacts feasibility of deployment models and technology choices, and costs 3. Electricity • Availability of sufficient electricity for ICT usage 4. Physical school infrastructure • Size and shapes of classrooms; security; types of furniture; lighting conditions; ventilation…etc. 5. Access to developed local ICT industry • Distance from services; capability of local ICT service industry; ease of procurement LOCAL CONDITIONS AND CONSTRAINTS IMPACT FEASIBILITY • Local conditions/ constraints Description • Educator’s technology skills and comfort in integrating technology into teaching 2. ICT infrastructure
Deployment of ICT platform Content User training and support Technical support (HW & SW) Monitoring and reporting End-to-end system Upfront/capex • Initial purchase, delivery and setup of equipment • Access device • Display device • Connectivity • Software OS and apps • Peripherals • Physical infrastructure • Electrical system • Off-the-shelf content • Custom-developed content • Development/ customization • Distribution • Initial administrator, teacher and student training • Setup of support infrastructure (if not outsourced) • Maintenance • Technical support call center • Etc. • Setup of organization (e.g., PMO) Ongoing/opex • To-school connectivity • Electricity • Security • Insurance • Upgrades in content • Recurring training for select admin and teachers • ICT training for students • Pedagogical support • Maintenance and upgrades of all components of ICT platform • Technical support • Insurance • Ongoing personnel for monitoring, evaluating and reporting TOTAL COSTS OF OWNERSHIP (TCO) OF OPTIONS Electronic Tools developed to assist calculate TCO
PASO 5: EMPAREJAR LOS OBJECTIVOS/MODELOS CON RECURSOS Y RESTRICCIONES Tecnología plataforma(s) fits with budget and constraints Pursue strategy Evaluar TCOde plataformas tecnológicas elejidas All technology platforms are outside budget Select alternative usage approach, functionality and/or ratios to pursue same educational objectives, identify new technology options and assess TCO Technology platform(s) fits with budget and constraints Pursue strategy All technology platforms are outside budget Select alternative educational objectives, design new e-schools model, identify appropriate technology options, and assess TCO, iterating until within budget Technology platform(s) fits with budget and constraints Pursue strategy
ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT FULL FUNCTIONALITY PC’s Benefits Technology Key features Implications for objectives Feasibility Indicative TCO* Desktop PC • Fully compatible with common productivity and specialized educational applications • Supports most connectivity and output options • Large data storage and processing power • Suitable for group use • Depending on usage approach, facilitates all major educational objectives • Particularly suitable for developing ICT skills due to prevalence in society • Well-supported by local services industry (both procurement and maintenance) • Most robust and less likely to break $$ • All key features of desktop PC • Mobility of device allows fulfillment of multiple usage approaches as teacher can use laptop in office, then bring it to class • Same as desktop, with additional benefit of fulfilling multiple usage approaches, which facilitates more educational objectives • Well-supported by local services industry (both procurement and maintenance) • Less robust than a desktop and is more likely to break during heavy use $$$ Laptop PC Tablet PC • All key features of laptop PC • Handwriting recognition allows quicker/more instantaneous user input • Same as laptop • Not well-supported by local services industry (both procurement and maintenance) • Less robust than a desktop and is more likely to break during heavy use $$$$ * TCO indicative since it is not in the context of a complete technology platform, it varies across countries, and the data used in this assessment are preliminary and in some cases incomplete. $ = <US$750, $$ = <US$1500, $$$ = <US$2500, $$$$ = >US$2500
ASSESSMENT OF DIFFERENT DISPLAY DEVICES Benefits Technology Key features Implications for objectives Feasibility Indicative TCO* Projector • Can display image to a very large size for all students to view • Mobility facilitates sharing • Can be used by teacher to improve conceptual understanding • Moderately well-supported by local services industry (both procurement and maintenance) • Bulbs need to be replaced every 1-3 years depending on usage, which are very expensive ($400+) • Depending on the configuration of the room, may be difficult to have a clear path of projection from projector to screen/wall $$ - $$$ Interactive whiteboard • Allows user to make changes on whiteboard, which is recognized by the application • Requires internal or external projector • Can be used by teacher to improve conceptual understanding in a highly interactive way (students can draw on board) • Helps build constructivist skills • Not well-supported by local services industry (both procurement and maintenance) in developing countries • May not be appropriate for teachers with lower ICT skills $$-$$$ TV/monitor • Can display image to a size up to 36” for CRT TV, or up to 60” on plasma TV/monitor. Computer monitor typically up to 21” • Can be used by teacher to improve conceptual understanding • Well-supported by local services industry (both procurement and maintenance) • Least foreign to teachers • TV displays to a larger screen size than CRT monitor, but at lower resolution and not all TVs support PC input • LCD/plasma supports largest screen size but expensive $ (TV) $-$$ (monitor) $$$$ (LCD/plasma) * TCO indicative since it is not in the context of a complete technology platform, it varies across countries, and the data used in this assessment are preliminary and in some cases incomplete. $ = <US$750, $$ = <US$1500, $$$ = <US$2500, $$$$ = >US$2500
HOW FRAMEWORK HAS BEEN USED This Framework and TCO tools have been used in a number of projects including: • MoE of Namibia • Budgeting processes for ICTs by MoE in Namibia • Defining ICT Standards for educational institutions in Namibia • State of Louisiana in the US under projects to rebuild schools affected by Katrina Hurricane • Budgeting and grant application processes • Assess several options for each school • Get the overall technology plan right: affordable, high benefits
GESCI’S TOOLKIT: ASSESSING TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS • Two tools • Document • Describes the framework for selecting technology options. • Provides guidance • usage approaches • technology platform • numbers of devices • Spreadsheet • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator for a school ICT strategy • Excel spreadsheet. • Useful if you are evaluating options for ICT strategy or solution options • Supports preparation of a funding proposal or school budget.