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STARDUST Project CRITICAL EVENTS READINESS REVIEW COMET P/WILD 2 ENCOUNTER READINESS PREPARATION T. Duxbury. JPL: 303-411 AM / 301-427 PM LMA: MSA +1 818 354-1275 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST 20 Nov 2003. Total Workforce. Operations, Science, E/PO and Management at JPL and LMA.

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  1. STARDUST Project CRITICAL EVENTS READINESS REVIEW COMET P/WILD 2 ENCOUNTER READINESS PREPARATION T. Duxbury JPL: 303-411 AM / 301-427 PM LMA: MSA +1 818 354-1275 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST 20 Nov 2003 CERR - Duxbury

  2. Total Workforce Operations, Science, E/PO and Management at JPL and LMA CERR - Duxbury

  3. SCOPE OF READINESS PREPARATION • Used the Flyby of Main Belt Asteroid Annefrank to Test Wild 2 Approach Operations, Timelines, Interfaces and Encounter Sequence • DRR and CERR Held before Event • Wild 2 E-3d to E+1d Timeline • Approach Geometry Significantly More Severe than Wild 2Approach • Annefrank 30 deg from Sun, Required Large Attitude Turns and Performed on Batteries with Flyby Speed 7.4 km vrs 6.1 km/s at Wild 2 • Annefrank Too Dim to See Before Flyby • All Operations Performed Within Timelines • All Interfaces, Peer Reviews, Command Products Implemented/Validated • Survived Loss of 1 + 1/2 DSN Passes - Forced Quick Turn Around of Sequences • Radio/Optical Nav Performed w/ Encounter Annefrank/Star Images • Encounter Sequence Completely Successful • Collector Deployed, CIDA and DFMI on and Nucleus Tracking Captured All 72 Flyby Images • Nav too Accurate, Bank Turn Computed but too Small to Implement • Operations Would Have Succeeded at Wild 2 CERR - Duxbury

  4. SCOPE OF READINESS PREPARATION • Produced New Wild 2 Dust Production Model • 10 Times Less Collectable Dust w/ Ten Times More Hazardous Dust • Peer Reviewed w/ 15 International Comet Scientists • James Rose Chaired Review • Current Model Viewed as Worst Case/Upper Limit to Large Dust • Recommended Earth-based Observations for Additional Validation • Produced New Wild 2 Ephemerides • Accuracy of Time of Encounter Degraded from 30 seconds to 180 seconds (1,100 km 1s) • Reviewed by Navigation Advisory Group (NAG) • Validated New Model • Recommended Earth-based Observations for Additional Validation CERR - Duxbury

  5. SCOPE OF READINESS PREPARATION • Reviewed Science Requirements and Spacecraft Safety • Moved Flyby from 150 km to 300 km for S/C Safety • Response to New Dust Model • Reduced Collection from 1,000 Particles > 15 mm to 500 • Effect of New Dust Model • Reduced # Images Within 2,000 km from 65 to 30 • Effect of Degraded Time of Encounter Uncertainty • New Mission Success Criteria in Approval Cycle at NASA HQ • Changes to Level 1 Requirements Need OSS Associate Administer Approval • Is a Given for This Review CERR - Duxbury

  6. SCOPE OF READINESS PREPARATION • Conducted Readiness Reviews of Key Operational Elements • Nav Readiness Review by Navigation Advisory Group (NAG) • Deep Space Mission Systems (DSMS) Readiness Review • Multi Mission Office (MMO) Ground Data System Readiness Review • Planetary Data System (PDS) Review of Data Archive Formats and Contents - Used for Operations as Well • Meetings with JPL Office of Communications and Education Continuing • 20+ Full Tests of Encounter Sequence with Expected Range in Variables Plus Anomalies Nearing Completion in the Spacecraft Test Laboratory • Conducting Operational Readiness Testing (ORT’s) • Radio + Opt Nav for E-2d TCM Completed • E-2d to E-6h ORT Remaining • Science ORT Remaining • E/PO ORT Remaining • Camera Cleanup Performed / Opt Nav Images Started • Compliant w/ Flight Project Practices CERR - Duxbury


  8. READINESS • Simple Flyby Trajectory at Encounter • Straight Line Motion Past a Massless Body • Moved from Previous Planned Flyby of 150 km to 300 km • Reduced Spacecraft Risk at Flyby by a Factor of 2 • Reduced Delivery Performance by Nav by a Factor of 2 • Successful Flyby Totally Dependent on OpNav • Needs DS1 Level of Sensitivity and Geometric Accuracy • Op Nav Already Detected Wild 2 - Will Significantly Ease Encounter Operations • Deleted Many Contingency Plans if Detection was Late • No Need to Take Lots of Pictures and Co-Add on the Ground for Detection as Planned • Can Implement Leisurely Trajectory Correction Maneuver Schedule and Miss a Few if Needed • The Remaining Presentations will Demonstrate • Relative Ease of Remaining Operations • Excellent Preparation and Qualifications of Flight Team • Robust Timeline w/ Excellent Margin and Contingency Strategies • The STARDUST Project is Ready for Wild 2 CERR - Duxbury

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