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Directions for Enhancing Promotion of RCA Activities

Prepared by John K Chung For Presentation to RCARO 2010 July Cheju Workshop. Directions for Enhancing Promotion of RCA Activities. What is Past, is a Prologue. – Hamlet -. Without the past, no present. Present is the basis for the future. The Past (1).

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Directions for Enhancing Promotion of RCA Activities

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  1. Prepared by John K Chung For Presentation to RCARO 2010 July Cheju Workshop Directions for Enhancing Promotion of RCA Activities

  2. What is Past, is a Prologue. – Hamlet -

  3. Without the past, no present. Present is the basis for the future.

  4. The Past (1) • 1997 Yangon: Recommended establishment of an RCA Regional Office in the Region to enhance RCA ownership by MSs • 1998 Taupo: Discussed possible establishment of an RCA office similar to UNDP Project Office in the Region • 2000 Mumbai: Korea offered hosting of the RCA Regional Office in Korea. MSs welcomed. • 2001 Dhaka: MSs fully supported establishment of RCARO in Korea • 2001 Vienna: 30th RCA GCM agreed the establishment of the RCA Regional Office in Korea (2-year interim period)

  5. The Past (2) • 2002 Daejeon: The RCA Regional Office was officially opened • 2002 Vienna: 31 GCM adopted Working Paper on the establishment and operation of RCARO in Korea • 2003 Vienna: 32 GCM adopted RCA Resolution • Reconfirms roles and function of Dir.-RCARO • Requests Government of Korea to continue all necessary support for RCARO operation • Requests all RCA MSs to support and cooperate with RCARO • 2007 Vienna: 36 GCM adopted RCA Resolution on the roles and status of RCARO • Confirms Dir-RCARO has authority to act on behalf of RCA in order to fulfill its mandate as set out in the GOR of RCA • Requests all MSs to provide necessary support for Dir-RCARO with their best capacity • Requests IAEA’s RCA Secretariat to continue extending cooperation to RCARO • 2007 Vienna: GOR amended incorporating Appointment, Roles and Responsibilities of Dir-RCARO as well as RCARO SAC

  6. Present • Identity Crisis • Not yet recognized by the RCA Agreement • Still within the framework of KAERI • No proper legal status of Dir-RCARO when representing RCA before international development community • No official administrative interactions with IAEA’s • RCA and the MTS • Project should suit to RCA priority (No more thematic sectors) • The Project: the fewer, the better philosophy • Seems more emphasis on non-RCA projects • Role of RCA Coordinator (now RCA Focal Person)

  7. Future • Some good indications of host government of RCARO • Korea joined in OECD DAC(Development Assistance Committee) in 2009: From newly developed industrial country to advanced donor country • Korea will upgrade ODA/GNI from current 0.09% to 0.25% by 2015 (ideally, 0.7%) • Cooperation between KOICA and RCARO envisioned • Role of Korea in international development community • Export nuclear power plants to UAE and so on • Chair the G-20 Seoul Summit in 2010 • Host the Nuclear Security Summit in 2012

  8. Some suggestions for paradigm change • Recognition of RCARO’s legal personality • Enhanced partnership based on ownership of individual RCARO initiated projects • Harmonization among donor countries in RCA region • Alignment of development strategies of developing RCA MSs • Mutual accountability between RCARO and RCA MSs

  9. Recognition • Revision of RCA Agreement incorporating RCARO status • Agreement between IAEA and Government of Korea regarding the operation of RCARO • Recognition of RCARO as an international-level organization by host government • Restructuring of RCARO (e.g. Introducing Deputy Director)

  10. Partnership • Contribution by the RCA MSs to the RCARO initiated projects (Financial or in-kind) • Attract fund from other international or regional development organizations to RCARO initiated projects

  11. Harmonization • Harmonization among RCA donor countries in implementing projects (AUL, JPN etc)

  12. Alignment • Best reference to the Agency’s CPF(Country Programme Framework) • Coherence for development policy of MSs

  13. Accountability • Proper system for project evaluation based on outcomes

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