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Child Development Assessment Profile Proffil Asesu Datblygiad Plentyn

Child Development Assessment Profile Proffil Asesu Datblygiad Plentyn. Developing Assessment across the Foundation Phase Datblygu Asesu ar draws y Cyfnod Sylfaen Information For Governors Gwybodaeth ar Gyfer Llywodraethwyr. Session Objectives Amcanion Y Sesiwn.

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Child Development Assessment Profile Proffil Asesu Datblygiad Plentyn

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  1. Child Development Assessment ProfileProffil Asesu Datblygiad Plentyn Developing Assessment across the Foundation Phase Datblygu Asesu ar draws y Cyfnod Sylfaen Information For Governors Gwybodaeth ar Gyfer Llywodraethwyr

  2. Session ObjectivesAmcanion Y Sesiwn • Reinforce the principles of teaching and learning within the Foundation Phase/ Atgyfnerthu dealltwriaeth o ddysgu ac addysgu yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen • To provide an overview of assessment in the Foundation Phase/ i gynnig gorolwg o asesu yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen

  3. Important DocumentsDogfennau Pwysig

  4. Fframwaith - nid cwricwlwm Hyblygrwydd Polisi Ysgol Framework and not a curriculum Flexibility School Policy Fframwaith Y Cyfnod Sylfaen Foundation Phase Framework

  5. Foundation Phase AssessmentsTrefniadau Asesu Yn Y Cyfnod Sylfaen

  6. Child Development Profile Proffil Datblygiad Plentyn To support their different developmental stages throughout the Foundation Phase children need:Er mwyn cefnogi'r gwahanol gamau datblygiadol trwy'r Cyfnod Sylfaen mae ar blant angen: • practitioners and environments (indoors and outdoors) that support and challenge their widening interests and encourage them to develop their thinking/ ymarferwyr ac amgylcheddau (o dan do ac yn yr awyr agored) sy'n cynnal ac yn herio eu diddordebau cynyddol ac sy'n eu hannog i ddatblygu eu meddwl • practitioners who observe, assess and plan carefully for their developmental needs/ ymarferwyr sy'n arsylwi, asesu a chynllunio ar gyfer eu hanghenion datblygiadol • practitioners who encourage and extend conversations /ymarferwyr sy'n annog ac yn ymestyn sgyrsiau • practitioners who provide good role models /ymarferwyr sy'n darparu delfrydau ymddwyn da • opportunities that support their development as independent, confident learners/ • cyfleoedd sy'n cynnal eu datblygiad fel dysgwyr annibynnol, hyderus

  7. Implementing the FrameworkGweithredu’r Fframwaith

  8. Foundation Phase AssesmentAsesu yn Y Cyfnod Sylfaen • On Entry Assessment / Asesiad Dechreuol • End of Foundation Phase Assessment / Asesiad ar Ddiwedd Y Cyfnod Sylfaen

  9. On Entry AssessmentAsesiad Dechreuol • Areas of Development/ Meysydd Datblygiadol • Assessment Stories/ Storïau Asesu • Steps/ Camau • Descriptions of Behaviour/ Disgrifiad o Ymddygiad

  10. Child Development Assessment ProfileProffil Asesu Datblygiad Plentyn • Personal, Social and Emotional / Personol, Cymdeithasol ac Emosiynol • Speaking and Listening / Siarad a Gwrando • Reading and Writing / Darllen ac Ysgrifennu • Sort, Order and Number / Trefnu, Dosbarthu a Rhif • Approach to Learning, Thinking and Reasoning / Agwedd tuag at Ddysgu, Meddwl a Rhesymu • Datblygiad Corfforol / Physical Development

  11. Based on observation Must involve all adults in the classroom Requires adults to share information gathered through information Yn seiliedig ar arsylwadau Angen cynnwys yr holl oedolion sydd yn y dosbarth Angen i oedolion i gydweithio a rhannu’r wybodaeth sydd yn cael ei gasglu drwy arsylwi Implementing the Profile EffectivelyGweithredu’r Proffil yn Effeithiol

  12. National AdviceCyngor Cenedlaethol

  13. Summer Term 2011 Training for Teachers Training for Teaching Assistants Autumn Term 2011 Family of Schools Networking Meetings System Leaders to Support Schools Tymor Yr Haf 2011 Hyfforddiant i Athrawon Hyfforddiant i Staff Cynorthwyol Tymor Yr Hydref Cyfarfodydd Rhwydweithio ar gyfer Teuluoedd o Ysgolion Arweinyddion System yn Cefnogi Ysgolion Training ProgrammeRhaglen Hyfforddiant

  14. September 2011 Profile to become statutory in all schools Written report for parents/carers during the term when the assessment is undertaken Information to be collected nationally Medi 2011 Proffil yn stadudol ym mob ysgol Adroddiad i rieni/gofalwyr yn ystod y tymor mae’r asesiad yn cael ei gwblhau Gwybodaeth yn cael ei gasglu yn genedlaethol The Way ForwardY Ffordd Ymlaen

  15. End of Foundation Phase Assessments/ Asesiadau Ar Ddiwedd Y Cyfnod Sylfaen • Personal, Social Emotional and Cultural Diversity / Personol a Chymdeithasol, Lles ac Amrywiaeth Ddiwylliannol • Language Literacy and Communication / Sgiliau Iaith, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu • Mathematical / Datblygiad Mathemategol

  16. Levels and OutcomesLefelau a Deilliannau

  17. Foundation Phase AssessmentsAsesiadau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen

  18. Deliver training for schools and Governors Match the Developmental Areas in the Assessment Framework to the Foundation Phase Outcomes Offer opportunities for the standardisation and moderation of assessments Develop a tracking system across the Foundation Phase Cynnig hyfforddiant i ysgolion a Llywodraethwyr Cydweddu Meysydd Datblygol y Fframwaith Asesu i Ddeilliannau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen Cynnig cyfleoedd i gymedroli a safoni’r asesiadau Datblygu system dracio ar draws y Cyfnod Sylfaen Local AuthorityAwdurdod Lleol

  19. Ensure practitioners attend training Inform parents and governors Support practitioners to implement the revised assessment arrangements Sicrhau fod ymarferwyr yn mynychu hyfforddiant Cynnig gwybodaeth i rieni a llywodraethwyr Cynnig cefnogaeth i ymarferwyr i weithredu’r trefniadau asesu newydd Schools Ysgolion

  20. Assessment In The Foundation PhaseAsesu Yn Y Cyfnod Sylfaen ? ? ? ? QUESTIONS CWESTIYNAU ? ? ?

  21. Pause for thought…Amser i feddwl…. A hundred years from now, it will not matter what kind of house we lived in, what kind of car we drove, or what our bank account balance was. But the world may be different because we made a difference in the life of a child. The Magic –Weaving Business Sir John Jones 2009

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