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Update of ITER first wall geometry and Power fluxes,

Update of ITER first wall geometry and Power fluxes,. Marc Goniche and Laurent Marfisi CEA. IRFM. F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance. France HCD08-03-01 EFDA Task Meeting in Cadarache, 6-7 July 2009. ITER First Wall (FW).

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Update of ITER first wall geometry and Power fluxes,

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  1. Update of ITER first wall geometry and Power fluxes, Marc Goniche and Laurent Marfisi CEA. IRFM. F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance. France HCD08-03-01 EFDA Task Meeting in Cadarache, 6-7 July 2009

  2. ITER First Wall (FW) • Poloidal (18) limiter-like configuration at outer side to protect ports (and antennas) • Detachable FW from Blanket Modules • PFC technology not yet finalized From C.Lowry, IO,

  3. Power flux on First Wall 2007 VSOL = 100m/s VSOL = 30m/s B2-EIRENE simulation + empirical extrapolation of mesurements (QDT=10) (A.Loarte, Nov.08) Te,FW = 10-20eV Ti,FW/Te,FW ~ 2 F//,FW=5MW/m-2 ne,FW = 0.5-1.5×1019m-3 VSOL < 100m/s =>lQ,farSOL=Lc VSOL/cs,SOL <0.17m

  4. Heat Fluxes to be considered for the LHCD antenna • Parallel Flux : conduction /convection • Perpendicular flux : • - Plasma radiation • - Charge Exchange (CX) • - Neutrons • - Fast ions • RF losses

  5. Port, antenna 100 mm 100 mm Current shaping does not account for possible port plugs Rplasma = 8350 mm 100 mm C-modules, Port plug, antenna 100 mm flux surfaces every 10 mm Parallel heat flux of LHCD antenna ? F// < 5 exp-(30/50)=2.7MW/m2 (conductive) F// < 5 exp-(30/10)=0.3MW/m2 (convective) • Port plug should be 30-50mm behind FW • Field lines intercept port plugwith a~2.5° (40mrad)=> F<0.1MW/m2 From R.Mitteau, IO

  6. Power e-fold decay length • lQ=(L// / (2pRq)n* lQ0 = (3/150)n * lQ0 • n=1/2 diffusion • n=1 convection • lQ = lQ0/ 7 (diff.) or 50 (conv.) • lQ0 = 0.05 – 0.17 m (far SOL) •  lQ < 170/7 = 25mm (diff) •  lQ < 170/50 = 4mm (conv)

  7. 30mm Toroidal view LHCD antenna shaping Poloidal view • Strong self-shadowing • V-shape in tor.direc. of the port-plug is highly recommended • Lower heat flux on FW by fast electrons

  8. Parallel heat flux of LHCD antenna During ELMs ? t-riseELM = 250ms (sc.2) -550ms(sc.4) F//,ELM < 0.1MW/m2 , 3cm behind FW

  9. Plasma radiation • Prad, FW /Ptot < 60% => P rad, FW /S = 70MW/683m2 • Peaking factor < 2 (<3 for MARFEs) • Radiation max near the bottom of the antenna X-point Top JET LH antenna 0.2 (sc.2) and 0.29 (sc.4) MW/m2

  10. Power fluxes by CX • Estimated from B2-EIRENE code and empirical scaling of total plasma outflux => Large uncertainty • CX heat flux max near the outer mid-plane • Energy of neutrals : up to 1.6keV (sc.2)=> Sputtering (Be) 0.25 (sc.2) and 0.20 (sc.4) MW/m2  Prad + PCX < 0.5 MW/m2

  11. lQ ~ 0.10m Power fluxes by neutrons 5MW/m3 • Maximumneutron wall load calculated using a 3D model22 yields 0.78 MW/m2 at the outboard side (fromNUCLEAR ANALYSIS REPORT (NAR) G 73 DDD 2 W 0.2, p19-20 & 24) • 5MW/m3 , lQ=0.1m (previously assumed) • Monte-Carlo neutron code required for exact calculation of the neutron damping in the antenna

  12. Fast Ions dB/B =0.2% Kramer , IAEA2008 • Fusion born alpha particles lost due to the effect of the Magnetic Ripple amplitude • dB/B should be reduced with magnetic inserts to dB/B =0.2% • With toroidal field ripple only P <0.1MW/m2 (sc.4), <0.02MW/m2 (sc.2) • Computations have been done with a conservative value of 0.3MW/m2

  13. RF losses • RF losses are maximum at mid-height of the large side of the WG • RF losses are modulated along propagation (RC  0) • Average loss depends on reflection R but also on the phase j of the reflected wave •  Provided by coupling code • DDD2001 assumed 13 kW/m2 for Copper, 28 kW/m2 for Beryllium => needs to be up-dated • Should have a minor impact(PRFlosses,Be/Ptot ~5%)

  14. Conclusion • Radiation/CX will not exceed 0.5MW/m2 • Decay length of this flux inside WGs is shortand needs to be accurately determined (Marfisi’s presentation) • Parallel heat flux on antenna front is negligible • Upper value for neutron heating source is taken to be 5MW/m3 • Fast ion flux should be precised ( ITER ripple) • RF losses are a small contribution to power loading of the antenna

  15. Annex: Minimum heat flux for LH coupling ne=ncut-off=3x1017m-3, Te=15eV, sheath factor g=7 => F// = 0.2 MW/m2

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