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CSE 131 Final Exam Review Fall 2011. CSE 131 Full Review. Vinoo Ganesh. Java Details. What is Java? Java is a Programming Language Java is know as an Object Oriented Programming Language It works around things called “Objects” Ex. Color, Person, Vector, etc…
CSE 131 Final Exam ReviewFall 2011 CSE 131 Full Review Vinoo Ganesh
Java Details • What is Java? • Java is a Programming Language • Java is know as an Object Oriented Programming Language • It works around things called “Objects” • Ex. Color, Person, Vector, etc… • Java uses different data types to do calculations • Ex. int, boolean, double • Java is the LANGUAGE, Eclipse, is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) • All statements in Java end with a semicolon
Data Types • Examples include: int, double, boolean • Basic data types (int, double, boolean) are NOT Objects • Some of these you can cast to another, some you can’t. • Ex. Which of the following will work? int var1 = true; double var2 = 4; int var3 = 6.9; boolean var4 = 5; THIS DOES NOT WORK THIS DOES WORK THIS DOES NOT WORK THIS DOES NOT WORK
Operators • && this is for and • || this is for or • < this is for less than • > this is for greater than • <= this if for less than or equal to • >= this is for greater than or equal to • == this is for equals
Recursion • Defn: Recursion is when a method calls itself • Recursion breaks down large problems into smaller sub-problems public void add(int x){ if (x==0) return 0; return x+add(x-1); }
Classes • Classes have 3 main components: • Instance Variables • Methods • Constructors • To instantiate a class (create an Object of a class), you must use the “new” keyword. • The new keyword allocates memory for whatever structure you are going to use.
Public/Private/Protected • Instance variables that are public: • Can be accessed from ANYWHERE, not just from the same class • Instance variables that are private: • Can be accessed from ONLY the class • Instance variables that are protected: • Can be accessed from ONLY the class and its subclasses
Constructors • A constructor helps “construct” an object • A constructor does not have a return type. • A constructor must have the same name as the class it is in • A default constructor has ZERO parameters public class Person{ private String name; public Person(String name){ this.name=name; } }
Loops • There are 2 kinds of loops: for loops and while loops. They look like the following.
While Loop • While Loop Structure: <initializing statement, ex. assign a variable a value> while(<condition>){ <do something until condition is met> <update so condition can eventually be met> } • Example: intnumber = 1; // initialize while(number <= 10){ // loop boundary conditionSystem.out.println(number); number++; // increment/decrement}
For Loops • A for loop is a repetition control structure that allows you to efficiently write a loop that needs to execute a specific number of times. • A for loop is useful when you know how many times a task is to be repeated. for(<init>; <condition>; <update>) { <body> } <rest of program>
For-Each Loops • A for each loop is a shorthand way to iterate through all of the objects in a collection for(<dataTypeInCollection> a: <collection>) { <body> } <rest of program>
For-Each Loops • A for each loop is a shorthand way to iterate through all of the objects in a collection ArrayList<String> list; for(String a: list) { <body> } <rest of program>
Declaring a 1D Array type[] arrayName = new type[size];
Example Declaration Ex. int[] arr= new int[size]; Meaning: • int[] – tells the computer that you are making an array of integers • arr– the name of the array • new – this keyword actually tells the computer to allot memory • int[size] – allots memory for an array with “size” number of elements
Different Array Type Declarations int[] arr = new int[size]; double[] arr2 = new double[size]; boolean[] arr3 = new boolean[size]; Object[] arr4 = new Object[size]; • YES, you can have an array of Objects. • This is present in Conway too, where you have an array of Cell Objects
Index • The index of an element in the array is the “position” it is located at in the array • All array indices (indexs) start at 0. This means the first element of any array is at index 0
Accessing Elements in An Array Access elements in an array with the index of the position you want to access in brackets Example: If you have an array named “arr” arr[0] – accesses the first element arr[1] – accesses the second element arr[2] – accesses the third element
Traversal • To “move through” the array (either to set values in spots or to read values) int[] arr = newint[6]; // an array of 6 integers for (int b= 0; b< 6; b++){arr[b] = b* b;}
length • You have an array named arr: arr.length gives you the length of the array • Note: the last index in an array is at position: arr.length-1 • If you access an out of bounds index an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown
Note about length • Note: Length is NOT a method. • You are accessing an instance variable of array when you do “.length”
Your Turn Write a method, called average, that takes in an array as a parameter and that returns the average of the numbers in the array public double average (int[] arr) { //… }
Solution public double average (int[] arr) { int temp=0; for (int a=0; a<arr.length; a++) { temp+=arr[a]; } //length=0 check return 1.0*temp/arr.length; }
So we need… • Something that unordered (student order doesn’t matter) • Something where there is no early specification of size (don’t want a locked in size of students) • Something that doesn’t allow duplicates (can’t have duplicate people)
So we need… A Set!
Sets • A Set is an unordered collection of data • To traverse, you need to obtain something called an iterator • You cannot have duplicates in a set
Computer Science Vocab • Initialize: initial – ize • Give an initial value to something • Instantiate: intendance – ate • Create an instance of something (usually objects)
How to instantiate DataType<parameterization>name=new DataType<parameterization>(); • In the case of a set: HashSet<String> set = new HashSet <String>(); HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet <Integer>(); HashSet <Person> set = new HashSet <Person>();
Common Set Methods -- Add boolean add(Object o) This attempts to add something to a set. If that element doesn’t already exist in the set (remember sets don’t have duplicates) it adds it and returns true. If the element is already in the set, it returns false. • But how does set know that two objects are the same? • There is a remove method that works similarily
Common Set Methods -- Contains boolean contains (Object o) Checks to see if the object named o already exists in the set. If it does exist,the method returns true. If it doesn’t exist, the method returns false.
Common Set Methods -- Size int size() Returns the number of objects in the set.
It look like… • We want a way to associate one piece of data with another. • We know that we can have multiple “things” with the same association value, but each “thing” has to be unique. • Ex. We can have multiple songs on the same album, but cannot have the same song be on different albums • For purposes of this, we are going to ignore “Greatest Hits” albums
So we need… A Map!
Maps • A Map maps a particular key to a particular value • Ex. Songs to Album
How to instantiate DataType<param1, param2>name=new DataType<param1, param2>(); • In the case of a map: HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, boolean> map = new HashMap<Integer, boolean>();
Common Map Methods -- Put boolean put(Key k, Value v) • Attempts to add a key and value pair to the map. If that key doesn’t already exist in the map it adds both the key and value pair and returns true. • If the key already exists in the map, it returns overwrites the value associated with that key and returns true. If an error occurs, it returns false.
Common Map Methods -- containsKey booleancontainsKey(Key k) • Checks to see if the map contains a the key k and returns true if it does • If it doesn’t, the method returns false.
Common Map Methods -- get <ValueType> .get(Key k) • Returns the value associated with the key k. • Returns null if no value associated with that key • For example, if k=“Stairway to Heaven”: map.get(k) will return “Led Zeppelin IV”
Common Map Methods -- size int size() Returns the number of keys in the map
It look like… • We want a way to index items on the list for easy accessibility. • We know that the order matters, so you need the ability to add things to particular places • We don’t want a pre-defined maximum sizebecause our list should be able to contain whatever we want.
So we need… A List!
How to instantiate DataType<param1>name=new DataType<param1>(); • In the case of a list: ArrayList<String> list= new ArrayList<String>(); LinkedList<Integer> list= new LinkedList<Integer>();
Common List Methods -- Add boolean add(Object o) • Adds a particular object o to the end of the list boolean add(int index, Object o) • Adds a particular object o to the specified index and pushes the rest of the elements back.
Common List Methods -- Get <ValueType> .get(int index) • Returns the object at the specified index value
Common List Methods -- isEmpty booleanisEmpty() • Returns true if the List is empty (has no elements)
Other ADTs -- Stack • Stack (LIFO)
Other ADTs -- Queue • Queue (FIFO)
Review: Queue Abstract Data Type • A queue stores a collection of items • Queues support the following operations: • enqueue(x) – add item x to the tail (end) of the queue • peek() – return the item at the head (beginning) of the queue • or null if nothing’s in the queue • dequeue() – remove the item at the head of the queue • also returns the item • throws an exception if nothing’s there!
This is a queue. • The first person added to the line is the first person removed from the line (or, in this case, the first to get an iPad) • This pattern called first-in, first-out (FIFO)
Binary Search Trees • Store items in a binary tree, with one element per node • Binary here means that each node has two children • Top of binary tree is called the root • Like the head of a list, this is where we start looking for things