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REGISTRATION 2014-15. Rising 7 th grade. REGISTRATION 2014-15. Rising 7 th grade Timeline Jan. 24: Teacher Recommendation Day (students to bring registration form home) Feb 3: Conference Day Feb. 5: Students return registration form to English teacher. REGISTRATION GUIDE.

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  1. REGISTRATION 2014-15 Rising 7th grade

  2. REGISTRATION 2014-15 Rising 7th grade Timeline Jan. 24: Teacher Recommendation Day(students to bring registration form home) Feb 3: Conference Day Feb. 5: Students return registration form to English teacher

  3. REGISTRATION GUIDE Promotion policy Schedule change policy Selection criteria for Algebra Information on Pre-AP courses Description of each course Graduation requirements (new diploma types) Available online (www.rcs.k12.va.us/hvms)

  4. PROMOTION POLICY • Must pass all four of the core subjects to be promoted to 7th grade. • Math • Social Studies • Science • English Only 2 may be taken in summer school

  5. 7th Grade Subjects • English (95 minute block; meets every day all year; SOL test) • Math (95 minute block; meets every day all year; SOL test) • US History, Part II (meets every day for 95 minute block for 1 semester; SOL test) • Life Science ( meets every day for 95 minute block for 1 semester • Health/PE (meets every other day for 95 minute block for all year) • Elective (meets every other day for 95 minutes for all year) • Total = 6 classes; 5 each semester

  6. Modified 4 x 4 Block

  7. Math 7, PreAP Math 7 or PreAP Algebra US History, Part II or PreAP US History, Part II Life Science or PreAP Life Science English 7 or PreAP English 7 CORE DECISIONS

  8. Math 7: Math 7 SOL’s PreAP Math 7:students learn pre-Algebra skills PreAP Algebra I: (high school credit) for those students already in the Accelerated Math Program who were in PreAlgebra this year. Will need to sign the PreAP Contract MATH OPTIONS

  9. PreAP Courses • What is a high school AP course? • What is a middle school Pre-AP course? • What are the characteristics of students who are likely to succeed in a PreAP course? • What is the registration process?

  10. What is a high school AP course? • Highly rigorous course • Students may earn college credit • Students must do well on AP Exam to earn credit • AP Exams require critical thinking and writing skills

  11. What is a middle school PreAP course? • Exposes students earlier to skills necessary for AP • Content-specific instructional strategies to teach students AP-related skills, concepts, and assessment methods • Prepares students to be more successful in AP courses

  12. What is PreAP English? • Focus on reading material from a variety of historical periods • Learn to analyze reading selections • Learn to support ideas using knowledge of literary devices • Build and use extensive vocabulary • Learn to write in a variety of modes with maturity and sophistication • Summer Assignment

  13. What is PreAP Science? • Problem-solving activities using critical thinking, writing, and technological skills related to real-life situations • Lab work involving more sophisticated scientific methods • Plan and construct research • Independent experiments • Document personal learning experiences • Science Fair

  14. What is PreAP Social Studies? • Develop skills for writing comparison essays, change-over-time essays, & document-based responses • Evaluations use higher-level thinking skills such as categorization, evaluation, generalization, & synthesis • Develop reading comprehension strategies • Learn to analyze primary source documents

  15. What are the characteristics of students who will be successful in PreAP? • Attend school regularly • Prioritize tasks & responsibilities • Work within time constraints • Appreciate a challenging curriculum • Be willing to complete summer reading

  16. What is the registration process for PreAP courses? • Teacher recommendations for English and math registration form • Feb 3 – Parent/Teacher Conference Day • Parent must sign PreAP Contract and return with registration form to English teacher

  17. 7TH GRADE ELECTIVES • Band 7 • Chorus 7 • 7th Grade Interest Block (May include the following – Art, Technology, Business and World Languages)

  18. BAND 7 CHORUS 7JAZZ BAND Full Year Course Previous experience or not Must be in regular band to be enrolled in Jazz Band

  19. THE REGISTRATION FORM • Teacher recommendations will be marked on the registration form. • Must be turned into English teachers by February 5. May receive Extra Credit. • Must have parent signature on the form. • Make sure address and phone number are correct. • Questions about recommendations should be directed to teachers. FEB 5


  21. SCHEDULE CHANGES Per Roanoke County Policy, only made if: a. Failure to meet course prerequisite b. Human or computer error c. Grouping adjustments and/or balancing of class sizes d. Recommendation of Child Study, IEP, or Eligibility Committee

  22. QUESTIONS? Contact the appropriate School Counselor: Mrs. Childress (A-F, Si-Z) Ms. Bruno (G-Sh)

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