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Vocabulary Terms for Who Moved My Cheese: for Teens, by Spencer Johnson. This presentation will go through each of the terms for this unit. Try to answer as many of the questions as you can before clicking to find out the answer.
Vocabulary Terms for Who Moved My Cheese: for Teens, by Spencer Johnson This presentation will go through each of the terms for this unit. Try to answer as many of the questions as you can before clicking to find out the answer. Also, remember that you can print them out the slides (or only select ones you are struggling with) to use while you study. If you do this, be sure to select “Handouts” and six (6) slides per page to save on paper and ink.
Nourishment What is the definition? SOMETHING ENCOURAGING GROWTH (Something that provides a healthy physical, emotional, or intellectual environment for people or animals) What is a synonym for this word? FOOD, SUSTENANCE, DIET What is an example of the word used in a sentence? The mice needed cheese for nourishment, just like we need goals to achieve happiness.
Labyrinth What is the definition? CONFUSING NETWORK; SOMETHING VERY COMPLICATED What is a synonym for this word? MAZE, WEB, TANGLE, JUMBLE What is an example of the word used in a sentence? We often get caught in a labyrinth on our way to achieving our goals.
Regard What is the definition? TO CONSIDER SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING; JUDGE SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING What is a synonym for this word? LOOK UPON, CONSIDER, RESPECT What is an example of the word used in a sentence? I hold my hero in high regard. I regard my mother to be very perceptive.
Arrogance What is the definition? FEELING OR SHOWING SELF-IMPORTANCE AND DISREGARD FOR OTHERS What is a synonym for this word? COCKY, A “KNOW-IT-ALL”, EXCESSIVE PRIDE/VANITY What is an example of the word used in a sentence? The arrogance of the mice caused them to remain in the cheeseless station far too long because they expected their cheese to return to them.
Inevitable What is the definition? UNAVOIDABLE, SOMETHING CERTAIN What is a synonym for this word? EXPECTED, FORESEEABLE, TO BE EXPECTED/ANTICIPATED, PREDESTINED, INESCAPABLE What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Eventually Haw faced the inevitable and entered the maze in search of new cheese.
Scoff What is the definition? EXPRESSION OF SCORN; TO BE DERISIVE OR SCORNFUL What is a synonym for this word? MOCK, RIDICULE, MAKE FUN OF, LAUGH AT, SNEER What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Hem scoffed at Haw for wanting to risk going back out into the maze.
Folly What is the definition? IRRATIONAL THING, THOUGHTLESS OR RECKLESS BEHAVIOR What is a synonym for this word? FOOLISHNESS, IDIOCY, SILLINESS, RECKLESSNESS What is an example of the word used in a sentence? After Haw found new cheese, he laughed at his own folly of staying in the old cheese station too long.
Venture What is the definition? RISKY PROJECT, MAKE A DANGEROUS TRIP, RISK DANGERS OF SOMETHING; MAKE SUGGESTION, DARE TO DO SOMETHING What is a synonym for this word? UNDERTAKING, ENDEAVOR, RISK, SPECULATION, DARE, TRY, TAKE ON, TO OFFER What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Haw wondered if Hem ever ventured out into the maze.
Emaciate What is the definition? MAKE OR BECOME EXTREMELY THIN What is a synonym for this word? STARVE, TO WITHER, TO BECOME GAUNT What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Hem refused to join Haw in the maze, even though he had become dangerously emaciated.
Peer (as a verb) What is the definition? LOOK CLOSELY, TO LOOK VERY CAREFULY OR HARD, ESPECIALLY AT SOMETHING OR SOMETHING THAT IS DIFFICULT TO SEE, OFTEN WITH NARROWED EYES (SQUINTING) What is a synonym for this word? GAZE, STARE, EXAMINE; TAKE IN What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Haw would often peer down the corridors of the maze in search of tiny morsels of cheese.
Anticipate What is the definition? TO EXPECT SOMETHING, TO THINK OR BE FAIRLY SURE THAT SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN; TO LOOK FORWARD TO SOMETHING What is a synonym for this word? EXPECT, FORESEE, LOOK FORWARD TO, AWAIT, PREDICT What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Sniff and Scurry anticipated that the cheese in Cheese Station C would eventually run out and adjusted accordingly.
Adapt What is the definition? CHANGE TO MEET REQUIREMENTS, ADJUST TO SOMETHING What is a synonym for this word? BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO, CHANGE, ADJUST What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Sniff and Scurry adapted to the changes around them more quickly than Hem and Haw.
Invigorate What is the definition? FILL WITH ENERGY, TO FILL SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING WITH ENERGY OR LIFE What is a synonym for this word? REFRESH, REVITALIZE, STIMULATE, ENLIVEN, REJUVENATE What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Soon, Haw realized that being in the maze invigorated him.
Agility What is the definition? THE QUALITY OF BEING ABLE TO MOVE QUICKLY AND WITH SKILL AND CONTROL; THE QUALITY OF BEING ABLE TO THINK QUICKLY AND INTELLIGENTLY What is a synonym for this word? NIMBLENESS, QUICKNESS, DEXTERITY, ALERTNESS What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Sniff and Scurry showed their agility when they moved swiftly through the maze.
Journey What is the definition? TRIP SOMEWHERE; PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT, A GRADUAL PASSING FROM ONE STATE TO ANOTHER CONSIDERED MORE ADVANCED, A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY What is a synonym for this word? TRIP, VOYAGE, EXPEDITION, TREK What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Haw learned the importance of being reflective and able to change on his journey through the maze.
Inhibitor What is the definition? ONE WHO OR SOMETHING THAT SLOWS DOWN, HOLD SOMEONE OR SOMETHING BACK, STALLS, HINDERS; STOPS, PREVENTS, IMPEDES, DETERS What is a synonym for this word? SLUG, OBSTACLE What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Hem and Haw allowed their fear of change to inhibit their chance at success.
Irrational What is the definition? LACKING IN REASON/LOGICAL THOUGHT What is a synonym for this word? ILLOGICAL, UNREASONABLE, RIDICULOUS; UNFOUNDED, ABSURD What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Hem acted irrationally when he refused to try the cheese Haw brought back to him.
Predicament What is the definition? DIFFICULT SITUATION, A DIFFICULT, UNPLEASANT, OR EMBARRASSING SITUATION FROM WHICH THERE IS NO CLEAR OR EASY WAY OUT What is a synonym for this word? QUANDARY, JAM, MESS, TIGHT SPOT, CORNER What is an example of the word used in a sentence? The mice and the littlepeople responded very differently to the predicament of running out of cheese.
Skeptical What is the definition? DOUBTFUL, TENDING NOT TO BELIEVE OR ACCEPT THINGS BUT TO QUESTION THEM, SHOWING DOUBT What is a synonym for this word? CYNICAL, DISBELIEVING, DOUBTFUL, UNCONVINCED, DUBIOUS, INCREDULOUS What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Often, when we aren’t so skeptical of change, we find that it leads to something better.
Savor What is the definition? ENJOY SOMETHING UNHURRIEDLY, RELISH SOMETHING, FULLY ENJOY What is a synonym for this word? RELISH, DELIGHT IN, VALUE, APPRECIATE, TAKE PLEASURE IN, ENJOY What is an example of the word used in a sentence? Haw learned to savor the cheese he had so he wouldn’t take it for granted again, but to remember that it, too, could change or run out.