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Questionnaire Results. Ellie Rawlings. Aim and Purpose.
Questionnaire Results Ellie Rawlings
Aim and Purpose • I conducted a questionnaire, using a sample of 20 people which enabled me to gain knowledge into my target audience. After collecting the quantitative data I transferred the results into graphs so I have a visual aid which will make it easier to read and analyse, and then analysed them further to better understand what my target audience want in a Music Video. By doing this and allowing my target audience the chance to share their opinions through a questionnaire, I can create a music magazine that will meet the demands of the recipient audience - overall creating a successful media product. • I chose to use a questionnaire because it is the simplest/quickest way to learn about my target audience. By gathering this information I can ensure a successful Music Video and digi-pack, keeping a high standard for the consumer. I included a variety of different questions covering 3 main subject areas, these being: Music Video, Album Covers and Posters, all necessary to help me gain an idea of how I should structure my product and the best way to market it. I also incorporated personal questions to gain a more in-depth knowledge of the consumer and and allow me to learn what changes were necessary for the success of my product.
Personal Audience Data • To have a deeper insight into my audience I included more personal questions that would give me a background and understand what my target audience will be and their preferences. From my results I found out that 45% of the audience were 16-19 highlighting a young audience, meaning I should tailor my product to a younger audience to guarantee a greater chance of success. This age group also was the had the greatest interest with my chosen genre which would give me a better understanding of what they would enjoy. • The gender of the audience asked was a very close ratio of male to female, this would mean I have a variety of answers for a very unisex audience which would mean I wouldn’t have to target a specific gender but create a video that appeals to both. • Furthermore, I included a question on the Employment Status of the audience, this was to give me an insight into financial standing of the audience, for example 30% of the audience are students or student/part time, this means that they have a source of disposable income to spend on the music video and other related products. Although there is a disposable source of income it would not be smart to market the product too high because students might not be able to afford too high expenses and might be a bit more reserved with their spending as they want it to last- therefore I look to sell it at a reasonable price but still ensuring a profit. • Another question I included in my questionnaire was the Town of Residence, by finding out where the majority of my target audience live it gave me and insight and knowledge as to where would be best to advertise for my video and show my Album Cover and Posters, to ensure I reach the correct audience. Looking at my chart it is clear to see the majority of my audience come from Harlow, therefore I should base the biggest bulk of my advertising in Harlow, although there was an equal amount of people in the other three towns which are all local meaning I could go into advertising in them towns as well because there is an audience and market there for my product.
Consumption Habits • These three charts show the consumption habits of the audience I questioned, this will help me when I come to marketing my product. • The majority of people I asked bought their music either all year round, or on special occasions like birthdays/Christmas etc. This would mean the product would be sold all year round with certain emphasis during times where there is a simultaneous special occasion to boost sales, also if its sold at all times through the year there is more of a chance with sales successfully gaining a profit. • Half of the people I asked would spend £10-20 which gives me quite a big price range to go into which means there should be a good profit to be made from selling my product if I get it right. This could be due to the fact the majority of the audience were students and have a disposable income. • My last question on this slide was a reasonable amount to spend on a music video, this gave me an insight into the price range I should set on my video, the biggest percentage of people was split between two ‘£1-2’ and ‘£3-4’, I think to ensure I please everyone I should find some middle ground and go for the ‘£2-3’ range market as it is in between the two and would ensure the satisfaction of a greater chunk of the audience.
Consumption Habits Cont.. • Technology has developed and downloads online have become much more popular and more of a daily occurrence, putting songs straight from their iTunes onto their iPod’s, meaning there is little need for a physical CD. I asked my audience what format they would prefer the products to be available in and 11 out of the 20 said download, this would mean my main priority is to make it available on downloads first but because there isn’t much of a difference between the two results I will also try and make it on CD to widen my market and ensure customer satisfaction, resulting in more sales and by default a bigger profit. • The last question I included for this part of the questionnaire was how much the audience would be willing to pay for an album. The biggest percentage said that they thought £5-10 would be an acceptable price to pay for an album, this makes it very clear that if I want to sell a good number of albums I will need to stick to this budget, which is a good amount and will ensure more sales which would give me a bigger profit. This price range is understandable as the majority of people questioned are students and they want to be reserved with their money and not spend loads on a album.
Music Video Preferences • To start of this section I asked the audience what song they would like me to pick for my music video, it was a unanimous vote as Wheatus’-Teenage Dirtbag clearly got the most votes by a wide margin. This is the video I will chose as it is clearly a favourite and one that everyone knows, this would hopefully guarantee the audience’s satisfaction. • I then asked about the storyline they would like to go with the video and seeing as the majority went for romantic I will go for that narrative in my video, this is important as the majority of people who picked Teenage Dirtbag would have picked this storyline meaning this is what they would hope to see in my video, Nightlife was also a close second so I may try to connect the two and make a more interesting video that appeals to a wider audience, and the more people who like it the more who will buy it creating a greater profit from the video. • Additionally, I asked the audience where they would like the location of the video to be to tie into the narrative, and ensure the target audience enjoy the video. I gave a diverse set of options that the audience to pick from to ensure I covered all bases. The most popular option was a hall, this means I would be doing a romantic comedy set in a hall to teenage dirtbag to ensure my target audience is happy and satisfied with the video and purchase it and the artist’s album. I would like to use a mixture of locations just so the audience don’t get bored of staring at the same setting for a whole video and consequently ending up bored of the video and not watching is/purchasing it again.
Music Video Preferences Cont.. • I then asked the audience what they think would be the best look for the audience, they decided that model one fitted the style of the video better, this is an indie rock look, cool and good looking, this is what I would like my actor to look like and be styled like to make the audience satisfied and happy to watch the video on repeat. Also, the model is attractive and I would like to find someone who is attractive and young so my target audience, if they were female, would be attracted to the lead role, Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze theory, and if it was a male audience they would want to aspire to be that model, which helps me reach a unisex audience. • Colour scheme was a big factor as it sets the tone for the video and evokes certain emotions throughout the audience, which will determine the success and satisfaction of the audience. The most popular option was vivid, this means all colours will be heightened so if there are certain colours that connote an emotions they will be very prominent and make them emotions that much more affective in creating them emotions, which would fit into the other answers well as it will be a teenage music video and at that age your emotions are heightened. • Lastly, I thought it would be an appropriate question to ask the audience what they would actually like to see in the video and distinguish the ratio between story and band. The majority of people said they would like to see a mix of the band with a story running parallel to the music, I think this would be good to show the band when the music drops and the beat kicks in just to break it up a little bit and ensure that audience don’t get bored.
Ancillary Task PreferencesAlbum Cover • In addition to my music video I also have to create an Album Cover for part of my ancillary task. I gave the audience 4 options for album covers and asked them to pick their favourite. Album Cover 1 was the most popular throughout the audience, this could be because it is a bit different and eye-catching as the album has the main subject and then illustration around it. It sets a nice unique and cool tone for the album and would reflect its content, so I would like to replicate this in my work so my audience is satisfied with the product and meaning they are more willing to spend their money on it, and if they didn’t know it was released it would catch their eye and draw in their attention. • When I asked the audience why they chose their album cover the top two answers were image and layout, these are two fundamental aspects in the creation of the album cover as if you use the wrong image you could lose some of your potential market and if the layout is too claustrophobic it will look uncomfortable also result in the loss of potential buyers, lowering the overall profit made.
Ancillary Task PreferencesDigi-pack • My final questions were for the digi-pack advertisements. Again I gave the audience 4 options of print advertisements used by bands that are of a similar genre to my selection in the previous slides. The most popular advert was Advert 2, this was a very simple poster but it was affective as it was a young looking poster which is relatable to the target audience, there are bright colours which again catches the eye of the audience and the blue is cool which is endearing to the young audience. When asked why that advert was their favourite the audience answered the image, this is again a simple picture just showing the band having fun, this is the path I feel I should go down as the audience have proved less is more and that if there is a simple cover of a good looking, chilled out, cool band teenagers are more willing to buy it, this will ensure my sales will be good if I stick to this plan. • Lastly, when I asked what the audience would like the tone of the adverts to be half of them chose a humorous approach, which fits in with the young demographic and the album cover all suggesting that the audience want to band to be fun and be able to have fun with the audience. Also, if I use a humorous language style this will make more sense as most young rock bands are not prim and proper, they are normal which is a massive selling point for a young audience as it makes the band relatable.
Conclusion • From looking at my audience’s data I can conclude that my target audience consists of unisex 16-19 year olds. This would mean I would make my product appeal to this young audience appealing to both genders wants and needs, however I will take into account that another bulk of my audience will be Under 16 and 20-24, which is still a young audience but I will have to maybe make certain elements suggestive so they are appropriate for a young audience but still funny for a slightly more ‘Young Adult’ audience. • I then gathered information about the consumption habits of my audience and learnt how I would market my product and get a better idea of how I will sell it to ensure maximum profit. By doing all of this I now understand what platform I will concentrate on selling the product on and also how much disposable income the audience have. • Finally, I asked what the audience would like to see in the music video and why to get a deeper understanding of what sells and what is expected of a young rock band video. I also asked what the audience expect from the ancillary tasks as I don’t want to just have one good product and two okay ones, I want there to be three very strong products all targeting a different platform and guaranteeing a successful video for the audience and the profit. Proposal • After completing my questionnaire and dissecting and analysing the results I have gained a much deeper understanding of what my target audience will be and how I will target and market my product to them. From this method of primary research I will make my Music Video and Ancillary Tasks, which will mould to the wants and needs of the target consumer. As the consumer has given me the opportunity to express what they want from a video and ancillary task, I will be able to tailor the creation of my product to best suit their demands, causing me to have a more profitable product. I will make sure my product is easily accessible for the audience to meet their need for a convenient option, for example making the product downloadable, meaning they can do it from their own bed as soon as it goes on sale. Also, the style of the video and the look of the actors will be all up to the audience meaning there should be limited disappointment. • Overall, after completing my primary research I feel a lot more confident in going forward and making a successful product for my target audience, and I will use this new found knowledge to my advantage and allow it to give me the upper hand in creating something's that will be successful and profitable, meeting the consumers wants and needs.