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U nited A rab Emirates U niversity C ollege of E ngineering. Graduation Project (I) Course Graduation Project Code: PETE 585 Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the B.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering.
United Arab Emirates University College ofEngineering Graduation Project (I) Course Graduation Project Code: PETE 585 Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the B.Sc. Degree in Petroleum Engineering Marwan Waleed alkhalifi 970710280 Walid Mohed AbdullHay 970711290 AbdulMohsen mohamed 980710963 Abdulaziz Mohamed 970710613
Acidizing Treatment • The aim of the acidizing. • The result of the acidizing. • Acidizing in the well.
The Carbonate Rock • The rock that our experiment has been run on is from Hafit mountain. • The rock should be one big piece? • Why we choose rock from Hafit mountain?
Core Samples • Cutting the big rock into small core sample. • Eight core sample. • The dimensions of these core sample.
SATURATE THE CORE WITH WATER • The procedure for the experiment: • Put the core in sealed chamber. • Start the vacuum pump which are connected to the sealed chamber. • Keep the vacuum pump socking the air in the chamber for 24 hour. • The vacuum pump will sock until pressure inside the chamber is -150 psi. • After that we open the valve that are connected to the saucer which contain brine water. • The brine salt is 50,000 ppm in water (25 gm brine in 500 ml water).
Core Sample Brine Water Sealed Chamber Vacuum Pump
THE POROSITY OF THE CORE SAMPLE • The weight of the core when it is dry should be taken. • The weight of the core when it is saturated with water should be taken. • Applying the equation we can find the porosity of each core. • The data and result for the different cores are been encountered in the table.
The Permeability of the Core Sample • The core laboratories has been used to know the flow rate of the water passing through the core. • This flow rate is calculated from the volume of the water passing the core divided by the time took for the water to accumulate in the tube. • From the flow rate that been calculated then the permeability can be calculated from an specific equation.
Pressure Control Nitrogen Cylinder Pressure Gauge Overburden Pressure Pump
The oil saturation & irreducible water saturation • The oil has been injected into the core sample to saturate it with oil. • The core laboratories has been used to know the volume of the oil with water passing through the core. • The volume of the water passing through the core is been encountered and we should know the total volume of water accumulated in the tube. • From the volume of the water we can calculate the irreducible water saturation from a specific equation.
Pressure Control Nitrogen Cylinder Pressure Gauge Overburden Pressure Pump
Strategy of the treatment • Effect of Rock permeability • Effect of HCL concentration • Effect of Flow Rate
Effect of HCL Con. • Q=1.0 cc/m
Effect of Rock Permeability • HCL concentration = 15% wt. • Q=1.0 cc/min
Effect 0f Flow Rate • Concentration of HCL=15% wt
SEM (Scanning Electronic Macroscopic) • 1 mm2. • Magnification x1000.
Preparation of the Different HCL Concentration • For 10% HCL we dissolved 277.7 ml conc. HCL(36%) and add to it 1000 ml of H2O. • For 15% HCL we dissolved 416.6 ml conc. HCL(36%) and add to it 1000 ml of H2O.
Volume of the Acid • For 20% HCL we dissolved 555.55 ml conc. HCL(36%) and add to it 1000 ml of H2O. • The volume of the acid has been used is 30% of the pore volume. For AM1 • VHCL= 0.3 PV • VHCL= 0.3 * 3 cc = 0.9 cc
The Procedure of the Experiment for the effect of the Flow Rate Study • We Injected mud into the core sample to damage the core and reduce the permeability. • After that we injected 15% wt acid about 0.3 of PV. • We injected water to displace the acid in the core and wait to become the pressure constant. • A constant flow rate of 2 cc/min for MC2 and 1 cc/min for CW2.
Pump Core Holder
Effect of HCL Concentration • Q=1.0 cc/m
Effect of Rock Permeability • HCL concentration = 15% wt. • Q=1.0 cc/min
Effect 0f Flow Rate • Concentration of HCL=15% wt
The Procedure of the Experiment • Inject mud into the core sample to damage the core and reduce the permeability. • Calculate the pore volume of injected mud and the damage pressure. • Inject water to displace the acid in the core and wait to become the pressure constant. • Calculate the pore volume of injected acid amd the water and also the treated pressure.
Effect of the flow rate • Pore volume of acid injected. MC2 CW2 AM1 PVI=0.3 * 3.238=0.9714 PVI=0.3 * 3.014=0.9042 PVI=0.3 * 3.002=0.9006