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Impact of Immigration on the USA Economy

Explore the effects of immigration and deportation on the United States, emphasizing the economic contributions and social challenges faced by immigrants. Analyze the implications of deporting individuals who have established new lives in the country.

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Impact of Immigration on the USA Economy

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  1. Immigration, How it affects the Nation as a whole Robert Garcia

  2. THESIS STATEMENT Immigration and deportation causes harm to not only immediate families, but to our entire country of the United States of America as a whole. The long term effects of immigration would be critical to our nation, immigrants are needed in order for the USA to remain ‘successful’; “Our American journey and our success would simply not be possible without the generations of immigrants who have come to our shores from every corner of the globe” (Furman and Gray).

  3. Research Questions • How do Latinos affect the progress of the United States? • How do Latinos react to being discriminated and segregated? • Is the United States constantly trying to deport Mexicans? • Why did the United States start deporting people?

  4. Evidence • Mexicans follow wherever there is work. This means that during the picking season they are gathering a plethora of items from cherries, apples, hops, asparagus, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits. “U.S. agricultural exports generate more than $100 billion annually” (Facts about Agriculture). • Coast-to-coast there were protests against the Arizona law. This showed that when we as a people unite we are strong and will get our point across. • “The INS intentionally left the border open at will. The INS rarely rounded up workers during harvest time, and it instructed its agents to withhold searches and deportations until after the picking season”. As soon as a good portion of domestic laborers worked cheaply enough, INS agents enforced the laws; and “when a labor shortage occurred, they opened the border’s doors, disregarding both international and moral law” (267). • Immigration laws had an original intent of capturing notorious drug lords, drug traffickers, and all around bad people; but now normal people who have started a new life for themselves with their families get deported.

  5. Miscellaneous Pictures

  6. SOURCES • Acuna, Rodolfo F. “Occupied America” Pages 260-267. 2011. Print. 31 March. 2014 • Furman, Jason, and Danielle Gray. “Ten Ways Immigrants Help Build and Strengthen Our Economy” White House Blog. Web. 12 July. 2012. 23 April. 2014. http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/07/12/ten-ways-immigrants-help-build-and-strengthen-our-economy • “General Facts About Agriculture.” NC State University: College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. Web. 23 April. 2014. http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/CollegeRelations/AGRICU.htm • Gonzales, Rodofo C. “I am Joaquin” Pages 1-8. 1967. Print. 20 April. 2014. • “History of ICE.” Web 1 April. 2014. https://www.ice.gov/history/ • Hudson, David. “The Top 5 Reasons Why S.B. 1070 Cause Economic Harm.” Center for American Progress. Web. 25 June. 2012. 20 April. 2014. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/immigration/news/2012/06/25/11677/the-top-5-reasons-why-s-b-1070-and-laws-like-it-cause-economic-harm/ • Mcguire, Randall H. “Steel Walls and Picket Fences: Rematerializing the U.S.–Mexican Border in Ambos Nogales.” Web 20 Aug. 2013. 31 March. 2014. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/aman.12029/abstract • “Picking Tips for Fruits and Vegetables” Pick Your Own. Web. April 2014. http://pickyourown.org/pickingtips.htm

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