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Room Parent Meeting. Wednes day , September 3, 2014. Thank you for your time and for h elping our teachers!. Lead Room Parents’ Key Roles. Communicate Coordinate Celebrate While we wait to begin: Please check your class roster and make any corrections
Room Parent Meeting Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Thank you for your time and for helping our teachers!
Lead Room Parents’ Key Roles Communicate Coordinate Celebrate While we wait to begin: • Please check your class roster and make any corrections • Talk to fellow room parents about any gaps or lead/co-lead changes you’d like to make • If there is no lead for your class, please consider volunteering!
Communication Org Chart Janna Griffin, Principal Krista Saeger, PTA President Megan Helmbrecht, Room Parent Coordinator Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) Lead Room Parent All parents in the class
Sample Grade Level Structure 3rd Grade Level Coordinator: Emma Garrett/ Courtney Whitworth Bones Leads Brandi Gitcho/Katie Kinzy Johnson Lead Joy Williamson Francis Lead Megan Helmbrecht LaRocca Lead NEEDED Hefner Leads Jen Despins/Tiffany Galligan Sheridan Leads Molly Jensen/Emmy Sunshine Hodges Lead Shannon Meroney Young Leads Katie Summers/Hope Turner
Review and maintain grade level notebookMeet/introduce yourself to your Teacher Lead (Tillotson, Warner, Folts, Eddleton, Francis, Aguilar, Hughes) Coordinate 3 class parties Stay in budget: -Stick to party plan discussed with Teacher Lead -Parties will be equitable across all gradesManage grade-level budget $$: -Always know when Room parents are spending $$; -ask to be copied on expenditures Communicate GLC Responsibilities
NEW THIS YEAR: First FridaysEach grade will be responsible for providing “Teacher Treats” on the first Friday of the month.September 5: Executive BoardOctober 3: 5th GradeNovember 7: 4th GradeDecember 5: 3rd GradeJanuary 9: 2nd GradeFebruary 6: 1st gradeMarch 6: KindergartenApril 10: Pre-K (first Friday we have no school) Communicate GLC Responsibilities
Introduce yourself to your teacher- Ask class parents to help teacher as neededDisseminate information to class parentsHelp organize 3 class parties - GLC will take the leadOrganize class booth for the H’Owl, our fall carnivalCoordinate teacher recognition(TA week; bday, etc.)NEW THIS YEAR: Check with teacher to see if any students have “opted out” on media forms. If so, please alert Julie Choyce at jachoyce@yahoo.com. Communicate Lead Room Parent Responsibilities
Lead Room Parents: Where to begin Communicate Disseminate Information to Class Parents Begin with hard copy letter sent home in Wed. folder to ALL parents (just this once) Post/attach letter through Living Tree If parent does not have email, you will need to make a hard copy of all correspondence and give to the teacher or put in child’s box Be green – use small flyers (½ page)
Communicate • Decision made by the Doss Administration last year • House Bill 5 – Accountability regarding parent communication • Over 85% of student population attached • Ability to target specific grades/groups/classes • Ability to petition new volunteers • LT wants our Doss feedback & responds • Don’t hesitate to contact support Purpose and Usage
Room Parent Opportunities Coordinate On Campus • Wed folder, Gallery Greats, Photo Books, Computer Lab • Copying, laminating, book binding • You may use the copier but please let teachers go first • Reading to children in the classroom • Parent readers, edit writing, math “pull out” help Off Campus • Buying supplies for the classroom • Take home cut work
Classroom Parties Coordinate • GLC will host a meeting in Oct/Nov to plan the 3 parties with the Lead Room Parents • Winter Party (Dec 17 or 18) • Valentine’s Party ( Friday, Feb. 13) • End of Year Party (June 3 or 4) • There is a plan for each party and the GLC will meet with the teacher-lead to find out about the plan. • Please ask for help from all classroom parents and assign workers to help run the parties • The GLC will prepare a flyer to be distributed to invite all parents to the 3 parties • All baked goods must have labeled ingredients. Parents who have children with Celiac, nut allergies, etc. should provide their own treat.
H’Owl – Fall Family CarnivalOctober 25, 2014 from 2-5:00pm Celebrate A booth will be assigned to your class for your parents to run. All info will be provided to you by H’Owl chairs. Lead will communicate will all class parents about the needs for your booth Coordinate with other class lead if you have a “partner class” running the booth Lead will set up an “Event” using Living Tree for 30 min. shifts. All room parents will sign up for at least one shift.
Teacher Appreciation Gifts Celebrate Gifts typically given for birthday, winter break and end-of-year Teacher gifts are OPTIONAL. Leads will ask for whatever is comfortable for the family. If asked further, you may suggest $5-$10. Do not ask parents to contribute for all 3 gifts upfront. You will also need to organize class for Teacher Appreciation Week. Your GLC will send you very specific guidelines so that we are consistent and fair to all teachers. This makes it really easy for you! You will need to recruit coverage for the class during Teacher Appreciation Lunches (in Dec. and May) Teacher “favorites” and birthdays are listed on the website at www.dosspta.org.
NEW: Teacher Appreciation Week Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week will be from February 23-27. We are moving it from May when the calendar is much more busy. All grades will follow a list of suggested daily gifts for the convenience of those with more than one child at Doss. Teacher Appreciation Lunches will remain in Dec. and May Don’t forget: Teacher “favorites” and birthdays are listed on the website at www.dosspta.org.
Getting Reimbursed for Expenses • Your Grade Level Coordinator will be aware of your budget for parties. • PTA Office has everything you need in the check request station. • PTA forms can also be found on the website at www.dosspta.org. • Present a sales tax exemption certificate (available in the office) when purchasing items for Doss to avoid paying sales tax. You cannot not be reimbursed for sales tax. • Items purchased must be 100% for school use • Check request process: • Must have 2 signatures (not related by blood/marriage) • Receipts/invoices must be attached • Make sure all rooms parents know this process • Requests turned in by Friday at 3pm should be completed by the following Wednesday • Email Erin Brooks at treasurer@dosspta.org for questions!
PTA Opportunities • Gallery Greats (GG) • Share great works of art to the class 30 min/month • Wednesday Folders (WF) • Important PTA and AISD information must be checked weekly in hanging folders in PTA office • Photo Books (PB) • Each class needs a volunteer to put together a photo book that we will sell in the spring • Computer Lab (CL) • Most classes need a computer lab volunteer. Check with your teacher if you are not sure.
PTA Committees Partners in Education (PIE) • Log intoaustinpartners.org; signuptovolunteeratDossifyou plan tohaveany 1:1 withchildren • PIE will conduct a freebackground check • PIE tracks all corporatesponsorships/donations Julie Payne Julieeckelpayne@gmail.com Sunshine Committee • For families in need Amy Skaggs Amy_skaggs@hotmail.com Julie Willifordjuliewilliford@gmail.com
PTA Committees Spring Party – April 2015 • Photo Books or other class auction items • Begin Shutterfly class webpage NOW for easy uploads Tiffany Galligantgalligan@gmail.com Shannon Meroneysmeroney333@gmail.com Yearbook • Take photos throughout year and share them with Yearbook as well as for Photo Book Julie Choycejachoyce@yahoo.com