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Saints during the Protestant Reformation

Saints during the Protestant Reformation. Saint Teresa of Avila. Saint Teresa of Avila.

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Saints during the Protestant Reformation

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  1. Saints during the Protestant Reformation

  2. Saint Teresa of Avila

  3. Saint Teresa of Avila • Saint Teresa devoted her life to prayer and penance for Christ and the Church. She became a Carmelite Sister. Sisters at that time spent a lot of time on matters that were unrelated to their spiritual lives. • Saint Teresa decided to change her life and reform her community. She knew serving God meant prayer, commitment, sacrifice, and courage. • Through her life and her writings on Christian life and prayer, many people became better followers of Jesus. In 1970, Saint Teresa of Avila received the title Doctor of the Church. This title is given to saints who excelled in guiding the Church.

  4. Saint Catherine of Siena

  5. Saint Catherine of Siena St. Catherine started having mystical experiences when she was only 6, seeing guardian angels as clearly as the people they protected. She persuaded the Pope to go back to Rome from Avignon, in 1377, and when she died she was endeavoring to heal the Great Western Schism.  She like St. Teresa of Avila is known as a Doctor of the Church because of her guidance of the Church

  6. Saint Charles Borromeo

  7. Saint Charles Borromeo He oversaw the catechism, missal, and directions for the celebration of the Mass called for by the Council of Trent. He put into effect, measures to improve the morals and manners of the clergy and laity, raised the effectiveness of the diocesan operation, established seminaries for the education of the clergy, founded a Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for the religious instruction of children and encouraged the Jesuits in his see. He increased the systems to the poor and the needy, was most generous in his help to the English college at Douai. In 1578, was active in preaching, resisting the inroads of protestantism, and brought back lapsed Catholics to the Church. 

  8. St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More

  9. St John Fisher and St. Thomas More • St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, a bishop defended the truths of the faith in England. Henry favored Thomas until Henry’s conflict with the Church over his marriage. Bishop Fisher had once been young Prince Henry’s tutor. He had written eight books against heresy. • St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher refused to acknowledge Henry as head of the Church in England. They would not go against their consciences even though all the bishops other than John decided to obey the King.

  10. Saint Ignatius of Loyola

  11. St. Ignatius of Loyola • St. Ignatius was a soldier in Spain. After he received a wound in battle, Ignatius was forced to spend long months recovering. During this time, he read about the life of Christ and the lives of the saints. After this is whole attitude changed, he became a soldier for Christ. • He founded a new order of priests called the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits. • He placed his men at the service of the pope so that they can go anywhere in the world to serve the Church. • The Jesuits taught, wrote, and advised kings and popes. • They follow the command of Jesus, “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” (Matt. 28:19)

  12. Saint Francis Xavier

  13. Saint Francis Xavier • A Jesuit missionary who carried the Gospel to India and Japan

  14. St. Peter Claver

  15. Saint Peter Claver • Brought relief to Africans who were enslaved while living in South America • He knew that the moral law forbids the enslavement of human beings • Whenever a boat carrying enslaved people came into port at Cartagena in South America, Peter Claver would rush to the shop with medicine, fruit, vegetables, and clothing. Recognizing the dignity in all human beings, he would nurse the people to health and then teach them about Christ.

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