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7 th ARMFA General Meeting Maputo, Mozambique Technical Workshop 6 th - 7 th October 2008. Strategies of governance for the RMF Stephen Vincent Theme Champion - Governance global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP). Strategies of governance for the RMF.
7th ARMFA General MeetingMaputo, MozambiqueTechnical Workshop 6th - 7th October 2008 Strategies of governance for the RMF Stephen Vincent Theme Champion - Governance global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP)
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Strategies of governance for the RMF 1. The need for “Good Governance” 2. 2008 – Where are we today? 3. Responsibility for improvements 4. Obstacles and remedies 5. Data and measurement 6. Potential for ARMFA and gTKP to work together 2
1. The need for “Good Governance” Strategies of governance for the RMF
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Good Governance - “Fair play” - Value for money Principles understood in every language and in every culture 4
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 OVERVIEW – the “big picture”Outputs from Good Governance in the Road Sector Government Policy & Regulation ROAD ADMINISTRATION OUTPUTS - Good Roads - Public Transport - Freight Services - Efficiency - Value for Money Good Governance ROAD FUND • PRIVATE SECTOR • Contractors • Transport Operators 5
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Good Governance in Transport • Effective and efficient institutional and management arrangements • The provision of a reliable, safe and secure transport system • Responding to the needs of the poor and marginalized sections of society • Providing the enabling environment for developing markets Charles Melhuish Former Lead Transport Specialist, Asian Development Bank 6
2. 2008 – Where are we today? Strategies of governance for the RMF
Governance – Existing Solutions • Road Fund Board • Policies, legislation and regulation • Transparent and objective decision process
Problem – Slow progress! • Road Funds are well established in Africa • Funding is being allocated for maintenance But…. • Good/Fair/Poor – some countries little change • Lack of data to prove progress • Insufficient Financial/Technical Audits Concerns about progress!
Output – not just method! Only following a method is not enough! Legislation Funding + Road Board does not guarantee improvement in road condition Essential to measure output: ROAD CONDITION
Institutional Changes Increased Expenditure Condition of Roads “Disconnect” problem Cannot attribute only to a lack of funding …also ineffective utilisation of money!
3. Responsibility for improvements Strategies of governance for the RMF
Country level solutions Each country has the knowledge and skills to develop effective governance solutions. Need to move on from “standard” solutions. Learn from experience, learn from others. Implement realistic, practical solutions.
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Leadership in improving governance • Nothing will change without strong leadership from the top. • Leadership must understand the time and skills needed. • Leadership must identify and remove obstacles. 14
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Output driven improvements • Assign responsibilities for achieving target outputs • Flexibility is needed to refine processes, methods and responsibilities • Everybody must contribute to identifying deficiencies and implementing improvements 15
4. Obstacles and remedies Strategies of governance for the RMF
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Understand the different levels at which governance needs to work Governance Environment Political interference at Government level is very difficult to overcome! Institutional reform/reorganisation takes a long time to implement Institutional Operational Working procedures are difficult to change Training is needed if there are skill deficiencies 17
Constraining “political input” “Political input”, seeking to influence decision processes, is inevitable Transparent, well designed working procedures can resist inappropriate influences
Exchanging experience through ARMFA • ARMFA links together the executive road management experience of most of Africa. • Far more experience amongst ARMFA members than with international consultants! • ARMFA has the potential to use the experience of its members to define new solutions.
5. Data and measurement Strategies of governance for the RMF
Data to measure progress Accurate, up to date, data is essential to confirm good governance. Lack of data raises suspicion about poor governance and hidden corruption. Overall road sector performance measurement is essential, for all countries, every year.
Performance: Road asset value Good Governance valuation of road assets Poor Governance 0 5 years ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 23
Good governance - Audit regime Technical audit Financial audit ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 24
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Transparency • Re-assess what should be in the public domain • How should information be made available? (eg - use the Internet?) • Is civil society able to interpret the data provided? • What feedback mechanisms exists to act on results? • Transparency can assist in driving improvement 25
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Difficulties with measuring performance • Managers/Politicians don’t want to hear bad news • Problems obtaining accurate/objective data • Need feedback mechanisms to act on results • Need sector/overall results (not individual projects) 26
6. Potential for ARMFA and gTKP to work together Strategies of governance for the RMF
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 global Transport Knowledge Partnership A partnership for international exchange of knowledge about transport. gTKP Themes:Environment and Climate Change Finance and Economics Governance Road Safety Rural Transport Social Development Urban Transport 28
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Asia at ADB Washington at World Bank Africa in Tanzania gTKP GOVERNANCE THEMERoundtable Discussions - 2007 29
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Examples of poor governance(from gTKP 2007 roundtable discussions) Political influence of operational decisions Widespread corruption Staff lacking appropriate skills Lack of accountability Poor representation of civil society Lack of support for “whistleblowers” See Governance “knowledge gaps” report on gTKP website 30
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 The role of civil society in improving governance • The important role of civil society was highlighted in the gTKP 2007 roundtable discussions. • Civil society needs both data about roads and the skills to analyse this data. • Must be realistic about what can be achieved through voluntary assistance! 31
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 MOBILIZING CIVIL SOCIETY TO IMPROVE GOVERNANCE IN TRANSPORT25 to 27 June 2008 – Manila, Philippines gTKP Asia GovernanceWorkshop NGOs/ Academia/ Government/ Consultants Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China India Indonesia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka 32
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 gTKP Asia GovernanceWorkshop MOBILIZING CIVIL SOCIETY TO IMPROVE GOVERNANCE IN TRANSPORT25 to 27 June 2008 – Manila, Philippines 33
Governance – Discussion Topics • Civil society involvement - Lack of understanding of details by civil society • Leadership & political will - Politicians need to set an example! • Need to address pay scales and incentives - international consultant 70x local manager’s salary! • Acceptance - “road always fails before it should” • Importance of ownership and engagement
gTKP Africa GovernanceWorkshop Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, DRCongo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia MOBILISING CIVIL SOCIETY TO IMPROVE GOVERNANCE IN TRANSPORT23 to 25 Sept 2008 – Yaounde, Cameroon ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 35
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Current gTKP Governance Theme initiatives gTKP case studies • Chosen to inspire others • Maximum 8 pages • Designed for translation 36
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Current gTKP Governance Theme initiatives Booklet about road infrastructure • For non-road sector specialists • Road users, politicians, the media • Understand enough to play effective role in improving governance Preliminary details: www.roadbasics.com 37
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Benchmark data Straightforward to collect/estimate/update Examples: - bus fare/km & freight rate/km etc - average travel speed km/hour Initial samples/estimates refined later Fuel prices Bus fares Freight rates Travel speeds Rural access Construction costs Maintenance costs Quality of decisions Wastage Public satisfaction Current gTKP Governance Theme initiatives Preliminary details: www.roadbenchmarks.com 38
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Potential for ARMFA and gTKP to work together • Capture and exchange case study experience • Benchmarks and performance measurement • Booklet about road infrastructure to educate the public, politicians, and the media. • Workshops, seminars and online discussions. 39
ARMFA Maputo 6th October 2008 Conclusions • Concern that road conditions in some countries may not match increased levels of maintenance expenditure. • No standard solutions – ARMFA members have the executive skills to find new solutions. • Need accurate, annual measurement of road sector performance. 40