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1. ConfirmationJEOPARDY
2. JeopardyJeopardy
3. Double JeopardyDouble Jeopardy
4. This day occurs six Sundays and forty weekdays before Easter and is only celebrated by Western rites of the Church. Lit Cal 200
Answer: Ash WednesdayLit Cal 200
Answer: Ash Wednesday
5. This feast commemorates the birth of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. Lit Cal 400
Answer: PentecostLit Cal 400
Answer: Pentecost
6. This is the start of the Churchs liturgical year. Lit Cal 600
Answer: First Sunday of AdventLit Cal 600
Answer: First Sunday of Advent
7. This is the primary focus of the liturgical year and the most important holiday of the year. Lit Cal 800
Answer: Easter/Easter SeasonLit Cal 800
Answer: Easter/Easter Season
8. The practices of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving during this liturgical season help prepare us for following season. Lit Cal 1000
Answer: Lenten SeasonLit Cal 1000
Answer: Lenten Season
9. These sacraments are together known as the Sacraments of Initiation and are celebrated during the Easter Vigil. Sac 200
Answer: Baptism, Eucharist, ConfirmationSac 200
Answer: Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
10. The Sacraments of healing are two of only three which can be repeated. Sac 400
Answer: Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the SickSac 400
Answer: Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
11. This type of grace can only be received when we have the proper disposition, inner attitude and readiness. Sac 600
Answer: Sacramental graceSac 600
Answer: Sacramental grace
12. Consecrating with oil, immersion in water, and laying on of hands are all this type of symbol because they remind us of Gods saving action in our lives. Sac 800
Answer: Covenant symbolsSac 800
Answer: Covenant symbols
13. These two things are the root of the official Seven Sacraments. Sac 1000
Answer: 1) Jesus life and ministry 2) the Tradition of the Catholic ChurchSac 1000
Answer: 1) Jesus life and ministry 2) the Tradition of the Catholic Church
14. DAILY DOUBLE St 600 DDSt 600 DD
15. This French nun and mystic received visions of Christ during her contemplative prayers that told her to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. St 600 DD
Answer: St. Margaret Mary AlacoqueSt 600 DD
Answer: St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
16. Named one of the first female Doctors of the Church for her writings on prayer, this Spanish nun helped reform the Carmelite order. St 1000
Answer: St. Teresa of AvilaSt 1000
Answer: St. Teresa of Avila
17. A Saint of the early church, she was martyred in the last Roman persecutions of Christians, celebrated her feast day on Christmas, and has ties to this confirmation class. St 200
Answer: St. AnastasiaSt 200
Answer: St. Anastasia
18. As pope, this saint appointed St. Jerome his personal secretary, encouraging his vulgate translation of the bible. He also has ties to this confirmation class. St 800
Answer: St. DamasusSt 800
Answer: St. Damasus
19. This patron saint of many countries is often associated with dragons, although his greatness comes from proclaiming his faith as a Roman soldier amidst persecutions. St 200
Answer: St. GeorgeSt 200
Answer: St. George
20. Often thought of as a creator, this person of the trinity is also well known to those of Jewish faith. Trin 200
Answer: God the fatherTrin 200
Answer: God the father
21. Considered the sanctifier, this person of the trinity was the last to be understood by early Christians. Trin 400
Answer: the Holy SpiritTrin 400
Answer: the Holy Spirit
22. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was With God
This quote from the gospel of John helped dispel the Arian heresy about this member of the trinity. Trin 600
Answer: Jesus Christ, the SonTrin 600
Answer: Jesus Christ, the Son
23. During the liturgy of mass, the Eucharistic liturgy is addressed to this source of all our blessings. Trin 800
Answer: God, the fatherTrin 800
Answer: God, the father
24. During mass, he works to present in those assembled, the celebrating priest, and the scriptures. Trin 1000
Answer: Jesus, the SonTrin 1000
Answer: Jesus, the Son
25. This category of sin can only be forgiven in confession and Baptism because they destroy the virtue of charity within us, turning us from God. Sin 600
Answer: mortal sinSin 600
Answer: mortal sin
26. Developing one of these is dangerous because it makes it easier to commit sin without seriously thinking about it. Sin 400
Answer: vicesSin 400
Answer: vices
27. These are the four ways sins, disobediences of Gods love that wound human nature and injure human solidarity, can occur. Sin 200
Answer: Deed, Thought, Word, OmissionSin 200
Answer: Deed, Thought, Word, Omission
28. These seven deadly sins are particularly harmful because they lead to and reinforce many other sinful actions. Sin 800
Answer: Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, SlothSin 800
Answer: Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth
29. Jane unknowingly helped a friend purchase supplies were used to build a bomb. Sin 1000
Answer: Jane didnt commit a sin
however we are unable to escape the responsibility of our actions. (IE decisions under duress, voluntarily remaining ignorant)Sin 1000
Answer: Jane didnt commit a sin
however we are unable to escape the responsibility of our actions. (IE decisions under duress, voluntarily remaining ignorant)
30. These four marks of the Church describe essential things about it and its mission. Ch Str 200
Answer: One, Holy, Catholic, ApostolicCh Str 200
Answer: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
31. This segment of the Church primarily brings Christ to the everyday world, and are called to share in the priestly, prophetic, and kingly office of Christ. Ch Str 400
Answer: LaityCh Str 400
Answer: Laity
32. These members are direct successors of the apostles, and are responsible for both the pastoral care of those in their jurisdiction and helping to lead the worldwide Church. Ch Str 600
Answer: BishopsCh Str 600
Answer: Bishops
33. These members are no holier than others but receive a special calling to teach the faith and provide spiritual leadership. Ch Str 800
Answer: Priests and DeaconsCh Str 800
Answer: Priests and Deacons
34. These people set aside their lives for a holy purpose and to be fully dedicated to pursuing a more intimate relationship with God.. Ch Str 1000
Answer: Consecrated life: hermits, consecrated virgins/widows, religious life
many different missions in this lifeCh Str 1000
Answer: Consecrated life: hermits, consecrated virgins/widows, religious life
many different missions in this life
35. As his successor, he is responsible for the care of all souls, those within the Church and all others regardless of their religious identity. Pope 400
Answer: St PeterPope 400
Answer: St Peter
36. This title signifies him as the visible sign of Christs presence on earth. Pope 800
Answer: Vicar of ChristPope 800
Answer: Vicar of Christ
37. These pastoral letters sent to the whole Church help our understanding but are not definitive and free from error. Pope 1200
Answer: EncyclicalsPope 1200
Answer: Encyclicals
38. This teaching authority of the Church consists of all current bishops and is lead by the pope. Its ordinary and universal decrees are infallible. Pope 1600
Answer: MagisteriumPope 1600
Answer: Magisterium
39. This papal declaration is an extraordinary use of infallibility. It was last used by Pope Pius IX in 1854 and Pope Pius XII in 1950. Pope 2000
Answer: ex cathedra (from the chair of Peter) Immaculate conception of Mary Assumption of MaryPope 2000
Answer: ex cathedra (from the chair of Peter) Immaculate conception of Mary Assumption of Mary
40. Without this attitude in our approach, we will not receive the vital and personal relationship with God that prayer provides. Prayer 400
Answer: HumilityPrayer 400
Answer: Humility
41. AdorationBlessingIntercessionPetitionPraiseThanksgiving. Prayer 800
Answer: Forms of PrayerPrayer 800
Answer: Forms of Prayer
42. This is the kind of prayer the rosary is, even though the rosary is composed of vocal prayers. It ask us to focus on the mysteries of Jesus life. Prayer 1200
Answer: MeditativePrayer 1200
Answer: Meditative
43. DAILY DOUBLE Prayer 1600
Answer: MagnificatPrayer 1600
Answer: Magnificat
44. Great Things by Matt Maher is inspired by this prayer of Marys that shows how to be wholly Gods and how worthy he is of our trust. Prayer 1600
Answer: MagnificatPrayer 1600
Answer: Magnificat
45. Act of Contrition Pr 2000
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend thee, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.Pr 2000
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend thee, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.
46. CharityJoyPeacePatienceGoodnessKindnessLong-sufferingHumilityFaithfulnessModestyContinenceChastity HS 1200
Answer: Fruits of the HSHS 1200
Answer: Fruits of the HS
47. The Sacrament where the Holy Spirit is first received. HS 400
Answer: BaptismHS 400
Answer: Baptism
48. This symbol of the Holy Spirit comes from Genesis 1:1-2, In the beginning
while a ____ from God swept over the face of the waters. HS 800
Answer: BaptismHS 800
Answer: Baptism
49. His role in the Eucharist. HS 1600
Answer: the means of transubstantiaton (brings Christs presence), brings sacrifice from us to God, sanctifies gifts
HS 1600
Answer: the means of transubstantiaton (brings Christs presence), brings sacrifice from us to God, sanctifies gifts
50. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. HS 2000
Answer: Wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, reverance/piety, wonder and aw
HS 2000
Answer: Wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, reverance/piety, wonder and aw
51. The minister of the Sacrament. Con 400
Answer: Bishop or designated priest
Con 400
Answer: Bishop or designated priest
52. Laying on of hands and anointing with Chrism while saying, Be sealed with the Holy Spirit. Con 800
Answer: Essential Sacramental Symbol
Con 800
Answer: Essential Sacramental Symbol
53. A mixture of olive oil and fragrant balsam, the oil is a symbol of strength and the perfume a symbol of the fragrance of Christ we must spread. Con 1200
Answer: Sacred Chrism
Con 1200
Answer: Sacred Chrism
54. Age of ReasonBaptizedFreely Profess the FaithState of GraceWilling to be a Witness for Christ. Con 1600
Answer: Requirements for confirmationCon 1600
Answer: Requirements for confirmation
55. The two primary effects of Confirmation. Con 2000
Answer: Strengthen bond with the Church and enriched w/ outpouring of HSCon 2000
Answer: Strengthen bond with the Church and enriched w/ outpouring of HS
56. The difference between Catholic Eucharist and other Christian communion services. Euc 400
Answer: transubstantiation/belief that Christ is present in eucharistEuc 400
Answer: transubstantiation/belief that Christ is present in eucharist
57. This becomes the true body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. Euc 800
Answer: bread and wineEuc 800
Answer: bread and wine
58. The Eucharist recalls not only Jesus sacrifice but also this from our Jewish beginnings. Euc 1200
Answer: Passover LambEuc 1200
Answer: Passover Lamb
59. The Four Parts of the Eucharistic Rite. Euc 1600
Answer: Intro/Gathering Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Concluding/Dismissal RiteEuc 1600
Answer: Intro/Gathering Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Concluding/Dismissal Rite
60. As the representative of Christ, the priests sacrifice also does this for the sins of the living and the dead. Euc 2000
Answer: Make Amends/Reparation
Active salvation!Euc 2000
Answer: Make Amends/Reparation
Active salvation!
61. They do this to familiar concepts to make people hearing them gain a new way of seeing things. Par 400
Answer: Surprising Twist/ShockPar 400
Answer: Surprising Twist/Shock
62. DAILY DOUBLE Par 800
DDPar 800
63. This parable reminds us we do not know when God is coming, so we must always be prepared if we want to enter the Kingdom. Par 800
Answer: 10 bridesmaids/virginsPar 800
Answer: 10 bridesmaids/virgins
64. Most of Jesus parables focus on teaching us about this. Par 1200
Answer: Kingdom of GodPar 1200
Answer: Kingdom of God
65. This part of the Gospels contains many of Jesus parables. Its often considered the best summary of his teachings. Par 1600
Answer: Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7Par 1600
Answer: Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5-7
66. Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man
And everyone who listens to these words of mine but does not act on them will be like a fool
Matt 7:24,26. Par 2000
Answer: Parable of the two foundations/house built on rockPar 2000
Answer: Parable of the two foundations/house built on rock