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Explore disorder, transport phenomena, and the anomalous Hall effect in DMS. Learn the impact of weak and strong potential disorder scattering, as well as spatial defect correlations. Uncover insights into the insulating-metallic transition and disorder-related phenomena in DMS materials.
4. Disorder and transport in DMS, anomalous Hall effect, noise • Disorder and transport in DMS •Weak potential disorder scattering: Semiclassical transport theory •Strong potential disorder scattering •Interlude: Spatial defect correlations •Lightly doped DMS: Percolation picture •Anomalous Hall effect
insulating/localized low CB 2+ metallic high 1– 1– VB Disorder and transport in DMS • Why should disorder be important? • Direct observations: • some samples are Anderson insulators • metallic samples have high residual resistivity (kFl is not large) • metal-insulator transition Physical reasoning: • many dopands (acceptors/donors) in random positions • compensation → low carrier density→weak electronic screening • compensation →charged defects
What type of disorder?Example: (Ga,Mn)As • Single Mn acceptor:Binding energy is ~3/4 due to Coulomb attraction, ~1/4 to exchange→Coulomb potential disorder gives larger contribution • Coulomb disorder is strongly enhanced by presence of compensating defects • antisites AsGa (double donors) • interstitials Mni (double donors) Fully aligned impurity spins & “large” wave functions (not strongly localized)→ each carrier sees many aligned spins→ mean-field limit, weak exchange disorder MacDonald et al., Nature Materials 4, 195 (2005) Moral: Neglecting Coulomb but keeping J is questionable
k r Weak potential disorder scattering: Semiclassical transport theory Boltzmann equation: without scattering the phase-space density does not change in the comoving frame Thus vk: velocity, F: force Disorder scattering described by scattering integral: with
“in” “out” transition rate from |k´i to |ki due to disorder derivation from full equation of motion of density operator : see Kohn & Luttinger, PR 108, 590 (1957) How can we calculate W?Assume the disorder potential to be a small perturbation V: →Leading order perturbation theory(see, e.g., Landau/Lifschitz, vol. 3) For a periodic perturbation V = Fe–it the transition rate is k space element
static perturbation: let ! 0 and F!V • potential consists of random short-range scatterers: this gives shift r (ll´ terms drop out under averaging over impurity configurations) integration over 3k: leads to (ni = Nimp/Volume: density of impurities)
For scatterers, , we getand thus • elastic: energy does not change • explicitly symmetric in k and k´ (not so in higher orders!) Here W is a constant, apart from the energy-conservation factor For later convenience we write this constant as (defining1/) N(0): density of states at Fermi energy
Semiclassical equations of motion:Consider a wave packet narrow in r and k space Equations of motion for average position and momentum (short notation): integration by parts
since Similarly:
Writing and dropping h…i we obtain Resistivity: In steady state , then the current density is then (parabolic band) In homogeneous electromagnetic field: Thus (c = 1) for parabolic band (~ = 1) Drude conductivityD
Normal Hall effect: Assume , E component perpendicular to j follows from Hall electric field Thus the Hall conductivity is and the Hall coefficient
DMS: Additional spin scattering with impurity spins distribution of local magneticquantum numbers, m = –S,…,S paramagnetic phase (T > Tc):Drude resistivity with total scattering rate ferromagnetic phase (T < Tc):complicated; different density of states for ", # etc. spin-orbit effects can be included: C.T. et al., PRB 69, 115202 (2004)
Strong potential disorder scattering • Strong disorder goes beyond the previous description. Approaches: • diagrammatic disorder perturbation theory (not discussed here) • numerical diagonalization Example:VB holes in (Ga,Mn)Assee potential of charged defects • substitutional MnGa: Ql= –1 • antisites AsGa: Ql = +2 • Mn-interstitials: Ql = +2 rscr: electronic screening length
extended states (conducting): localized states (insulating): • Method:C.T., Schäfer & von Oppen, PRL 89, 137201 (2002) • write H in suitable basis (here: Hband is parabolic, choose plane waves) • numerical diagonalization→ spectrum, eigenfunctions • calculate participation ratios for all eigenstates with normalization PR distinguishes between extended and localized states
PR/L3 insulating/localized:only activated hopping PR » L3, large larger size L extended localized mobility edge PR » L0, small metallic down to T! 0 • are states at Fermi energy extended? →conductor (“metallic”) are they localized? → (Anderson) insulator • Problem:Following this approach all (Ga,Mn)As samples should be insulating • Solution: Must consider detailed spatial distribution of defects!
Interlude: Spatial defect correlations Why not fully random defects? many defects of charges –1 and +2,compensation (few holes),weak screening of Coulomb interaction large Coulomb energy of defects random defects cost high energy
defect diffusion during growth and annealing • incorporation in correlatedpositions during growth lead to correlated defect positions Monte Carlo simulationsto find low-energy configurationsC.T. et al., PRL 89, 137201 (2002);C.T., J. Phys.: C. M. 15, R1865 (2003) Hamiltonian of defects: MC: at least 20£20£20 fcc unit cells(cartoons are 10£10£10) Snapshot:formation of clusters
Effect on VB holes • PRvs. electron energy for various numbers of MC steps (“annealing times”) 0 MC steps: fully random • random defects →no gap – contradicts experiments • …and tendency towards localization • correlated defects → weak smearing of VB edge • …and extended states (except close to VB edge) Where is the Fermi energy?
requires clustering random defects: always insulating
Lightly doped DMS: Percolation picture • For low concentrations x of magnetic impurities in III-V DMSKaminski & Das Sarma, PRB 68, 235210 (2003) following Berciu & Bhatt (2001), Erwin & Petukhov (2002), Fiete et al. (2003) etc. • hole in hydrogenic impurity state, spin antiparallel to impurity moment:Bound magnetic polaron (BMP) • low concentration: transport by thermally activatedhopping from BMP to empty impurity site → conductivity vanishes for T! 0 • higher concentration →percolation→ conducting • ferromagnetism if aligned clusters percolate, transport/magnetic percolation governed by different energies (Lecture 5) • no structure in resistivity at Tc since only sparse percolating cluster orders
Anomalous Hall effect (AHE) In conducting ferromagnets one generically observes a Hall voltage in the absence of an applied magnetic field (M: magnetization) or Compare normal Hall effect: How can the orbital motion feelthe spin magnetization? →Spin-orbit coupling • Three mechanisms: • skew scattering • side-jump scattering • intrinsic Berry-phase effect (no scattering)
kout t!1 kin t!–1 scattering region • (1) Skew scatteringSmit (1958), Kondo (1962) etc. • pure potential scattering • band structure with spin-orbit coupling: • in bulk crystals, e.g., k¢p • in assymmetric quantum well:Rashba term Scattering theory (second-order Born approximation) gives contribution to Hall resistivity Note: opposite situation, spin-orbit scattering of carriers in bands without spin-orbit coupling is sometimes also called skew scattering
(2) Side-jump scatteringBerger (1970) etc. • pure potential scattering • band structure with spin-orbit coupling: • in bulk crystals, e.g., k¢p • in assymmetric quantum well:Rashba term kout kin t!1 t!–1 scattering region Scattering theory gives contribution to Hall resistivity for random alloys (high resistivity) dominates over skew scattering Note: opposite situation is again also called side-jump scattering
H(k) commutes with (projection of j onto k) → simultaneous eigenstates eigenvalues of : j = –3/2,–1/2, 1/2, 3/2 • (3) Intrinsic k space Berry-phaseKarplus & Luttinger, PR 95, 1154 (1954)Jungwirth, Niu & MacDonald, PRL 88, 207208 (2002) • no scattering necessary (intrinsic effect) • band structure with spin-orbit coupling Example: p-type DMS, 4-band spherical approximation light holes heavy holes heavy holes
Idea:Sundaram & Niu, PRB 59, 14915 (1999) Consider narrow wave packet in slowly varrying scalar and vector potential, , A • packet center describes orbit r(t) in real space • …accompanied by orbit k(t) in k space • spin of packet has to follow k-dependent quantization axis • closed orbit: additional quantum (Berry) phase proportional to solid angle enclosed by spin path on sphere Detailed, more general derivation from Schrödingerequation for wave packet (Sundaram & Niu) gives omit scattering
with the Berry curvature where |ui is the periodic part of the Bloch function– essentially the spin part In the absence of an appied magnetic field acts like an inhomogeneous magnetic field in k space For heavy holes: Now obtain the current density
Fermi function For E along x direction and M along z () along M by symmetry):Jungwirth et al., PRL 88, 207208 (2002) • independent of scattering term in Boltzmann equation (intrinsic) • contribution to Hall conductivity,not resistivity • AH is indeed proportional to magnetization (if not too large), in agreement with experiments • correct order of magnitude (6-band model)
Anomalous Hall effect above TcC.T., von Oppen & Höfling, PRB 69, 115202 (2004) In the paramagnetic phase • Does the AHE play any role here? • Idea: the temporal correlation functiondoes not vanish • gives nonzero Hall voltage noise • related to dynamical susceptibility: Start from Boltzmann equations potential scattering holes: spin-flip scattering impurity spins: j, m: magnetic quantum numbers of holes / impurities
in 4-band subspace Define hole and impurity magnetizations (z components) scattering integrals also contain overlap integrals of spin states Derive hydrodynamic equations for the magnetizations, e.g., for holes: Bh, Bi are effective fields containing coupling to i, h, respectively Note anisotropic diffusion term
Anisotropic spin diffusion • from spin-orbit coupling in VB • fastest along axis of local magnetization From hydrodynamic equations obtainmagnetic susceptibilities of holes / impurities (non-equilibrium magnetization in z direction) t = (T–Tc)/Tc Dynamics of collective spin-wave modes is purely diffusive and anisotropic
From impurity susceptibility obtain anomalous Hall voltage noise • assume intrinsic Berry-phase origin → contribution to Hall conductivity • relate correlations of Hall voltage to correlations of impurity spins • integrate over time to obtain noise U: applied voltage, Li: Hall-bar dimensions, : detector band width Noise is critically enhanced for T!Tc