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2012 년 6 월 10 일 (Combine). 말씀 Message. 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church http://www.wkbcks.org. 오늘 메시지 주제 : 믿음에 대해서 학대와 조롱을 받는 사람들은 하나님께 지속적으로 기도를 해야 한다 . 그것을 아시는 하나님께서는 학대 받은 그의 백성들을 버리시지 않으시며 , 그들의 기도를 들을 시고 , 백성들안에서 하나님을 찬양할 이유를 주신다. Today’s main message:
2012년 6월 10일(Combine) 말씀Message 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church http://www.wkbcks.org 오늘 메시지 주제: 믿음에 대해서 학대와 조롱을 받는 사람들은 하나님께 지속적으로 기도를 해야 한다. 그것을 아시는 하나님께서는 학대 받은 그의 백성들을 버리시지 않으시며, 그들의 기도를 들을 시고, 백성들안에서 하나님을 찬양할 이유를 주신다 Today’s main message: Those who suffer persecution and ridicule for their faith must persevere in praying to God to deliver them, knowing that God does not abandon his afflicted people but will hear their prayer and give them reason to praise in the congregation. 예배안내 ▣ 영어예배 (English worship 10:00 AM) ▣ 주일예배 (Sunday worship 11:00 AM) ▣ 수요기도회 (Wednesday worship7:00 PM) ▣ 토요기도회 (Saturday pray 6:00 AM) Wichita Baptist Church 9736 Chamberlain Wichita, KS 67226 - Phone: (316) 380-0691
교회소식Announcement 위치타 침례교회 Wichita Korean Baptist Church 2012년 6월 10일 1. 최병일 목사님께서 6월 24일부터 예배를 인도해 주시겠습니다. 예배는 10시 영어예배와 11시 한글 예배가 있습니다. (Pastor Choi will give messages starting from Jun 24th Sunday. There will be two services from the day, English service at 10 AM and Korean service at 11 AM) 2. 수요 예배 인도 (Wednesday service liturgist schedule) 6/13 서은실 6 /20 박순길 6 /27 방성은 3. 토요 예배 인도 (Saturday service liturgist schedule) 6/16 이재상 6/23 방준형 6/30 박순길 주일 예배순서Order of worship 인도자(Liturgist): 이재상 개회기도(Invocation) ··········································· 찬 송(Hymn) ················································ 대표기도(Prayer) ····················································· 헌 금(Offering) ····················································· 헌금 기도(Prayer)··································································· 성경봉독(Scripture) ············································· 광 고(Announcement)························································ ◈성도의 교제(Fellowship) ···························································· 말 씀(Message) ······················································· ◈ 헌신의 찬양 (Song of Dedication)····················································· ◈축 도(Benediction) ··········································· 인도자(Liturgist) 28: 복의 근원 강림하사 (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing) 다같이(All together) 박순길 214: 변찮는 주님의 사랑과 (Let Us Sing of His Love) 박진희 Pastor Boujakly 시편 (Psalm) 22 인도자(Liturgist) 인도자(Liturgist) 다같이(All together) 시편 (Psalm) 22 Pastor Boujakly 330: 고통의 멍에 벗으려고 (Out of My Bondage, Sorrow and Night) 다같이(All together) Pastor Boujakly 예배 위원 (Worship Committee) 사역을 돕는 이들 ▣ 담임목사: 최병일협력목사: Georges Boujakly ▣ 협력선교사: 기찬종, 한삼봉, 김동욱, 김창의, 박용대, 황길상, 남창식 ▣ 반주: 지현주 ▣ 찬양인도: 방성은, 양현아, 크리샤 연