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Impact of Terrorism on Migration in Turkey

Discover the root causes and consequences of PKK terrorism in Turkey, leading to mass migration due to harm, intimidation, and homicide. Learn about the history, consequences, and solutions to this complex issue.

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Impact of Terrorism on Migration in Turkey

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  2. KEY WORDS HOMICIDE: (n) Usuallyusemurderhomicide is the illegal killing of a person INTIMIDATION:(n) Tofrightenespeciallybytheatening HARM: (v) Physicalormentaldamage ; injury IGNORANT: (n) Havinglittleorknowledge not educated SEIZE: (v) Ifyouseizesometingyoutakehold of it quickly,firmlyandforcefully PROPERTY: (n) A specialquality of a thing EMPLOYEE: (v) A company’semployessareitsworker RETREAT: (v) Todrawback, tomoveawayfrom

  3. What is Terrorism? Meaning of theword is terrorization, homicide,vandalismandintimidation. There is a terrorist organization in Turkey.Its name isPKK which is knownKurdistanWorkersPartybytheworld.PKK wasfirstorganized on 27 November 1978 by Abdullah ÖCALAN.People think PKK is Kürdish people organizationbut it is not true because no onegives harm totheirownpeople. PKK consists of PKK's tricked illeteratepeople.

  4. PKK actionshaveoftenbeenseen in the eastern and southeastern Anatolia.Externalandinternal forces support the PKK.PKK is a big problem becausetheyhavebeenkilling a lot of soldiersandpeople.ThePKK giveharms tothe public andtheinstitutionswhichhavebeenbuiltbythestateandprivatesectors ,so people migrate to the westerncities of Turkey

  5. Forexamples; Theyseizeproperty, they giveharm to government agencies and employees, they want to include people in the PKK byforcing. Peopledon’twanttojoin in PKK, sotheymigratetoothercities.

  6. Whywas PKK founded ? Accordingtofounders’ claimsPKK was founded to establish a state in Turkey’s eastandsoutheast, Iraq’snorth, Syria’snortheastandIran’snorthwest.

  7. Migrationbecause of PKK Almost40.000 peoplehavebeenkilledby PKK.49.593 familyand 310.921 peoplehevemigratedbecause of PKK attacksso far.

  8. Bythehelp of informingthepeople in thoseregionsandnegotiationswiththeEuropeancountriesandthe USA, peoplehaveunderstoodtherealaim of PKK. Now PKK havebeenretreatingsopeoplearemigratingtotheirowntownsandcitiesagain. 100.000 peoplemigratedtoEasternandSoutheasternAnatoliaRegionbecause PKK havelostthierpower.

  9. A lot of people migrate because of PKK because they have been giving harm to a lot of schools and factories so the state and private sectors have difficulties in investment.People can’t invest and they can’t make money. PKK have lived off smuggling drug,gun and human.

  10. PKKhavebeengivingharm to stateandprivateagencies and employees;

  11. BIBLIOGRAPHY www.tr.wikipedia.org Blog.milliyet.com.tr www.gazeteport.com.tr www.havadis16.com www.diyarinsesi.org www.haberler.com www.aksiyon.com.tr


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