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    3. Le cadre institutionnel Le ministère, les lois, l’organisation territoriale (Local Education Authorities) Le cadre éducatif Les établissements – publics/privés Les horaires, les programmes Les niveaux, les évaluations Les élèves Primaire Secondaire Les diplômes Les enseignants Les études supérieures

    4. Cadre institutionnel

    5. La législation britannique Elementary Education Act 1870 Forster Education Act 1901 (Renewal) Act 1902 Education Act 1902 Education (Provision of Meals) Act 1906 Education (Administrative Provisions) Act 1907 Education Act 1918 Education Act 1944 - Butler Education (No. 2) Act 1986 Education Reform Act 1988 Baker Education Act 1994 Education Act 1996 School Standards and Framework Act 1998 Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 Education Act 2002 Higher Education Act 2004 Education Act 2005 Education and Inspections Act 2006 Scotland Education Act 1496 School Establishment Act 1616 Education Act 1633 Education Act 1646 Education Act 1696 Education (Scotland) Act 1980 Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 - an Act of the Scottish Parliament

    6. Ministerial Team (janvier 2009) Rt Hon Ed Balls MP Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families    Rt Hon Jim Knight MP Minister of State for Schools and Learners Sarah McCarthy-Fry MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools and Learners Rt Hon Beverley Hughes MP Minister of State for Children, Young People and Families Baroness Delyth Morgan Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children, Young People and Families http://www.tda.gov.uk/ Training and Development Agency for Schools

    7. Cadre éducatif

    8. Elèves Total : 9 812 600 (env 10m) 2-4 ans :1 139 000 puis entre 670 000 et 789 000 élèves par cohorte (ages 5 à 16 ans) 16-17ans : 313 900 17-18 ans : 233 700 18-19 ans : 24 500 20+ : 3 700

    9. Répartition géographique

    10. Etablissements (2006-7) 33892 écoles (5-18 ans) publiques et privées 3326 maternelles 21968 écoles primaires 4176 établissements secondaires 2611 établissements privés 1416 écoles spécialisées

    11. Les matières – l’évaluation

    12. Enseignants (2005-6)

    13. Statut et conditions

    14. Calendrier et horaires Autumn termSeptember-December Mid/half-term holidayLate October/early November (one week)Christmas holidayLast week December and first week January (two weeks) Spring termJanuary-MarchMid/half-term holidayLate February (one week)Easter holidayLate March/early April, subject to the changing date of Easter Summer termApril-JulyMid/half-term holidayLate May/early June (one week)Summer holidayMid-late July and all of August (six weeks)Some schools divide the school year into five or six terms of equal length, with more, but shorter, holidays in between. Depending on the outcome of official reviews, this kind of system may become more common in the coming years. Whichever system is in use, however, all schools must open for 190 days a year. As a teacher, your statutory conditions of service will require you to work an additional five days, which will be devoted to in-service education and training. Inset days are an important part of your continuing professional development as a teacher. Usually taking place at the beginning and end of terms, they give headteachers an opportunity to bring all their staff together at the same time to work at developing individual skills and the quality of the school overall. Lundi au vendredi 9h – 15h30 ou 16h Les élèves et les enseignants à tous niveaux sont présent toute la journée tous les jours. En dehors de ses heures d’enseignement, l’enseignant fait de l’administration, de la surveillance (il n’y a pas de ‘pions’), prépare ses cours, fait ses corrections, organise des activités …

    15. Formation

    16. Rémunérée? Q: Will I receive funding while I train? A: Trainees on postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) and school-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) programmes in England who are classed as home or European Union (EU) trainees are eligible to receive a tax-free training bursary. Trainees in maths, science, D&T, ICT, modern languages, English, RE and music receive £9,000. Primary trainees and those training in all other secondary subjects receive £6,000. Similar bursaries are available in Wales. Funding arrangements from 1 August 2008 For trainees starting primary postgraduate ITT courses after 1 August 2008 the bursary will be reduced from £6,000 to £4,000. For trainees starting secondary postgraduate English, dance and drama ITT courses after 1 August 2008, the bursary will be reduced from £9,000 to £6,000. Trainees on these courses will not be eligible to receive a golden hello. Q: Why do subject enhancement and extension courses only cover certain subjects? A: In England, enhancement and extension course have been introduced specifically to help increase the pool of individuals eligible to train as teachers in certain 'priority' subjects: namely chemistry, mathematics, physics and modern languages.

    17. Hiérarchie et responsabilités Senior management team Headteacher Has overall responsibility for the school, its staff, its pupils and the education they receive. Deputy headteacher Plays a major role in managing the school, particularly in the absence of the headteacher. Often responsible for a curriculum area and/or specific areas of school management. Assistant headteacher Usually only in larger primary schools. Supports the head and deputy head with the management of the school. Early years coordinator Responsible for children in the foundation stage, leading the foundation team of teachers, nursery nurses and teaching assistants. Key stage coordinator Employed to lead and manage either Key Stage 1 or 2. They usually also have a class teaching commitment. Special educational needs coordinator Responsible for day-to-day provision for pupils with special educational needs.   Subject leaders and curriculum coordinators Responsible for the leadership and management of a particular curriculum subject. Class teachers may be expected to accept responsibility for an area of the curriculum as part of their normal professional duties. Classroom teachers Plan, prepare and deliver lessons to meet the needs of all pupils, setting and marking work and recording pupil development as necessary. Includes advanced skills teachers and supply teachers. Often work in partnership with teaching assistants.

    18. Type d’établissement

    19. Croeso i Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn - Welcome to Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn Dear Parents, Welcome to the Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn website. Our aim is to provide existing and prospective parents with useful information, as well as conveying an impression of the positive atmosphere within the school. There is a friendly and purposeful relationship between the pupils and staff in the school, which is reflected in the social interaction as well as in the academic achievements of our pupils. We aim to bring out the best in our pupils at all times and we hope that every new pupil will take a full part in the life of the school: in its social, cultural, academic and recreational activities. This is well expressed in the school motto – ‘Gorau oll y gorau ellir’, which means ‘The best of all is your very best’. We will be very pleased to welcome your child as a pupil to Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn. We look forward to a happy association with you and to a successful school career for your child at Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn.Yours faithfully Ian A McCloy, Headmaster             Croeso i we-fan Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn. Ein nôd yw i ddarparu gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol ar gyfer rhieni presennol a darpar rieni, ynghyd â throsglwyddo argraff o awyrgylch bositif o fewn yr ysgol. Y mae yma berthynas gyfeillgar a phwrpasol rhwng y disgyblion a’r athrawon yn yr ysgol a adlewyrchir yn y gweithgareddau cymdeithasol a chyrhaeddiadau academaidd y disgyblion. Anelwn i dynnu’r gorau allan o bob plentyn bob amser a gobeithiwn y bydd pob disgybl newydd yn cymryd rhan lawn ym mywyd yr ysgol yn academaidd, ac yn yr holl weithgareddau cymdeithasol a diwylliadol, ac mewn chwaraeon. Amlygir hyn yn arwyddair yr Ysgol - ‘Gorau oll y gorau ellir’. Byddwn yn falch iawn i groesawu eich plentyn fel disgybl yn Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn. Edrychwn ymlaen at feithrin perthynas iach gyda chi, ac i’ch plentyn fwynhau gyrfa lwyddiannus yn Ysgol Gyfun Emlyn. Yr eiddoch yn gywir, Ian A McCloy, Prifathro Etablissement secondaire (bilingue – au Pays de galles)

    20. L’inspection

    21. Chart A: Percentage of pupils aged 15 achieving 5 or more GCSEs or equivalent at grades A* to C, England, 1994/95 to 2007/08

    22. Chart C: Average QCA point score for 16-18 year old candidates by type of institution and gender, England, 2007/08

    23. Qualifications Chart B: Level of highest qualification held by people aged 19-59/64, by age group, England, Quarter 2 2008 (Percentage distribution)

    24. Références: British Council, Education@uk, UK Education systems, http://www.britishcouncil.org/usa-education-uk-system-k-12-education.htm British Council, Education@uk, Teacher Training http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-infosheets-teacher-training.pdf British Council, Studying and Living in the United Kingdom, http://www.educationuk.org/bc_img/body/articles/pdfs/stud_live_uk.pdf British Council, Education@uk, Scotland, Discover the Difference, Your guide to education in Scotland, http://www.educationuk.org/pls/hot_bc/bc_all_home.page_pls_reg_homepage?r=SCOT&a=44 Guide de la coopération entre les académies françaises et les « Local Authorities » anglais, MEN, Eduscol, août 2008 Suzy Halimi, L'enseignement supérieur au Royaume-Uni, Paris : Ophrys, 2004 Véronique Lelaidier, L’éducation au Royaume-Uni, Paris, Ellipses, 1998 Michel Lemosse  : Education in England and Wales from 1870 to the present day, Paris  : Longman France, 1992, 206 p. Harry Judge, Michel Lemosse, Lynn Paine et Michael Sedlak  : The University and the Teachers - France, the United States, England, Oxford  : 1994.

    25. Enseignement secondaire et supérieur en Ecosse Age Secondary/High School College University Courses and Awards 18+ PhD (minimum three years) University : Masters (one year) Degree Year 4 Honours Degree Degree Year 3 Ordinary Degree Degree Year 2 Degree Year 1 College : HND Higher National Diploma 16-18 HNC Higher National Certificate Advanced Higher 14-16 Intermediate 2 Intermediate 1 Standard Grades http://www.educationuk.org/downloads/scot/english.pdf

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