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AFRICA. 163.43. Clock Buddy #1. What do you already know about Africa? What do you want to learn about Africa?. Did You Know?. 2 nd largest continent in the world One-fifth of Earth’s land surface

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  1. AFRICA 163.43

  2. Clock Buddy #1 • What do you already know about Africa? • What do you want to learn about Africa?

  3. Did You Know? • 2nd largest continent in the world • One-fifth of Earth’s land surface • Earliest evidence of human beings

  4. Africa’s Geography

  5. Clock Buddy #2 • Based on the geography of Africa, predict how this may have affected the development of early African societies.

  6. The Geography of Africa • Environmental Challenge #1: • DESERTS: • Sahara (North Africa) • Kalahari (South Africa)

  7. The Geography of Africa • Environmental Challenge #2: • RAIN FOREST: • Uninhabitable • Breeding ground for insects and disease

  8. The Geography of Africa • Positive Environmental Factor: • SAVANNA: • Grassy plains; 2 dry seasons & 2 rainy seasons per year • Support abundant agricultural production

  9. Clock Buddy #3 • Have you ever had to move or did someone close to you move? Why did you/they move? • Analyze the factors (push/pull)that cause people to move and what determines the new location to which they move.

  10. People on the Move • Bantu-speaking Africans in early Nigeria started migrating around 500BC • Moved south and east • Spread their language and culture

  11. People on the Move • Reasons for migration: • Slash and Burn Farming • Overpopulation and search for more land

  12. Africa: The Influence of Trade

  13. Clock Buddy #4 • Do you have a good friend? Why are you friends? • What tends to happen when you start hanging around the same person for a long time?

  14. East Africa: Early Kingdom of Aksum • Located on Red Sea in present day Ethiopia • Through trade (ivory!) Aksum (350AD) absorbed many elements of Roman culture,including Christianity

  15. East Africa: Coastal Trade Cities • Bantu-speaking people established coastal villages • Muslim and Persian traders settled in port cities around 639AD • Swahili was formed: blended language of Bantu and Arabic • Blending of religions of Christianity, Islam and traditional beliefs

  16. Clock Buddy #5 • Have you ever traded with someone for something? What factors are necessary for a mutually successful trade? • How do scarcity and abundance affect trade?

  17. West Africa:The Gold-Salt Kingdoms Ghana Mali Songhai

  18. The Gold-Salt Trade • All 3 kingdoms controlled the GOLD-SALT trade at some point in time • Occurred in west Africa near the northern part of the Niger River

  19. The Gold-Salt Trade • Although rich in gold, West Africa’s savanna & rain forests LACKED salt • Fortunately, the Sahara Desert contained large deposits of salt

  20. The Gold-Salt Trade • Arab traders crossed the Sahara with SALT, cloth & manufactured goods • West African traders collected gold from the forested regions

  21. The Gold-Salt Trade • Met in trading cities where they would exchange goods

  22. Ghana: The Trading Kingdom (AD 500 to 1200)

  23. Ghana: The Trading Kingdom • Ghana had many resources, but its location delayed its development as a trading empire • Problems: • No sea access • Blocked by the Sahara

  24. Ghana: The Trading Kingdom • Eventually Arab traders from North Africa learned how to cross the Sahara Desert • Allowed Ghana to participate in the Gold-Salt Trade

  25. Ghana: The Trading Kingdom • Impact of Gold-Salt Trade: • Introduction of Islam (though it was never fully adopted) • Increase in wealth due to TAXES on trade

  26. Ghana: The Trading Kingdom • Ghana’s wealth enabled the kingdom to build a large army • Used to: • Conquer neighboring regions • Capture people to sell as slaves to Muslim traders

  27. Ghana: The Trading Kingdom • Ghana’s Decline: • War with a nearby kingdom weakened Ghana’s empire • Led to internal division & eventual decline…

  28. The Kingdom of Mali (AD 1235 to 1400)

  29. The Kingdom of Mali • After Ghana’s decline, no one kingdom controlled the Gold-Salt Trade • Consequently the Gold-Salt Trade experienced a decline

  30. The Kingdom of Mali • In 1230 Mali rose to power on the same territory • Quickly expanded to the Atlantic Ocean under the rule of Sundiata • Gained control of the Gold-Salt Trade

  31. Clock Buddy #6 • What can you infer about Mansa Musa in this picture?

  32. The Kingdom of Mali • Mansa Musa is often considered the greatest ruler of Mali • Under Mansa Musa’s Reign: • Mali, like Ghana, became very wealthy due to its control of the Gold-Salt Trade

  33. The Kingdom of Mali • Mansa Musa & Religion: • Was a devout Muslim • In 1324 made a pilgrimage to Mecca • Led to MANY changes in Mali

  34. The Kingdom of Mali • Mansa Musa built mosques, schools & libraries where people could study Islam • As a result Timbuktu, the capital city, became a cultural center for Islam

  35. The Kingdom of Mali • Mali’s Decline: • Weak rulers after Mansa Musa • Internal & external problems • In 1433 Timbuktu was captured • DECLINE!

  36. The Kingdom of Songhai (1450 to 1600)

  37. The Kingdom of Songhai • Sunni Ali: • Conquered the cities of Mali, including Timbuktu • Expanded the empire to include most of the West African savanna

  38. The Kingdom of Songhai • Songhai entered a Golden Age under Askia Muhammad • Askia Muhammad & Religion: • Songhai’s first Muslim leader

  39. The Kingdom of Songhai • In order to demonstrate his commitment to Islam Muhammad made a pilgrimage to Mecca

  40. The Kingdom of Songhai • During this time Muhammad made contact with North African traders & the Gold-Salt Trade was once again resumed with Songhai having complete control

  41. The Kingdom of Songhai • Askia Muhammad & Government: • Divided Songhai into 5 provinces, each with its own government, tax collector, court & trade inspector – VERY EFFICIENT! • Laws based on the Koran

  42. Clock Buddy #7 • Conclude: Describe 3 factors that influenced the development of early African societies

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