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OD Week-11 Implementation on Community and National Levels

This chapter explores the growing importance of OD at national levels, including the processes used, barriers faced, and outcomes achieved. It emphasizes the application of OD skills in developing communities, nations, and regions.

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OD Week-11 Implementation on Community and National Levels

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  1. OD Week-11Implementation on Community and National Levels 4 April 2018

  2. Overview • An organization is any group of two ormore coming together with a common purpose. • The focus of OD work has been on for-profit and not-for-profit organizations,including subsystems of those organizations. • There has been an awareness of the importance of the skills of ODin developing communities, nations, regions, and worldwide NGOs.

  3. CHAPTER OUTLINE • Organization Development at the National Level: What in the World Is It? • Why Is OD at the National Level Growing in Importance? • Processes Used in Doing OD at the National Level • Barriers to Establishing National Development Policies Based on OD Principles • Attributes of Excellent National Development Policy Based on OD Principles • Outcomes of Excellent National Development Planning Conclusion

  4. Tugas Kelompok Mhsw: Buat ringkasan pada masing2 tahap ssdg kelompoknya dlm format word, dijilid rapih. Buat power point utk dipresentasikan pd setiap pertemuan. Kelompok terbaik mendapat penghargaan khusus. Tugas ini diapresiasi dengan bobot nilai 30% dr nilai matkul. Organization Development Process Model K4 W5 K5 W6 K6 W7 K7 W8 W?. W2 K? K8 W9 W3 K2 K9 W10 W4 K3 K10 W11 W12 W13

  5. OD at the National Level • The application of OD skills • Is moving to communities, nations,regions, and even more broadly. • Parallelto the same movement that is taking place in HRD. • Human resource development is any process or activity that, eitherinitially or over the long term, has the potential to develop . . .work-based knowledge, expertise, productivity and satisfaction,whether for personal or group/team gain, or for the benefit of anorganization, community, nation, or, ultimately, the whole of humanity. • Organization development is any process or activity, based on thebehavioral sciences, that, either initially or over the long term, hasthe potential to develop in an organizational setting enhanced knowledge, expertise, productivity, satisfaction, income, interpersonal relationships, and other desired outcomes, whether for personal orgroup/team gain, or for the benefit of an organization, community,nation, region, or, ultimately, the whole of humanity.

  6. OD at the National Level • to include : • Penyerapan TK (employment), • Persiapan penyerapa TK (preparation for employment), • Pendidikan (education) • Kesehatan (health), • Budaya (culture), • Keselamatan (safety), • Komunitas (community), • Pariwisata (tourism),

  7. PO PADA LEVEL NASIONAL SEMAKIN PENTING KARENA • Kebanyakan negara memposisikan manusia sebagai sumberdaya utama. • Kerja pengembangan adalah faktor kritis bagi stabilitas lokal dan nasional. • Instrumen PO yaitu mekanisme pengembangan yang terintegrasi dan terkoordinasi dapat memutus lingkaran setan persoalan negara. • Dengan berkolaborasi dengan profesional lain, instrumen PO berpotensi untuk memperbaki kualitas hidup masyarakat. • Kebutuhan untuk ber kooptasi. • Negara-negara maju kekurangan TK berpotensi, sementara negara sedang berkembang memiliki TK berpotensi; memerlukan koordinasi antara agen pemerintah dan industri lintas negara. • Teknologi yang berubah sangat dinamis menuntut peningkatan ketrampilan semua orang

  8. Proses yang dilakukan pada level nasional • Melakukan debat dan mendiskusikan berbagai isu untuk: • mendiagnosa kemungkinan adanya kesalahan pada sistem berikut : • pendidikan, • ekonomi, • sosial, • budaya, • dan pengembangan SDM. • menindaklanjuti isu-isu yang sudah dianalisis. • Menunjuk komite ahli; mengadakan seminar dan konferensi; munculkan isu-isu untuk diperdebatkan, didiskusikan. Sistem nasional didisain dan dibangun melalui proses kontroversial yang panjang. Kebijakan yang berkembang seringkali dipengaruhi oleh dinamika kekuasaan dari kementrian yang berbeda dan kompleksitas dan dimensi setiap negara.

  9. Five models for national development • Centralized • Transitional • Government initiated • Decentralized • Free market • Small nation (dalam praktek, tidak ada model yang betul-betul murni spt diklasifikasi di atas).

  10. Centralized Model • The state is responsible for providing education andtraining • Top-down approach from the central government to: • Local governments • Private enterprises • Agencies • The central government plays a critical role in • planning, • implementing • assessing development policies and strategies • Contoh : Chinese model (yang, zhang, & zhang, 2004)

  11. Transitional Model • Multidepartmental approach. • This model applies to countries under transition from the centralizedmodel to a government-initiated or decentralized model. • Developmentpolicy is featured in the tripartite approach drawing on employers,unions, and the government. • The tripartite relationship ensures thatthere is agreement over the strategies and the necessary steps for implementingdevelopment policies. • The Majorrole emphasized fornational development policy is on coordination. • Development policies are typically promulgated (disebarluaskan) by different ministries, such as the Ministry of Industry andResources, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Informationand Communication, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Labor. • Contoh : • Korea, this coordination occurs through the office of the Vice-Prime Minister of Education and HRD. • India : The concept of national development policy in India (Rao, 2004),through the Ministry of HRD.

  12. Government-Initiated Model toward Standardization Salah satu contoh negara yang menggunakan pendekatan inisiatif pemerintah adalah Inggris; • Kebijakan pembangunan nasional nationalnya dpt dilihat sebagai pengerahan pengaruh terhadap bekas teritori jajahannya. • Pendekatan utama dikonsultasikan dan didasarkan pada pandangan stakeholder ekonomi dan SDM • Kompetensi TK dikendalikan oleh National Occupational Standards and Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks yang dikelola oleh Sector Skills Councils. • Learning and Skill Council, which is composedof representatives from employers, learning providers, and communitygroups working to provide human resource developmentservices to satisfy local needs, plans and funds all post-16 educationother than the university sector. • Investor in People (IIP) awards haveattracted interest from corporate sectors and have placed the functionof developing people on the agenda of large corporations, though itdoes not easily meet the needs of small to medium-sized enterprises. • The general move in the development of people in the U.K. is towardstandardization, which risks a unitary approach (Lee, 2004). • South Africa (Lynham & Cunningham, 2004), Australia, and otherformer British territories have followed the U.K. model to a largeextent, though some components, such as Investor in People, are notdesigned and implemented in the current systems. • Standardization isaccomplished in many of these countries through National VocationalQualifications (NVQs), in which competencies are specified for differentlevels of education and expertise.

  13. Decentralized/Free Market Model • Kekuatan utama yang mendorong upaya pembangunan berasal dari pasar yang kompetitif. • Pembangunan manusia umumnya dipandang sebagai aktifitas level enterprise. • The private sector ismostly responsible for education and training, although the state supportsthe private sector in an indirect way. • This model is based on a firm individualistic value in whichindividuals are responsible for their own learning and growth. • TheCanadian model (Cooper, 2004) fits this category as, presumably, doesthe model present in the United States.

  14. Small Nation Models • Because more than 190 countries currently belong to the UnitedNations, it is important to consider this model as, by far, the majorityof nations in the world fit into the small nation category. • Small countriesmay need to take different approaches toward development, oftenin cooperation with other small nations in their region. • Nationsin the Pacific Islands cooperating (Bartlett & Rodgers, 2004),just as St. Lucia cooperates with other small countries in the Caribbean(Scotland, 2004). • The model is a difficult one for countries to participatein because, on the one hand, the countries are in competition witheach other, especially in the tourism industry, while, on the other hand,they need to cooperate to gain the benefit of pooling resources. • This is aperfect example of the concept of coopetition in which small nations,such as those in the Caribbean, must both cooperate in marketing togain more tourists to the area and still compete so tourists will choose one specific island. • Another characteristic of the small nation model is the participativeprocesses that are possible. Because the nations are small, it is not difficultto get people together and to hear from every sector of the nation

  15. BARRIERS TO ESTABLISHING NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTPOLICIES BASED ON OD PRINCIPLES • The labor market is imperfect and unpredictable • Everyone tries to do the same thing. • Mobility of labor can upset the best of plans. • The desire to have freedom of choice may impede governmental action. • National development planning, to some people, sounds toomuch like communism, socialism, and centralized planning • Is national development planning simply camouflaging the old 5-year plans? • Serious social problems impede the national development in some countries.

  16. ATTRIBUTES OF EXCELLENT NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTPOLICY BASED ON OD PRINCIPLES • There is no one “right” way to create national development policy. • Approaches to developing national development policy providea shifting and differential balance between central, regional, and local planning. • National approaches to development policy planning must beflexible, allowing for quick responses to changes in theworldwide, regional, national, and local economies and labor markets. • When individuals lose jobs through no fault of their own,government policy must provide for training and retraining,education and reeducation, relocation, and compensation. • Excellent national policies for development will be nondiscriminatory,being designed for everyone, from birth to death

  17. ATTRIBUTES OF EXCELLENT NATIONAL DEVELOPMENTPOLICY BASED ON OD PRINCIPLES • Quality national policies for development will dynamically encourage rather than mandate. • There will be a clear statement of mission for governmentagencies, to eliminate any duplication of government services. • The creation of national development policies will use ODprinciples to emphasize coopetition with other countries in theregion, and perhaps even with any country willing to partner. • The role of the political system will be well defined. • Leadership for excellent national development policy creation will be interdisciplinary. Leadership will consist of the very best minds available. • Excellent national development policies must be flexible while remaining visionary. • It will not be constrained by the culture of the country, while still considering country culture.

  18. National development policy will be heavily biased towardresearch and theory, while remaining thoroughly practical. • Evaluations will include both qualitative and quantitative measures. • Objectives will be established based on the capabilities of thenew, envisioned system, not just on wishes, desires, and needs. • Budgets to support national development will increase dramaticallyannually, gradually replacing social welfare anddefense budgets. • Tax incentives may encourage the use of quality OD processesin the development of people and organizational cultures,though the entire issue of funding is a difficult one. • Work–life balance will be encouraged with family-friendlypolicies.

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