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KAEDAH PENGAWALAN BAHAYA PEKERJAAN. Kawalan kejuruteraan (engineering control) Kawalan pentadbiran (administrative control) Kawalan peralatan keselamatan persendirian. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf. KAEDAH PENGAWALAN BAHAYA PEKERJAAN – Kejuruteraan.

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  1. KAEDAH PENGAWALAN BAHAYA PEKERJAAN • Kawalan kejuruteraan (engineering control) • Kawalan pentadbiran (administrative control) • Kawalan peralatan keselamatan persendirian Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  2. KAEDAH PENGAWALAN BAHAYA PEKERJAAN – Kejuruteraan • Penyingkiran/pengurangan kesan bahaya—Merekabentuk kemudahan, peralatan atau proses bagi menghilangkan bahaya, atau menggantikan proses, peralatan, bahan, serta faktor2 lain bagi mengurangkan bahaya asal; • Memagari bahaya dengan menggunakan bekas pemagar, penebat bunyi bising dari peralatan, kaedah2 lain; • Pengasingan bahay menggunakan peralatan atau perisai, ‘machine guards’, ‘blast shields’, ‘welding curtains’, atau yang lain; dan • Penyingkiran atau pengalih-arah bagi bahaya seperti penggunaan ‘local’ dan ‘exhaust ventilation’. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  3. KAEDAH PENGAWALAN BAHAYA PEKERJAAN – Pentabdiran • Prosedur operasi, permit kerja selamat, dan amalan kerja selamat yang di bentuk dan diamalkan; • Had masa terdedah (dalam kasus bahaya akibat pendedahan kepada kawalan suhu yang terlampau dan juga bahaya ergonomik); • Pemantauan penggunaan bahan2 yang amat bahaya; • Penggunaan alat penggera (Alarm), tanda2 keselamatan dan amaran; • Sistem ‘Buddy’ (kerja berpasangan); dan • Latihan berterusan. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  4. KAEDAH PENGAWALAN BAHAYA PEKERJAAN – Peralatan Keselamatan Persendirian (PKP) • Peralatan Keselamatan Peribadi —seperti ‘respirators’, ‘hearing protection’,’ protective clothing’, ‘safety glasses’, dan ‘hardhats’ — diterima-pakai sebagai kaedah pengawalan dalam keadaan seperti: • Apabila langkah pengawalan kejuruteraan tidak ‘feasible’ atau bila gagal menyingkirkan bahaya; • Semasa kaedah pengawalan kejuruteraan sedang dikembangkan; • Apabila amalan kerja selamat masih belum menyediakan perlindungan yang mencukupi; dan • Bila kecemasan iaitu bila kaedah kawalan kejuruteraan tidak boleh digunakan. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  5. CONTOH BORANG ANALISISBAHAYA PEKERJAAN Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  6. Bagaimana Nak Buat? • Penglibatan Semua, • Tinjau sejarah kecelakaan silam, • Laksanakan kajian awal bahaya pekerjaan, • Senaraikan, ‘rank’ dan pastikan keutamaan kepada kerja-kerja berdasarkan tingkat bahaya, • Catitkan tata-kerja bagi kerja bahaya yang cuba dielakkan (diselesaikan) Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  7. Menganalisis Bahaya Pekerjaan Menganalisis bahaya umpama melakukan kerja penyiasatan bertujuan untuk memastikan: • Apakah keburukan / kesilapan yang mungkin berlaku? • Apakah kesan kesilapan tersebut? • Bagaimana ia berlaku? • Adakah punca-punca penyebab lain? • Apakah kemungkinan ia akan berlaku? Besar, kecil? Senario bahaya yang baik menjelaskan: • Tempat dan suasana kejadian (environment), • Kepada siapa dan apakah yang terjadi (exposure), • Apa yang menyebabkan kecelakaan (trigger), • Kesan dari kecelakaan berlaku (consequence), dan • Faktor penyebab yang lain. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  8. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 1 In the metal shop (environment), while clearing a snag (trigger), a worker’s hand (exposure) comes into contact with a rotating pulley. It pulls hishand into the machine and severs his fingers (consequences) quickly. What can go wrong? • The worker’s hand could come into contact with a rotating object that “catches” it and pulls it into the machine. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  9. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 1 What are the consequences? • The worker could receive a severe injury and lose fingers and hands. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  10. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 1 How could it happen? • The accident could happen as a result of the worker trying to clear a snag during operations or as part of a maintenance activity while the pulley is operating. Obviously, this hazard scenario could not occur if the pulley is not rotating. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  11. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 1 What are other contributing factors? • This hazard occurs very quickly. It does not give the worker much opportunity to recover or prevent it once his hand comes into contact with the pulley. This is an important factor, because it helps you determine the severity and likelihood of an accident when selecting appropriate hazard controls. Unfortunately, experience has shown that training is not very effective in hazard control when triggering events happen quickly because humans can react only so quickly. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  12. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 1 How likely is it that the hazard will occur? • This determination requires some judgment. If there have been “near-misses” or actual cases, then the likelihood of a recurrence would be considered high. If the pulley is exposed and easily accessible, that also is a consideration. In the example, the likelihood that the hazard will occur is high because there is no guard preventing contact, and the operation is performed while the machine is running. By following the steps in this example, you can organize your hazard analysis activities. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  13. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 2 Tata kerja mengisar Besi Tuangan: • 1. Hulur tangan ke kotak penyimpan dikanan pengisar, ambil besi, dan halakan ke arah mesin kisar. • 2. Tekankan besi kepada roda pengisar bagi menghilangkan ‘burr’. • 3. Tempatkan besi yang telah dikerjakan ke kotak barang siap di kiri mesin pengisar. Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  14. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 2 Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  15. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 2 Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  16. Menganalisis Bahaya PekerjaanContoh Kes 2 Sumber : http://www.osha.gov/Publications/osha3071.pdf

  17. Sumber : http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg163.pdf

  18. SAMPLE CHECKLIST University of New South Wales (UNSW) Workplace OHS Inspection Checklist for OHS Committees document Sumber : http://www.riskman.unsw.edu.au/ohs/Forms/chklst_Workplace_OHS%20Inspection.doc

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