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Education in Afghanistan.

Education in Afghanistan. . By: Sidney Simpson. Literacy Rate. Literacy definition: anyone 15 or older with the ability to read or write. Literacy rate for males is 39%. For females its 13%. Only recently have women been “free” to attend school.

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Education in Afghanistan.

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  1. Education in Afghanistan. By: Sidney Simpson

  2. Literacy Rate • Literacy definition: anyone 15 or older with the ability to read or write. • Literacy rate for males is 39%. • For females its 13%.

  3. Only recently have women been “free” to attend school. • Only about 30% of girls who enter school will reach grade 5

  4. Primary School • Primary school is for ages 7-13 • 68% of students drop out by the end of primary school. • Primary School last for 6 years.

  5. Secondary School (Middle School) • 6 years as well. • Split into 2 cycles. • Both cycles are 3 years long. • First cycle is made up of grades 7-9 (middle school) • At the end of 9th grade the students take an exam.

  6. Secondary School (cont.) • The second cycle is from grades 10-12 (high school). • At the end of secondary school, students take a Baccalaureate (educational qualification).

  7. Secondary School (cont.) • Technical Education is offered in both cycles in courses like Commerce, applied art, teacher training, etc. • Taking Technical Education courses can lead students into a baccalaureate level qualification.

  8. Near Future Edu. • In the near future the schools might have 8 years for the general basics and 4 years of secondary education.

  9. Higher Education • Higher education was forbidden to women until February 2002 when women were allowed to enter a higher education university.

  10. Grading Scale • 86-100-Alaa(Excellent-A) • 66-85.99-Aali(Good-B) • 50-65.99-Knoob (Satisfactory-C)

  11. Teacher Training • Pre-Primary and Primary SChool -Only 2 years in Teacher Training Colleges on completion of secondary school.

  12. Work Cited • "Afghanistan : Education." BRAC-. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct. 2012. <http://www.brac.net/content/afghanistan-education>. • "Afghanistan: Background." Unigei.org. Unigei, n.d. Web. Oct. 2012. <http://www.ungei.org/infobycountry/afghanistan.html>. • "Factsheet." Unicef.org. Unicef, Nov. 2011. Web. Oct. 2012. <http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/files/ACO_Education_Factsheet_-_November_2011_.pdf> • "International Guild of Hospitality & Restaurant Managers." Afghanistan. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct. 2012. <http://www.hospitalityguild.com/Education/School_Systems/afghanistan.htm>. • "Grading System in Afghanistan." Afghanistan Grading System. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct. 2012. <http://www.classbase.com/Countries/Afghanistan/Grading-System>.

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