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Character Development in Thor: Analyzing Plot and Narrative Sequences

Explore the plot and narrative structure of the movie Thor, focusing on character interactions and development. Understand the chronological order of events to grasp character motivations. Dive into key characters like Odin, Frost Giants, Jane Foster, Erik, Darcy. Enhance your reading exam skills by organizing events in logical order. Unravel why the director chose to show Thor on Earth first before diving into other aspects.

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Character Development in Thor: Analyzing Plot and Narrative Sequences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Plot and Narrative

  2. Characters in Thor Odin

  3. Characters in Thor Thor

  4. Characters in Thor The Frost Giants

  5. Characters in Thor Jane Foster

  6. Characters in Thor Erik

  7. Characters in Thor Darcy

  8. Complete the table as you watch

  9. Answers

  10. The important point: Although you see this first… …it happens after this.

  11. Narrative The first column is the narrative; the order of events in a story e.g.: We see Thor arrive on Earth We see Thor fight the Frost Giants We see Odin send Thor to Earth

  12. Plot / Chronological order This is the “real” order of events; knowing the plot helps us understand why characters behave in certain ways, e.g.: Thor fights the Frost Giants Odin sends him to Earth (because he’s angry) Thor arrives on Earth

  13. DSE In the reading exam, you might be asked a question like this: “Put the following events in order” They usually want you to work out the plot of what you have read.

  14. Why did the director of the film want us to see Thor on Earth before we saw anything else?

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