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Outline. 1. OBJECTIVES2. METHODOLOGY and SCOPE3. RESULTS4. BENCHMARKING5. CONCLUSIONS, ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 2. OBJECTIVES. The aim of this study was to analyse European Commission (EC) Framework 7 (FP7) Nanoelectronics and other EC-funded R
1. Analysis of Effectiveness of EU Nanoelectronics R&D Programmes in Developing Supply Chains
Presentation to DG/INFSO
Dr Neil Adams and Prof Chris Pickering
Partners – Innovation Bridge Consulting
October 2011 1
2. Outline 1. OBJECTIVES
3. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to analyse European Commission (EC) Framework 7 (FP7) Nanoelectronics and other EC-funded R&D projects (e.g. EUREKA, JTIs) contracted in 2007-2010
to identify the quality of the emerging supply chains that are being created
to benchmark them against existing Nanoelectronics industry supply chains and how the industry involvement compares with other collaborative R&D programmes in other market sectors, e.g. automotive
to identify options for enabling and increasing effective co-operation across the supply chain by changes to EC funding rules and instruments.
4. METHODOLOGY OVERVIEW Focused on FP7 and other Nanoelectronics programmes (JTI/JUs, EUREKA)
Looked at Nanoelectronics projects contracted in 2007-2011, underway or completed
Looked across full range of Programmes and Instruments
FP7 PEOPLE: Marie-Curie
FP7 CAPACITIES: Research for SMEs, etc
FP7 IDEAS: European Research Council
Analysed participation in EU Nanoelectronics collaborative projects by Partner and Supply Chain Position, Project Type, etc
Compared participation by key players in the Nanoelectronics market for their appropriate supply chain position in the different Project Types, benchmarked against Automotive supply chains
Analysed supply chain linkages within and between projects 4
5. SCOPE OF PROJECTS CONSIDERED All projects funded by the Nanoelectronics Unit of DG/INFSO
Projects funded by the Microsystems Unit of DG/INFSO which included integration with micro-electronics (excluding stand-alone MEMS projects for example)
Projects funded by other DG/INFSO Units in the ICT programme and by DG/RES in the NMP Programme, which included integration with micro-electronics, e.g. in application-related Challenges and FET, but excluding embedded systems architecture-related projects
Photonics projects were included when the photonic system was integrated on CMOS, for example, but excluded when they were focused on discrete photonic components such as lasers
Organic electronics and OLAE were mostly excluded as the technology is relatively immature and dimensions/integration densities, etc are not at the nanoelectronics scale
All projects funded by ENIAC
All projects funded by CATRENE and Phase 2 MEDEA+ projects
Projects related to Nanoelectronics and integration with Microelectronics in other EU programmes including Capacities (Research for SMEs and Research Potential of Converging Regions), People (Marie-Curie IAPP) and European Research Council (Advanced Investigator).
The study only used publicly available data on EU Programmes and Projects e.g. from CORDIS
6. Breakdown of EU Nanoelectronics Collaborative projects by programme (2007-2011) 6
7. Breakdown of EU Nanoelectronics Collaborative projects by funding (2007-2011) 7
8. Project Type Breakdown used in Analysis 8
9. Supply Chain positions and Organisation types used in Analysis 9
10. Top Participants in FP7-only Nanoelectronics Projects 10
11. Top Participants in all EU Nanoelectronics Projects 11
12. Strength of Partner involvement in EU Nanoelectronics Collaborative Projects 12
13. Involvement of Major Supply Chain Players(a) Equipment & Material Suppliers 13
14. Involvement of Major Supply Chain Players(b) Design houses and tool suppliers 14
15. Involvement of Major Supply Chain Players(c) IDMs and Foundries 15
16. Involvement of Major Supply Chain Players(d) Electronic Contract Manufacturers 16
17. Involvement of Major Supply Chain Players(e) OEMs 17
18. Influence of Research Institutes on Industry Supply Chain Players As Industry participates more in the EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes than FP7 (examples include IDMs such as Lfoundry and On Semiconductor and OEMs such as Gemalto and Philips) the EU relies on technology transfer partnerships in non-FP7 instruments to transfer expertise developed in FP7 projects to such companies
e.g. through Research Institutes involved in both FP7 and EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes such as CEA (rather than those that focus more on FP7 such as EPFL, UCC, UK Universities) 18
19. How well are the major market players involved in FP7 Nanoelectronics projects? Major players here are defined as those who are prominent in current manufacturing supply chains (taken from EC reports, e.g. ICT MAN study):
Design Companies: CADENCE, PHOENIX, SYNOPSYS (4)
20. Linkages between major Industry players in FP7 projects 20
21. Example Supply Chain in STREP: E-STARS 21
22. Example Supply Chain in Integrated Project: NANOPACK 22
23. Comparison of estimated funding levels (2007-2010) Funding reflects maturity and nature of the different market sectors
Automotive and Aerospace are mature and R&D programmes are driven by leading industry players, with significant OEM Private Venture (PV) funding investment. EU investment is focused on specific themes reflecting societal needs such as low carbon transport, more efficient vehicles.
Security market is fragmented and it can be difficult to justify industry Private Venture funding investment. Hence R&D programmes tend to be driven by national government requirements and funding.
Nanoelectronics market is relatively immature but rapidly growing. Hence the need for significant national and EU investment in R&D. 23
24. Benchmarking Major Nanoelectronics Supply Chain Player Involvement with Automotive FP7 Projects – (a) OEMs 24
25. Benchmarking Major Nanoelectronics Supply Chain Player Involvement with Automotive FP7 Projects – (b) Tier 1s 25
26. Benchmarking Major Nanoelectronics Supply Chain Player Involvement with Automotive FP7 Projects – (c) Research Institutes 26
27. Comparison of Nanoelectronics and Automotive emerging supply chains in EC R&D projects The higher level of involvement of OEMs and lower level of involvement of key Research Institutes in the Automotive FP7 Programme compared to the Nanoelectronics FP7 Programme is consistent with the higher automotive focus on application projects driven by top-down OEM requirements.
The Nanoelectronics FP7 projects are more driven by Research Institutes and IDMs.
Concerns have been expressed by the EC and some major OEMs that the automotive supply chains are too rigid and there are major barriers to increasing SME involvement and getting SME innovations into OEM supply chains.
There is a complex ‘long tail’ of niche companies involved in one or two FP7 Nanoelectronics projects, with key roles in some of the emerging supply chains being formed.
SMEs appear to be key players here, particularly in Design and Equipment, but the publicly available data used in the study does not identify SMEs and therefore it was not possible to analyse the effects of the programme on SMEs
This gives an opportunity for FP7 to support value-adding Nanoelectronics collaborative links between SMEs and other supply chain partners that is less evident in the automotive domain.
28. Comparison of SME funding instrument projects in Automotive and Nanoelectronics (from 2007-2010) Significantly more automotive projects have been contracted using EU funding instruments specifically aimed at innovative SMEs than for Nanoelectronics.
Are support measures for innovative Nanoelectronics SMEs sufficiently covered by the main FP7 Cooperation Programme?
There are a few Nanoelectronics Equipment projects that involve SMEs and Research Institutes working together in partnership e.g. SEAL, but these are collaborative R&D projects with SMEs performing R&D rather than having R&D performed on their behalf (as in the Capacities/ Research for SMEs Programme).
29. The report:
Summarises the conclusions and issues raised by the analysis for each part of the supply chain:
Product/system suppliers
Sub-system providers (including EMS), Integrated Device Manufacturers (including Fabless) and Foundries
Design Houses and Design Tool Suppliers
Processing and Metrology Equipment Manufacturers and Materials Suppliers
Research institutes and Universities
Suggests recommendations that follow from the analysis Conclusions, Issues and Recommendations 29
30. Conclusions
Market-leading OEMs are involved in FP7 in line with the numbers of ‘Application’ projects being funded, but there are surprising gaps, e.g. Nokia, Philips.
The pull-through to market of know-how being developed in FP7, e.g. by Research Institutes, relies on the linkage with the EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes. This is a problem as certain Member States are only slightly or not at all represented.
How can the output of FP7 projects be made available to other OEMs who do not currently participate?
1) The FP7 Nanoelectronics Programme should be integrated as closely as possible with ENIAC and CATRENE
2) Consider mechanisms to provide funding for key participants from key MS with limited involvement in ENIAC and/or CATRENE, e.g. ARM.
3) Simpler rules for participation should be considered such as a reduced number of partners (2-3), which would reduce bureaucracy and allay fears of IP leakage in large consortia.
4) Consider specific programmes aimed at strategically important societal problems with 100% funding and/or payment on deliverables (cf. ESA, DARPA).
Product/ system suppliers – Conclusions and Recommendations 30
31. Conclusions
Major Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) companies are not involved, although there are many SMEs involved in PAT that are present in single projects only. Also, IDMs may be doing R&D on this in-house.
Major EU IDMs participate far less in FP7 than EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes – especially important for More than Moore.
STM and Infineon dominate participation, others are less visible.
‘Fabless’ design companies not visible – lack of major EU market players (not in world Top 10).
One issue is lack of UK industry involvement (including fabless) in FP7 and Joint Programmes.
5) Consider specific Industry-only project calls for strategic topics.
6) Consider incentives used by the UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB), which could encourage Industry involvement in FP7. For example:
Limit Research Institutes to no more than 30% of project funding
Disallow Research Institute participation without a national Industry partner.
7) Consider mandating use of EU manufacturing facilities or technology transfer to EU product suppliers.
8) Consider mandating particular types of participants (e.g. IDMs) in selected FP7 projects
Sub-system providers (including EMS), Integrated Device Manufacturers (including Fabless) and Foundries – Conclusions and Issues to address 31
32. Conclusions
Major design companies low involvement in FP7 and EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes reflects fragmented market and higher involvement of Electronic Design Automation (EDA) SMEs. SME role is especially important here.
How can the SMEs in this part of the supply chain, many of which participate in only 1 or 2 FP7 projects over 3-4 years, be supported to have a more sustainable presence?
9/10) Improve access of SMEs (e.g. EDA and PAT) to FP7 programmes by use of SME-specific measures
Design Houses and Design Tool Suppliers – Conclusions and Recommendations 32
33. Conclusions
There are a low number of Equipment projects in the FP7-only programme so Equipment companies are more involved in EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes.
There may be equipment development embedded in ‘Integration’ focused projects.
There is low consumption in EU and the large export market in US/ Asia is difficult for SMEs to access.
How can SMEs be helped to develop innovative equipment solutions with a view to these being taken up by fabs in the EU and beyond?
11) Consider developing a new instrument to support bilateral assessment between equipment suppliers and users, building on the successful elements of the old Semiconductor Equipment Assessment (SEA) initiative, to encourage manufacturing-driven innovations and links between researchers, SMEs and fabs.
Cost is a significant barrier to implementing the same model as before, but there could be scope for a more creative approach if cost sharing is approached more flexibly, e.g. focusing the support funding on the prototype equipment
12) Develop joint international programmes with key export market areas such as US, Far East focused on Equipment and take-up by end-users.
For example, a joint EU-US SEA Initiative including US fabs based in EU, may encourage take-up and potential export of EU equipment to their main fabs in US.
Processing and Metrology Equipment Manufacturers and Materials Suppliers - Conclusions and Recommendations 33
34. Conclusions
Research Institutes are well engaged in FP7 but there are important Institutes, e.g. UK universities, EFPL, etc that are far more involved in FP7 than the EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes where major Industry players are more involved.
13) The FP7 Nanoelectronics Programme should be integrated as closely as possible with ENIAC and CATRENE (this is Recommendation 1).
Research Institutes and Universities - Conclusions and Recommendations 34
35. Conclusions
In FP7-only Nanoelectronics projects there are only a few examples with major players (e.g. OEMs, IDMs, equipment suppliers) covering the complete supply chain.
Major players need to access innovations developed by small companies and bring them rapidly into their supply chains
SME involvement is especially important for PAT, Design and Equipment but involvement in FP7 is through a large number of small companies participating in one or at most two projects. It is not clear how well these companies are linked with the major IDMs and OEMs or supported by FP7.
Nanoelectronics SMEs are not significantly involved in EU pan-thematic support measures targeted at small companies, such as Research for SMEs or EUROSTARS
There is only limited involvement of US-owned companies in EU programmes.
Should this be increased. If so, how can jobs/ technology/ profits be kept in the EU?
IP is an inhibiting issue from US company perspective.
There is limited UK Industry involvement in FP7 and EUREKA/ENIAC Programmes. UK Universities are involved, but there is therefore a lack of local Technology Transfer in EU Programmes.
Cross-supply chain Conclusions 35
36. 14) Consider mandating participants covering key parts of the supply chain. E.g. to encourage major players, IDMs, OEMs, etc to collaborate across the supply chain with, e.g. equipment, design, packaging suppliers?
15) Increase flexibility in existing collaborative projects to bring in new partners rapidly and with minimum bureaucracy.
16) The Nanoelectronics programme should consider introducing specific SME support measures, as implemented by other FP7 themes, e.g. NMP, Security and national funding schemes, such as:
SME topics mandating 50% of funding to SMEs and/or an SME Coordinator
UK TSB ‘Grant for R&D’ scheme (Proof of Market/ Proof of Development) especially useful for micro/small companies
UK-like Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) calls providing 100% funding for small consortia (1 or 2 partners) addressing societal problems, building on lessons from the US Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Programme
Cross-supply chain Recommendations 36
37. TSB Support for SMEs: Grants for R&D 37