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Macro-regions a new test of the integrated approach

Macro-regions a new test of the integrated approach. territorial cohesion: improving policy coherence on the ground. What is a macro-region?. an area including territory from a number of different countries or regions associated with one or more common features or challenges

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Macro-regions a new test of the integrated approach

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  1. Macro-regions a new test of the integrated approach territorial cohesion: improving policy coherence on the ground

  2. What is a macro-region? an area including territory from a number of different countries or regions associated with one or more common features or challenges • Geographic features (sea, river) • Historic-cultural-social features? (former empires, language groups …) • Functional features (ports, capital cities, research poles)

  3. What is a macro-region? Working definition: an area including territory from a number of different countries or regions linked by a geographic feature and associated with one or more common challenges

  4. What is a macro-regional strategy? An integrated framework that allows the European Union and Member States to identify needs and allocate available resources thus enabling the region to enjoy a sustainable environment and optimal economic and social development

  5. Key elements • Common challenge(s) • Recognised as trans-boundary • Resist conventional solutions • Common commitment • Support for action at all levels and in all locations • Mutual trust • Cannot work if each party is bargaining at all times

  6. Possible scope • Territorial cooperation • Cross-border • Transnational • … but also much wider • Major infrastructure • Social-cultural • Safety and security • …

  7. Limits • Strategy for the macro-region • Actions for the macro-region • Not just relabeling local initiatives • … A three level test: • What MUST be done • What SHOULD be done • What CAN be done

  8. Without an integrated approach • Problems can be easily identified • E.g. environmental state of the Sea • A structure is created to address them • E.g. HELCOM for the Baltic Sea • But its actions are unimplemented or ineffective • Key actors (e.g. farmers, fisheries) not involved

  9. With an integrated approach • Problems are cross-referenced across sectors • environmental issues linked to security or economic progress • Motivated high-level commitment thanks to advantages to all • Investment in water treatment ‘compensated’ by access to innovation skills • Genuinely multi-faceted issues can be addressed • Navigation linked to flood-prevention linked to biotope conservation

  10. Does it work? • A lot of work to set up • Intensive consultation during preparation • Identification and support of implementers • Frequent meetings in early stages • Many partners to keep involved • Multi-level • Multi-regional • Multi-sectoral

  11. And the result … • Fruit is still growing • Money from different funds allocated in line with strategy • Projects being worked up in different sectors • First Structural Funds annual implementation reports arriving now – special section on EUSBSR • But some is ripening nicely • BSR Stars (innovation networks for SMEs) • Bonus-169 (common research projects) • Baltic Deal (best practices in agriculture) • Baltic Transport Outlook (TEN-T pilot)

  12. To find out more Visit the Annual Forum • Tallinn 14-15 October 2010 • Join 500 partners from every sector and field • Registration opens 15 July: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/cooperation/baltic/events_en.htm

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