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EMI Project Status NA1 Status

EMI Project Status NA1 Status. Alberto Di Meglio, Florida Estrella (CERN ) Balazs Konya (LU). Outline. Project Status NA1 Status AH Meeting Goals. Outline. Project Status NA1 Status AH Meeting Goals. Project Status. All partners have succesfully started their planned activities

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EMI Project Status NA1 Status

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  1. EMI Project StatusNA1 Status Alberto Di Meglio, Florida Estrella (CERN) Balazs Konya (LU)

  2. Outline • Project Status • NA1 Status • AH Meeting Goals EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  3. Outline • Project Status • NA1 Status • AH Meeting Goals EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  4. Project Status • All partners have succesfully started their planned activities • Two exceptions • GRNET consortium members commitment still unclear • Some other partners still unable to report costs, although they are active in the project • Effort and budget for Q1 are in globally in line with expectation, although there are positive and negative peaks to be monitored • Data for Q2 still being collected, too soon to report EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  5. General activities • Internal and external collaboration channels have been largely established (PEB/PTB/WP meetings, regular meetings with other projects, task forces, etc) • Most procedures are in place, but it takes time to have a uniform widespread application • The overall project roadmap and the technical objectives have been defined • More work is needed on defining the details and a coherent planning across all activities leading to EMI 1 • Project members have collectively attended 14 different events in 6 month • More than 25 contributions presented (what about papers?) • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/EmiPublications EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  6. EMI Middleware Evolution Before EMI 3 years After EMI Applications Integrators, System Administrators Standard interfaces Specialized services, commercial professional support Standard interfaces EMI Reference Services Standards,New technologies (clouds) Users and Infrastructure Requirements EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  7. Release Plan EMI Reference Services Start EMI 1 EMI 2 EMI 3 Major releases Supp. & Maint. Support & Maintenance Support & Maintenance Support & Maintenance 01/05/2010 30/04/2011 30/04/2012 28/02/2013 EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  8. Collaborations EGI, PRACE, WLCG,OSG, etc SLAs & Support Releases Requirements Standards Industry EMI ESFRI, VRCs Collaborations Collaborations DCI collaborations StratusLab VENUS-C EDGI SIENA IGE EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  9. DCI Collaboration • Going well… • EGI TCB established, started meeting in October • Definition of high-level requirements, software acceptance criteria, policies, etc • Contact points with IGE (?), EDGI, StratusLab and VENUS-C, SIENA established • Official contact channel into WLCG established (Management Board). However relationship between EGI and WLCG not totally clear • Technical plans being shared with technical experts of other projects to get additional feedback EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  10. Standardization Activities • Work in progress, but… • The goals and plans of the EMI standardization activities have to be better defined and shared • Lots of discussions in the last weeks • EMI members participate in internal and external standardization tasks, but not clear which is the right “hat” to wear in which occasion (am I talking for EMI? Am I talking for ARC/gLite/UNICORE/dCache? Am I just talking for myself?) • What is the objective we should achieve? • More on this later EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  11. Industrial relationships • Not going well… • The initial links with Google and RedHat have so far not materialized in any concrete activity • We should redouble out efforts in this task, we will be judged also on our capacity to establish industrial relationships • Possible ideas being explored (industrial incubation programs? Join forces with EGI or other projects? Ideas are welcome) EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  12. Deliverables and Milestones • Not going well… • Only 3 out of 23 deliverables have been submitted • Only 7 out of 18 milestones • The delays must be recovered as soon as possible • Can this be done before the end of the year (a month from now)? • More discussion on the status of individual deliverables and milestones during the WP sessions EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  13. Outline • Project Status • NA1 Status • AH Meeting Goals EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  14. NA1 Tasks • NA1.2 - Preparation of quarterly, yearly and final progress reports • The first Quarterly Report has been submitted, preparation of the second QR has started • NA1.3 - Preparation of cost statements and interim payments transfers • The first advance payment has been received by the Coordinator from the EC during this quarter and has been distributed to the project beneficiaries • NA1.4 – Management of the project deliverables QA process • The EMI PO has managed all procedures related to the deliverable/milestone process. Up-to-date information is available TWiki site (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/EMI/). EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  15. NA1 Tasks • NA1.5 - Establishment and maintenance of “service level agreement” relationships • First version of the DCI Collaboration Roadmap outlining the vision and collaboration opportunities among the six DCI projects. • MoUs are being prepared with other projects (EGI, D4Science, DECIDE, IGE, EDGI) • Dedicated contact points with each DCI projects have been nominated • EMI SLA Template (DNA1.2) is ready (pending final confirmation of internal reviewers) • NA1.6 - IPR and licensing policies management • No significant activity has been performed as part of this task. Survey started, but no actual discussion took place so far EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  16. NA1 Tasks • NA1.7 – Definition of the project technical management plan • The overall Project Technical Plan (DNA1.3.1) is ready (pending final approval of internal reviewers) and being shared with selected experts outside EMI. • The four Technical Area plans are also being reviewed or finalized (more in JRA1 session) • The Product Team list is being modified as necessary following new input and a better understanding of the situation (EMI service registry, the SAGA-SD-RAL and the EMI Messaging) • A EMI Requirements Management server has been set up and will be coordinated by the PTB EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  17. Outline • Project Status • NA1 Status • AH Meeting Goals EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  18. Shared Goals • We need a shared understanding of the project high-level goals • We are asked to provide working solutions to user problems • We have to do within a reasonable timeframe taking into account the user needs and the project duration • We have to do a high quality job • Anything else is a way to achieve these objectives, not an objective in itself • I’d like this to be our main guideline in EMI • We cannot afford doing something because we can • We have to do it because there is a problem and what we do is a good or better solution • We have to do it together EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  19. Planning • Planning is not easy, but it’s fundamental • Most of our deliverables are called ‘Plans’ for a reason, they have to describe not only the ‘what’, but also the ‘who’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ • This has been flagged as incomplete or missing from many documents and has been an almost recurring comment from the deliverable reviewers • Planning is not just about collecting information, it’s also about putting together that information, checking conflicts, filling gaps and giving back a plan compatible with the initial input and integrating all of it in a single vision • How can we fill these gaps? EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  20. Information and participation • Information has to be shared and used • This requires two sides • Someone providing the information • Someone listening and acting on that information • I can see gaps in both sides • There are many meetings and mailing lists, but the meetings are too much requests of information and not enough communication of decisions and plans • Attendance to a number of important meeting is low, the EMT in particular • What can we do? I’d like to understand what the problems are and how to solve them EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  21. Agenda http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=108375 • WP sessions • Short status presentation • More detailed presentation AND discussion of a few important topics • Technical Area sessions • Presentation and discussion on technical topics • Planning • Leave some time for discussions with SA1 and SA2, developing a fantastic piece of software will not be useful if it cannot be released in time as part of the EMI releases passing all necessary criteria EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  22. EMI Technical Conference • The 1st EMI Technical Conference will be co-hosted at the 1st EGI User Forum in Vilnius during the week of April 11th, 2011 • The contribution and participation of middleware experts (you) is required to provide technical presentations and animate the “meet the experts” tables https://www.egi.eu/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=207 EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  23. EMI Releases Codename Survey So far 104 visits, but only 40 submitted answers http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22BBF79BPVF Close Tuesday night at midnight EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  24. Next All Hands Meeting • We should have two AH per year • Next one tentatively scheduled for May 2011 • after EGI/EMI Conference, but before the 1st Review (around June 22nd) • Bids are welcome EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

  25. Thank you EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement INFSO-RI-261611 EMI All hands Meeting, Prague

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