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National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign 2013-14 Group – IV Interventions to increase Oilseed, Pulses production in different ecologies. 24 September 2013. Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Agro Climatic Zones in Madhya Pradesh.
National Conference on Agriculture forRabi Campaign 2013-14Group – IV Interventions to increase Oilseed, Pulses production in different ecologies 24 September 2013 Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Important Agriculture Statistics Agro climatic zones. - 11 Net Cultivable area – 150.75 lakh ha. Fallow land- 11.55 lakh ha. Area sown : Kharif - 118.59 lakh ha., Rabi – 104.32 lakh ha. Double cropped area - 72.16 lakh ha. Cropping intensity- 148 % Area under Irrigation – 36.5% , Rainfed - 63.5% No. of Holdings - 79.08 lakh, Holdings of Small & - 53.47 lakh (68%) Marginal farmers Area - 46.63 lakh ha (29.16%) Fertilizer consumption – 88.28 kg./Ha (2011-12) Power Consumption- 1.36 K.W/ha
Rabi Programme 1. (a) Area(Lakh ha.)
Rabi prospects 1. (b) Production(Lakh tonnes)
Rabi prospects 1. (C) Productivity(kg./ha.)
Erratic and uncertainrains , Cold wave/ frost & hail storm. Lack of water availability for irrigation. Lack of power supply during critical stages of crops. Low Seed replacement & imbalanced use of fertilizers. Deficiency of Micro nutrients, specially Zn. Difficulty in operation of vertisol. Problems of Wilt & root rots disease in chickpea & Lentil. Delayed sowing in Rice-Chickpea/Lentil, cropping System Rising temperature during grain formation period. Non availability of agricultural labour. Poor Farm Mechanization & Power consumption. High percentage of Small and Marginal farmers. Less purchasing capacity of farmers due to increasing cost of input. Non Availability of liquid bio fertilizer Reason of Low Productivity
Favourable conditions for Quality Pulse and Oilseed Production Looking to the heavy demand in Arab countries, Bold seeded export quality Lentil are being grown to augment yield . Gram and Lentil are more suitable for production in the rainfed areas of the state. Most pulse varieties released in the state are wilt resistant. KAK-2, JGK-3, Subhra are giving good return in comparison to bold seeded chickpea (dollar, local cultivar)
Policy initiatives by the State Formation of Agriculture Cabinet. Credit facility at 0 % interest to the farmer through cooperatives. Transfer of subsidy into the farmers' account. Advance lifting scheme of fertilizerfrom 1st Aug. to 15th Sep. to ensure adequate availability of fertilizers without any interest. 30% Top up subsidy for promoting irrigation by sprinklers. Promoting Bullock drawn and selected power drawn implements, providing 75% including 25% top up subsidy. Distribution of 12.30 lakh Soil health cards . Established 9 Seed and6 Fertilizer Testing Laboratories. Feeder separation to ensure 8 hours quality energy for agriculture. Fast completion of irrigation projects to harness maximum potential . RBC 6.4 Amended to help the farmers facing impact of natural calamities. Convergence with MGNREGA to energize in Kapildhara wells irrigation by providing Diesel/Electric pumps Creation of new storage facilities. Launching the revised food processing policy where the activities like collection, grading , packaging, waxing, storing & marketing brought under the definition of industry.
Strategies for enhancing Pulse and Oilseed Production Agronomic Practices Emphasis on 100%seed treatment with fungicide & Ammonium Molybdate (1g/kg in chickpea) . Production & distribution of quality seeds to increase SRR & VRR. Promoting the Resources Conservation Technologies (RCT) such as use of Zero Tillage Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill, Rotavator, Laser Land Leveler and furrow irrigated raised bed (FIRB) planting. Developing irrigation facilities to cover more area. Promotion of large scale Ridge Furrow in Soyberan and pulses. Promoting use of Sprinklers. Use of post emergence weedicides as per recommendation. Emphasis given on control measures for diseases, termites and rats. Encouraging line sowing in place of Broadcasting. Use of short duration varieties under Late sown condition Emphasis on water conservation, watershed management & sprinkler irrigation. Survey and surveillance for disease and insect pest. Diagnostic Team- Comprised of officials of State Department of Agriculture and Scientists.
Strategies for Seed Production • Strengthening of established 2313 Cooperative seed production societies to facilitate Beej Sangh. • Seed production programme of Pulses will increase by 20%. • Linking farmers to the seed production channel by providing the breeder, foundation & certified seed at subsidized rate. • Capacity building of the farmers by providing training. • Strengthening of seed certification agency by developing infrastructure, recruitment of additional staff and 4 Seed Testing Laboratories. • Developing storage, Transportation and Post harvest facilities. • Bonus for seed producer farmers. • Agriculture Credit (Cooperative Bank) • Year 2010-11 - 1903 crores • Year 2011-12 - 2817 crores • Year 2012-13 - 3659 crores • Year 2013-14T - 4200 crores
Irrigation A- Irrigation Department : • Actual irrigated Area under different irrigation project :- • 2009-10 - 08.03 lakh ha • 2010-11 - 08.90 lakh ha • 2011-12 - 16.34 lakh ha • 2012-13 - 20.20 lakh ha • 2013-14 T - 22.00 lakh ha • Minor irrigation project completed in year 2011-12 - 309 Nos. • Minor irrigation project completed in year 2012-13 - 201 Nos. • Potential created during 2012-13 - 1.26 Lakh ha. B- Narmada Valley Development Authority : • Total irrigation capacity (Till March 2013) -3.88 lakh ha • Irrigation project (Under Construction) - 10 Nos. C- Agriculture & Other Departmental Sources - 8.72 lakh ha
Drip Irrigation in Gram District - Burhanpur
Transfer of Technology (TOT) Innovative system for transfer of technology to 2.5 lakh farmers every year by covering 5000 farmers in each district in clusterapproach through joint mobilization of scientists of KVK & ATMA. Formation of Farmer's interest group to develop Farmers producer's organization for dissemination of technology, Seed production, Input arrangement and Marketing to increase production and productivity. To promote Pulses through Public Private Partnership in selected districts to achieve the production as well as value addition. Reform of Extension technologies through farm field school, training, demonstration, exchange programme through study tour, transfer of technology through Mobile SMS Developing every block office as Kisan Gyan Kendras todisseminate information to farmers free of cost through internet. Other activities: Field day, Kisan Sangosthi, Farmer's Scientist ineraction, Kisan Mela. Comunity Radio Station.
Status Regarding Agenda Issues Sufficient infrastructure of production in distribution of quality of seed is availaible . Seed rolling plan has been prepared Involvement of NSC, SFCI, KRIBHCO, IFFCO and state seed corporation are there. Involvement of village panchayats in transfer of technology of oilseeds and maize production through effective interface with KVKS, other public extension organizations and NGOS, private sector etc are there. Mass distribution of literature on improved genotypes and technology of oilseeds and maize production through effective interface with KVKS, other public extension organizations and NGOS, private sector are there. Use of media such as TV and radio for projecting the advantages of oilseeds and maize production, including potential of varieties/hybrids, are there. 32
Gram Cluster Demonstration District - Burhanpur
Rabi fallow area will be covered under pulse crops. Nearly 3.00 lakh ha. covered by rice will be utilized for chickpea and lentil cultivation. Introduction of moong and urd bean before and after mustard & chickpea in irrigated condition. Intercropping of chickpea with sugarcane & mustard. Introduction of chickpea after cotton. Promotion of chickpea, urd and pea as utera in rice. Preparation of district wise micro level action plan at the RAEO level for expanding the area of pulse and oilseed. Strategy for increasing area under Pulses & Oilseeds 34
Strategies for enhancing Pulse Production Farm Mechnaization • 139 villages have been developed as Yantradoot Villages where farmers are encouraged to adopt mechanized farming. • 917 custom hiring centers have been established to facilitate farmers with power drawn implements. Private entrepreneurs are being encouraged by providing subsidy up to Rs. 10 lakh for each center. 67 such centers have been established so far. • Unique program of deep ploughing has been started and subsidy of Rs. 1500/- per ha is provided to farmers. So far 3 lakh ha has been deep ploughed. • To facilitate timely land preparation in rabi after paddy, to save cost of land preparation and achieve batter pulverization, the rotavators are promoted. Every year about 5000 rotavators are being purchased by farmers and are saving about 30 to 50% of cost of land preparation . • In rice-Chickpea cropping pattern zero tillage seed cum fertilizer drill are promoted, through top-up subsidy of 25%, for timely sowing. • Spiral graders and seed treating drums will be provided in 20,000 villages.
Farm Mechanization in Yantradoot village Deep Ploughing Sangoshthi Raised-Bed Planter Spiral Grader Rotavator Raised-Bed Planting
Summer Mung Programme 2014 Achievement in the year 2012 (FFC) • Area Under Moong 0.22 Lakh ha. • Productivity 510 kg./ha. • Production 11220 MT Achievement in the year 2013 • Area Under Moong 1.35 Lakh hactare • Productivity 1116 Kg/Ha • Production (Estimated) 151000 MT Target in the year 2014 • Area Under Moong 3.00 Lakh hactare • Productivity 1265 Kg/Ha • Production 3.79 Lakh MT 39
SUMMER MUNG 43 Dist. Harda
Constraint And Strategies 1) WILT - C.O.-Fusarium oxysporium f. sp.ciceri. • At stage- Seedling to flowering • Symptom- sudden drooping of leaflets& branches • Seed &Soil Borne • Resistant Varieties: JG 315, JG 322, JG 74, JG 226, JG 130, JG 16, JG 11, JG 12, JG 14, JSC 37, JSC 55, JAKI 9218, Vijay, Vishal, Digvijay (Desi) JK 1, JGK 2, JGK 3 (Kabuli), JGG 1 (Gulabi.
ROOT ROTS • Dry root • C.O. – Rhizoctonia bataticola • At stage- Pod (temp. <30 degree C) • Symptom- plants straw colour appearance - root becomes brittle and broken easily • Collar root • C.O. – Sclerotium rolfsii • At stage- Seedling (upto 45 days) • Symptom- plants pulled very easily - mortality high in early sown crop - favoured by high moisture and temperature
Management Strategies • Deep ploughing in summer (May, June) • Crop rotation for minimum 3 years • Mild irrigation at the onset of disease. • Incorporation of Trichoderma viride @ 5kg/ ha multiplied on decomposed FYM. • Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride + Carboxin @4+1g/kg seed or Carbendazim+Thiram (1:2) @ 3g / kg seed • Intercropping-minimize wilt incidence (Chickpea + Linseed)
Helicoverpa - a menace in chickpea cultivation • Pest monitoring- Installation of pheromone trap • Trap Crop- Marigold (At borders) • Bird percher- 30-40/ ha • Intercropping – Coriander (10:1) • Spray of NSKE 5% NPV 250 LE/Indoxacarb 14.5 SC 500 ml/Emmamectin Benzoate 5% G 200 g/ha (Starting spray from flower initiation to pod development when 1-2 larvae/m length)