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PRESBYTERY OPEN SPACE SEPTEMBER 24, 2013. NCP EARTH CARE CONGREGATIONS. Why is Earth care a faithful practice? . Psalm 19: 1 Gen 2: 15 PCUSA Call Stewardship Preamble from the Earth Care Pledge . W -7.5003 Stewardship of Creation
Psalm 19:1 Gen 2:15 PCUSA Call Stewardship Preamble from the Earth Care Pledge
W-7.5003 Stewardship of Creation As stewards of God’s creation who hold the earth in trust, the people of God are called to a. use the earth’s resources responsibly without plundering, polluting, or destroying, b. develop technological methods and processes that work together with the earth’s environment to preserve and enhance life, c. produce and consume in ways that make available to all people what is sufficient for life, d. work for responsible attitudes and practices in procreation and reproduction, e. use and shape earth’s goods to create beauty, order, health, and peace in ways that reflect God’s love for all creatures. In gratitude for the gifts of creation, the faithful bring material goods to God in worship as a means of expressing praise, as a symbol of their self-offering, and as a token of their commitment to share earth’s goods. (W-2.5000; W-3.3507; W-5.5005; W-5.6000)
In 2011, Saint Mark began to have Alternate Transportation Sundays in May. Worship attendees are encouraged to walk, ride bikes, take public transportation, or car pool to church. We installed a bike rack too.
Site of our Farmer’s Market – new in 2013
Inside the renovated sanctuary at Saint Mark
Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church Kensington,MD
In 2007, it urged the following actions: a. Pray, asking for God’s forgiveness and for the power and guidance to enjoy and care for creation in new ways. b. Study energy sources, their advantages and disadvantages, and the impacts they have on human communities, all species, and the ecological systems that support life on Earth. c. Practice energy conservation as a form of thanksgiving and sharing by adjusting thermostats, walking, biking, carpooling, using mass transit, turning off lights and appliances, recycling, minimizing the use of plastic water bottles and other wasteful packaging, etc. d. Purchase energy-efficient appliances and fuel-efficient vehicles for use at home and at work. e. Purchase sustainably grown food and other products from local producers in order to reduce the energy associated with producing, and shipping goods. A Call to Environmental Action for All Presbyterians
f. Reduce consumption of meat because the production of grain fed to most livestock is fossil fuel-intensive and their waste emits methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas. g. Purchase Green-e certified energy and/or carbon offsets in the pursuit of a carbon-neutral lifestyle. Green-e certification ensures these payments result in additional installations of renewable energy generation capacity as well as verifiable and permanent environmental benefits. h. Invest personal funds in the renewable energy industry and also in companies that demonstrate concern for the well being of their workers, their communities, and the environment. i. Advocate for change and leadership within the church and in all forms of government regarding energy policy and global climate change. A Call to Environmental Action for All Presbyterians
Knox P. C., Fairfax, VA Providence P. C., Fairfax, VA Rockville United Church, MD Bradley Hills P. C., Bethesda, MD New Hope P. C., Derwood, MD Saint Mark P. C., Bethesda, MD Warner Memorial P. C., Kensington, MD Geneva P. C., Potomac, MD Chevy Chase P. C., DC Church of the Pilgrims, DC NCP Earth Care Congregations
Next Earth Care Network meeting: 11/23/13 at Bradley Hills or Warner Memorial
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